Is George Bush really a Christian?

Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2005 09:42 pm
So, following your logic, bluevein, one must accept that someone is a Christian as long as they attend church, unless there is some evidence that he/she is not. Ok.

Muslims attend church (mosque) as well. What's the difference? One must accept that they are devout Muslim until they prove otherwise. This question is mostly for the one who call himself/herself questioner. Questioner does not seem to know about the Christian Crusades, which was begun by Europeans. Not Muslism. The Crusades were bloody and violent and can be compared to the Islam/Muslim faction who call themselves Sunni's and follow the Wahabi belief system. Not all Muslims are violent. I know quite a few and they are very nice folks. The ones who 'blow themselves up' are not the mainstream Muslims. By your naive response, you imply that all Muslims tie babies on their backs and implode themselves. Rather silly statement and patently false. They think the Christians are violent and their leader (Bush) is crazy. Quite right.

You really do sound stupid, questioner, by your ignorant comments. Obviously you have not admitted that the Christians can be and are violent. Poor pathetic creature. A Bush follower, are you? He's a poor example of what a christian should be, but hey, there is no vaccination against stupidity. Can't argue with a turnip.
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Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2005 10:15 pm
Whether or not all muslims are violent is immaterial. The texts which form the basis for the religion, Koran and Hadiths are easily interpreted to allow if not direct violence in the name allah.

It is quite obvious that there is an unlimited number of believers willing to wrap themselves in explosives and detonate them in a crowd of innocents.
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Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2005 10:41 pm
Yes, just as there was an unlimited supply of Kamikazes who did a lot of damage in WWII. They definitely believed in what they were doing as well.

Now the US trades with Japan.

The fact of 'whether or not all muslims are violent is immaterial' (your quote) is beyond stupid. The Koran does not advocate violence anymore than the Bible. Remember Gideon? Read much of the old testament? Plenty of violence there, all in the name of God/Allah.

If Americans would LEAVE Iraq, the people who 'blow themselves up' would not be doing it. It's the only way they know to get rid of the Americans. I read that Americans ride around on their tanks with guns at the ready. Canadians, on the other hand, do not display this aggression. They actually walk up to people and talk to them. Guess that is the big difference between a peacekeeping country (Canada) and a warmongering one (America). By their very attitude towards Muslims, the Americans are making themselves more hated every day.

Iraqis didn't blow themselves up under Saddam. Not that he's a shining example; but neither are the American troops. They are desperate people who are being trampled on by the US. They don't have heavy armaments, big guns, like the US. What do you expect them to do? Why doesn't the US get out? Can't they take a hint? The US is making the situation worse, not better.

You believe what you will, perpetrated by Bush's spin doctors. I will continue to believe that the Muslims, by and large, believe in God/Allah and are law abiding citizens. What would YOU do if some country invaded YOUR country, for no reason? And abused and killed your women, your mother, and kids? Just to get your oil? Hmmm??

The 'Christian' fraud president-king-of-the-world has a lot to answer for, and it is just beginning.
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Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2005 11:43 pm
pachelbel wrote:
Yes, just as there was an unlimited supply of Kamikazes who did a lot of damage in WWII. They definitely believed in what they were doing as well.

Yep, and they directed their planes into American warships not women and children. Many Japanese jumped to their deaths in Saipan rather than be taken prisoner. So what?

pachelbel wrote:
The fact of 'whether or not all muslims are violent is immaterial' (your quote) is beyond stupid. The Koran does not advocate violence anymore than the Bible. Remember Gideon? Read much of the old testament? Plenty of violence there, all in the name of God/Allah.

Beyond stupid you say? Just because the bible is another violence ridden ancient text based upon the Hebrew war god is no reason to excuse the muslim texts and their contribution toward violence. The world would be much better off if they would both fall into disfavor and fade away.

pachelbel wrote:
If Americans would LEAVE Iraq, the people who 'blow themselves up' would not be doing it. It's the only way they know to get rid of the Americans. I read that Americans ride around on their tanks with guns at the ready. Canadians, on the other hand, do not display this aggression. They actually walk up to people and talk to them. Guess that is the big difference between a peacekeeping country (Canada) and a warmongering one (America). By their very attitude towards Muslims, the Americans are making themselves more hated every day.

Iraqis didn't blow themselves up under Saddam. Not that he's a shining example; but neither are the American troops. They are desperate people who are being trampled on by the US. They don't have heavy armaments, big guns, like the US. What do you expect them to do? Why doesn't the US get out? Can't they take a hint? The US is making the situation worse, not better.

You believe what you will, perpetrated by Bush's spin doctors. I will continue to believe that the Muslims, by and large, believe in God/Allah and are law abiding citizens. What would YOU do if some country invaded YOUR country, for no reason? And abused and killed your women, your mother, and kids? Just to get your oil? Hmmm??

The 'Christian' fraud president-king-of-the-world has a lot to answer for, and it is just beginning.

You seem to be a bit slow on the uptake there bud. If you had glanced at my sig line it should have been obvious that I am no fan of GW Bush or his misadventure into Iraq. However the deed is done. We broke it and are obligated to fix it. Leaving now would surely result in all out civil war and massive bloodshed. Are you so naive as to think that if only the Americans would pull out of Iraq, everything would be sweet and rosie?
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2005 12:31 am
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2005 12:39 am
Also, you can't win a guerrilla war, America.
Note in article above how many soldiers (US) are being killed by roadside bombs.

Note also that the Iraqis say they want the troops OUT. How many more guys have to get killed to satisfy Rummy and Bush?
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2005 05:37 pm
pachelbel wrote:
So, following your logic, bluevein, one must accept that someone is a Christian as long as they attend church, unless there is some evidence that he/she is not. Ok.

Muslims attend church (mosque) as well. What's the difference? One must accept that they are devout Muslim until they prove otherwise. This question is mostly for the one who call himself/herself questioner. Questioner does not seem to know about the Christian Crusades, which was begun by Europeans. Not Muslism. The Crusades were bloody and violent and can be compared to the Islam/Muslim faction who call themselves Sunni's and follow the Wahabi belief system. Not all Muslims are violent. I know quite a few and they are very nice folks. The ones who 'blow themselves up' are not the mainstream Muslims. By your naive response, you imply that all Muslims tie babies on their backs and implode themselves. Rather silly statement and patently false. They think the Christians are violent and their leader (Bush) is crazy. Quite right.

You really do sound stupid, questioner, by your ignorant comments. Obviously you have not admitted that the Christians can be and are violent. Poor pathetic creature. A Bush follower, are you? He's a poor example of what a christian should be, but hey, there is no vaccination against stupidity. Can't argue with a turnip.

Bush follower? No. Although seeing as how everything else you've foisted upon me is based upon speculation and outrageous leaps of the imagination, that statement should come as no surprise.

the moron wrote:
Questioner does not seem to know about the Christian Crusades, which was begun by Europeans.

Actually, I'm well aware of the bloody history of the Christian church. It is utterly irrelevant to my original comment to you.

the moron yet again wrote:
By your naive response, you imply that all Muslims tie babies on their backs and implode themselves.

This makes me laugh. My response hinted at none of this. Perhaps you need to learn how to read for comprehension?

Idiot wrote:
You really do sound stupid, questioner, by your ignorant comments. Obviously you have not admitted that the Christians can be and are violent.

I fully admit that the Christians can be and are violent. It's you that appears to have difficulty accepting that so are Muslims. Why is that I wonder? Selective memory perhaps?

You sir, are an imbecile. I wash my hands of this ridiculousness. Good luck with your search for religion. I'd suggest you learn to properly reason before you reach whatever final conclusion awaits you.
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2005 09:53 pm
pachelbel wrote:
Also, you can't win a guerrilla war, America.
Note in article above how many soldiers (US) are being killed by roadside bombs.

Note also that the Iraqis say they want the troops OUT. How many more guys have to get killed to satisfy Rummy and Bush?

I think our troops do need to get out.

Saddam was a dream at maintaining order in Iraq!

He made his own rules which no one else can do to restore order there.

Especially not America. That would be bad.

A guerilla war is a waste of time as Saddam would agree im sure.
Saddam only did what he had do to maintain order. If not......how do you dream of order occuring there?.........EVER?

It is one thing to point out failures and another thing entirely to formulate any answers.

Saddam never carried out guerilla warfare on his people and his technique worked beautifully. Not many seemed to care about his approach to order either.

Maybe we should do what he did? I think America could do an even better job at it without rules and kid gloves.....don't you guys?
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 01:48 am
questioner has trouble reading, so you must forgive him. His/her comprehension skills are absymal. He/she is possibly a third grade drop-out. You know how they resort to name calling when their argument is lost? The article I posted above says it all. America is fighting a guerilla war which cannot be won.
The Shiites are taking over as a reaction to being ruled by the Sunnis. Thank you, America, for creating a big mess. Of course, we have our Christian, ahem, president to thank. Now, there's an idiot. Hope you read my message HOMELAND SECURITY. I could care less.
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 03:15 am
pachelbel wrote:
questioner has trouble reading, so you must forgive him. His/her comprehension skills are absymal. He/she is possibly a third grade drop-out. You know how they resort to name calling when their argument is lost? The article I posted above says it all. America is fighting a guerilla war which cannot be won.
The Shiites are taking over as a reaction to being ruled by the Sunnis. Thank you, America, for creating a big mess. Of course, we have our Christian, ahem, president to thank. Now, there's an idiot. Hope you read my message HOMELAND SECURITY. I could care less.

Many Americans saw a mess to begin with and I guess some were/are hopeful to improve it while others are/were convinced of it's failure from the get go.

I know the President is not the only one to thank and that all of America cannot be thanked for the outcome either. It would be less than intelligent to think so, not to mention unfair.

I know nothing is possible without first believing and without the support of those who want to make things better.

Blame can occur when someone does something wrong and when someone fails to do what is right.

Maybe it's time we put Saddam back in power and just continue to turn a blind eye on the methods he uses.

It just goes to show that true peace can never be achieved by force or law and can only be achieved within the heart of the individual....one person at a time.

As I said before ..it is one thing to point out the failures and shortcomings of another...it is another thing to develop solutions. We all can see that which is wrong...the questions is...how to fix it or make it better.

Not to bail out America or the goofy President....there are better reasons to ask this No?

Solutions are needed....criticism abounds and comes from everywhere...
and solves nothing.

Course I assume when people criticize it's because they even care enough to seek a soulution....but, I could be wrong. Maybe some people are motivated by something far less than the situation at hand.....namely themselves!
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 11:08 pm
Well, let's start with how Bushie became pres. Remember hanging chads? That whole thing was phony as a $3 bill. The second election was phony as well. Republican voting machines are not going to guarantee a fair election, don't you agree?

America has 300 million people. How many turned out to vote? If enough had, they might have had a different president. The mess in Iraq might not have happened. So the solution rests with who you elect. Too many apathetic people in America. That has to change, but until things get really nasty I don't see it happening. Do you?

And no, I don't think it's unfair to 'blame' the American people, us, for allowing this whole mess to develop. We certainly can't blame anyone else. If more than 1/3 had voted.........things would have turned out differently.

I would think most of us would have seen the parallels between Iraq and Vietnam, but when I was protesting the start of this war, people were too busy waving flags and calling me and some others unpatriotic. Now, I guess it's PC to do so.
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 11:14 pm
Would a real Christian, one who models his behavior on that of Jesus of Nazareth, instigate Shock and Awe?
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 11:42 pm
Absolutely not! Jesus, from what I know of the New Testament, believed in turning the other cheek, loving your enemies....sounds just like what Bush is doing, doesn't it?
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2005 11:46 pm
Yeah, loving them to death.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 05:39 pm
Maybe we should leave the judgement to Jesus!?

Do you know anyone who is just like Jesus? I don't think he has an equal amongst men...do you?
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 09:15 pm
I don't expect Bush to be JUST LIKE Christ. But just because one cannot perform surgery in a PERFECTLY sterile environment that's no excuse to do so in a sewer.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 09:25 pm
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 10:15 pm
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 10:47 pm
I just liked your wording, JLN.

(Snap - as in snapping ones fingers at the opponent as if to say "so there, take that.")

I'm not really all that hip. It's just what my kids say when someone gets off a good zinger.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2005 10:54 pm
Hey, watch it, people. You're talking about our president that talks to god it more than he talks to his biological father.
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