Sturgis wrote:The United States (unless you mean to include Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Chile, etc. since they are also America) has already managed to develop the imperialistic attitudes so we might as well go for the full immersion into power.
The only way for the U.S. to become a full Imperial Empire though, is by placing a crown upon George W.'s head...let's do this now before it is too late.
No, I didn't mean to include all of North and South America. By 'America', I did mean the United States. You're right, of course, that the USA has had imperialistic attitudes since at least the mid-19th Century. What else was 'Manifest Destiny' all about if not imperialistic urges? This phase of our imperialism reached its apogee in 1898 when, first, we acquired Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines from Spain after a war that lasted barely a few months; and, secondly, Hawaii simply by overthrowing its legitimate monarchy and taking it over as a protectorate. (We graciously "gave" Cuba its independence almost immediately and finally loosened our hold on the Philippines following World War II. But the post-WW II era, of course, was a time when the word 'Colonialism' first acquired a pejorative connotation and we became more or less honor-bound to allow the Philippinos to govern themselves. We still 'own' Puerto Rico, and we keep a tight rein on it.) But this new resurgence of imperialism is a slightly different phenomenon, geared to the 21st, not the 19th or early 20th, century. We now have what amount to 'client states' a la the Soviet Union during the last century. There isn't any Platinum Curtain yet, but there is certainly a Western bloc, largely dependent on the good will of the USA.
I don't think George Bush needs a crown, nor would he accept one. That is sooo Elizabethan and/or Victorian era. All he needs is a mandate from Congress to circumvent the Constitutional limits on presidential terms. Even failing that, the Bush family and its gang of multinational CEOs could continue to rule, as long as their party stays in power. As DrewDad has rightly pointed out, the degradation of the rights of citizens is a characteristic of imperial rule. This erosion of our civil liberties began long before the current Bush came into the Oval Office. His dad -- and, before him, both Nixon and Reagan -- got the ball rolling nicely. Take, just as one example, the so-called 'war on drugs.' There is no war on drugs. If there were, we ouldn't be wasting time and money on useless and ineffective interdiction of drugs from foreign shores. We would have a vigorous campaign, instead, perhaps analogous to the current anti-tobacco campaign, to inform the public and wean it away from drug dependence. What we have, instead, is a war on our civil liberties which only fosters an atmosphere in which weaker-willed people resort to drugs in order to ease the emotional pain.