Diaper Issue - Elderly Mother
tye8456 wrote:I have worked in the mental health, Assisted Living, & Dementia Care (Alzhiemers) for the past 9 years as an Administrator. I see alot of ?'s about what I should do about mom or dad, their health, anything. If I have not ran into the issue before I will tell you strait out. "I don't know", but try me... ask away.
At my wits end with elderly (89yr) mother, who i believe has "selective" dementia. I say "selective" since it seems to only come-on when she is being unreasonable about wearing diapers. Other than attaching with suspender or duct tape (haha) what can I do?? She has been a bit self-sufficient, so I leave it up to her to dress herself, go to bathroom etc., but lately she has been falling - usually out of bed and thats where I find her - butt naked. Not only is this a health problem for me and our pets, but spending alot of time and money shampooing the carpet, washing bed clothes and bedding, etc. How can I reason with her? Yes, have run the entire gamet of sympathy, talking and screaming. Help!