edgarblythe wrote:I know and sympathize with UNICEF's aims, but why not just show actual footage from a war? That way they wouldn't have to squash a child's fantasy. I've watched the Smurf thing several times, and even as an anti war activist I find it unsettling.
I would suggest that:
a. They would be hunted down and crucified (especially by the right) if they dared to show real children...(look at the people who still moan and gibber that the footage allowed of actual war and its results in Vietnam ought never to have been shown, it put the stupid masses off the glorious and necessary war; America, at least, has never allowed such reality to be shown of its wars again) too unsettling and it would be considered ghoulish and probably just turn people off.
b. I actually think we are inured to pictures of human suffering, unless it is gut churning (for which see a.).
Interesting it is focused on Burundi.
Child soldiers are in many places in Africa.
Perhaps one, contained, place to start?
Or perhaps it is worst in Burundi?