Mon 7 Apr, 2003 09:51 am
Lately, I've heard word that many top spring break spots have slowed down quite a bit. For
instance, a friend of mine just got back from Cancun, Mexico a couple of weeks ago, and
informed me they don't tolerate girls flashing their boobs in public anymore. I don't know
about you, frineds, but news like this brings a tear to my eye.
We need a new spring break hot-spot. Somewhere hot, somewhere big, like the size of
California, somewhere...HEY! We just captured Iraq. Just think of the possibilities, once
we convert it into Good Time Capital of the World...
-Wheelbarrel races through deserted minefields
-Naked college chicks participating in camel races
-Tequilla bodyshot competitions, winner gets one night free stay in an Odai torture
-Women flash faces from under veils to "earn beads" in Mardi Gras theme parties.
-"Girls Gone Wild in Iraq Volumes 1-10" comes out, breaks all sales records.
Think of all the space we have to turn into bars/nightclubs/hotels. Plus, we even have our
own airport, "Saddam Have No Good Time International Airport."
Start writing your letters to the President, friends. This is just the beginning...
Burqa beach volleyball.
Erotic camel sucking contests.
Put out the oil well fire parties.
Dinner at the MRE lounge.
Good times.
Odai's torture chamber seems the most adequate and deserving place for spring-breakers.
They can also play:
Plus think of the innovative club names they can come up with.
"Sarin's Have A Gas" nightclub.
"The Electric Chair"
"Public X-Ecution"
Don't forget the "Put 'Em On The I-Rack" Dominatrix dungeon..
The light show at the "Shock & Awe" Club would certainly be spectacular.
... and the girls of Lambda Lamdba Omicron Pi head to Baghdad for a b!tchin' good time!
Wonder if the Soldiers over there in IRAQ have a need to spend money yet?
I used to be whole-heartedly in favor of naked college girls, back forever ago when I was in college.
Our daughter will be going to college in about a year. I don't think I like the idea too much any more.
Strip club name: fertile crescent
Err, this would appear to be a description of Las Vegas. Not sure if the 'free' world is ready for another one...
really, a fertile crescent in Las Vegas? Well, the 'coalition' forces are now bombing the hell out of the original fertile crescent, so I guess it's a good thing we have a back up in LV.
You drink the taquilla with lemon and salt, have sex, smoke a camel, and it has to be with nikkid girls.

Slappy staggers in the bar-door, still half-drunk, camel footprints all over his body. 'Alright', he shouts, 'where's that nekid woman I gotta shoot?!".
Where's that hunchbacked beeyatch?
oil drenched t-shirt contests
Water drenched is plenty.....
I don't know about this fertile crescent thing.... you want it moist enough to make it easy to put the seed in, but not necessarily fertile, ya know? :wink: