Phoenix wrote:The problem is that wheras liberalism offers people a choice, to today's radical conservatives, it's "my way or the highway". Conservatives are attempting to create laws that restrict the way a person can function in society, based on what is after all, merely their own personal preferences.
I disagree...
I think it really comes down to morals and where in the spectrum you fall on absolute right and wrong. I think most everyone has some concept of moral absolutes, but they place that non-negotiable line at different places in the spectrum. A conservative might draw a line at gay marriage...for others gay marriage is OK, but marrying minors is taboo. In both cases, however, they are restricting "the way a person can function in society, based on what is after all, merely their own personal preferences."
Laws, by their nature, are designed to restrict the way a person functions in society. Liberalism just offers a different choice (and different restrictions) than conservativism. Luckily, in a democratic society, I, as a conservative, have just as much right to fight and defend my position on moral absolutes, as do liberals. Let the majority opinion rule...whether that falls to the left or right of your own personal view.