To be Free
I would love to be free
to be able to run
I would like to stand up now
and go out in the sun
At the gate I'd keep going
and never once look back
Just suddenly start running
and head off down the track
Picking up speed
like an Irish wolfhound
Kicking up dust
'til my feet leave the ground
in the air
in the sky
across a flawless blue
I would soar far away
and be free
of my youth
Endymion 2007
Stick trees
snapping in
a cold breeze
Gold leaves
into slow freeze
into winter
Long dark night
When the house
in my heart
the silver star
from your candle light
Sleeping tight to the edge
of the dream
Sick of waking
screaming shaking
life is a scream
life is a scream
life is a scream
Endymion 2007
Not Forgotten
She liked bumblebees,
a sharp sea breeze
and Japanese teas.
She liked fast car rides,
clear night skies
and kissing under trees.
She liked early May,
Shakespeare's plays
and talking about Che.
She liked Sunday bells,
pretty shells
and drinking Glen Moray.
She liked dancing close,
champagne toasts
and long river boats.
She liked candlelit rooms,
lilac blooms
and Kaleidoscopes.
She liked quick card games,
foreign names
and running in the rain.
She liked apple pie,
Spanish wine
and her chocolate plain.
She liked street art,
William's lark
and old Hyde Park.
She liked local bands,
making plans
and whispering in the dark.
She liked sharing a joke,
using her vote
and tangerine soap.
She liked trimming my hair,
talking on the stairs
and smoking dope.
She liked Indian rice,
Chinese spice
and candy mice.
She liked camping out,
drinking stout
and being enticed.
She liked dog daisies,
acting crazy
and she wanted babies.
She liked dandelion seeds
floating on a breeze
and saying, "Maybe
She liked Camden Town,
her coffee 'brown'
and messing around.
She liked autumn leaves,
Japanese sleeves
and Irish wolf hounds.
She liked sunflowers,
summer showers
and playing chess for hours.
She liked feeding the birds,
analysing words
and pressing flowers.
She liked to high-board dive,
eat at 5
and onions always made her cry.
She liked the sun going down
in an Irish town.
She liked being alive.
With the sun going down
over her home town,
she loved being alive.
Endymion 2007
Beautiful, Endy.
It is an honour for a person to be remembered with such respect, fondness & love.
i left out Al Pachino
but i couldn't make it work ... really :wink:
The Crush
Black leaves fly from dying trees
The eye is full of make believe
The world goes tumbling
Hardly makes a sound
Love soars high
But its all blown down in a breeze
Purple sky falls in the sea
Day rushes by indefinitely
Caught in the crush
In the blink of an eye
In the slow, slow smile
of somebody dying
And the world goes tumbling
Hardly makes a sound
As love soars high
The tears rain down on me
Endymion 2007
The Death Of Love
Slowly, all through the forest, changes occurred.
The smallest creatures began to die, curling tired inside their nests and dens,
they fell into a deep, dreamless sleep and then into death.
While trees sank into themselves and withered,
their lonely arms, once stretching out for spring that never came,
lay hollow on the ground.
Flowers vanished back into the earth, as if they'd been but a fanciful lie.
Bluebells hung their heads, shriveled up and died.
The spider fell stunned from its web.
The acorn did not seed.
The ivy that had once climbed high, now drifted to the ground, a memory.
All through the forest as love died so die did he.
With the fox and hollyhocks and gentle honeybee.
Endymion 2007
All is cool in the forest world tonight
These are for anyone who never knew their dad or mum
Who Am I?
Who were you - are you?
Where in the world
Would I find you?
What d'you look like?
How d'you sound?
Are you tall?
Are your eyes green?
Is your hair brown?
Who were you - are you?
How many times
have I asked you?
In my head
In my sleep
Do you ever think of me?
What it is that I should be
Here without you?
Who were you -are you?
What do I do that's just like you?
Years have flown
Time goes by
And no one knows
Who am I
Endymion 2007
Just a Taste (For Mother)
How could you leave me
In that place?
How could you vanish
without a trace?
Leaving no name
no date and no race
They say I look Irish
Was that your taste?
Pinocchio (For father)
Most of the time
the fact that I've
never known you
doesn't bother me
But there are moments
when it seems
not knowing you means
I'm not even human
That I have no soul
Just like Pinocchio
Getting Stronger
Squeeze all the juice
from the flesh
Crush in your fist all tenderness
Cast out the son
Make him the stranger
Born in a squat
into danger
Do you ever think
of the anger?
With no place to go?
It burns inside like a sun
and the pain grows
Do you ever think
of the boy now a man?
I used to love you
in the heart of me
but now I don't think I can
for much longer
These feelings get stronger
Break up the mind
Leave it cold
Let grief grow sad and old
Cast out love
Cut the cord with a knife
It's up to him now
what he does with his life
Endymion 2007
Yeah, it's me
Yeah, it's me
Long time no see
Perhaps you read my poetry
And you don't even know it's me
Are you both still alive?
Somewhere leading separate lives?
Or are you both dead addicts?
Beatle fanatics?
Perhaps banged up inside
doing time?
Hey, I've done mine
Being born my crime
Yeah, it's me
Long time no see
Perhaps you read my poetry
And don't even know it's me
Endymion 2007
I think something is changing
That's how it feels to me
The kind of change that's painful
but could somehow set you free
Maybe I am learning
In all this crazy life
There are more ways to skin the pain
than with a knife
I don't think about the future
I live from day to day
But I think something is changing
Endymion 2007
Hi Endy,
Really love these!

---especially the first few.....
Hey, Naima - it's good to hear from you - i hope life's treating you ok. I miss reading your poems - i thought that you and mcee fya were going to get a wicked thread going together there for a minute and i was sorry to see it didn't continue (you've both got great, honest and emotive poetry and lyrics to offer - and i miss the inspiration and motivation of it - although I understand it can be draining! Have you ever thought of writing 'humorous' poetry? I could do with a laugh. I think, with your sense of humour and insight, you'd be really good at it).
Hope i get to read more poetry by you soon (I'll look out for it).
Thanks for posting
'E chain-smoked like a proper trooper
when 'e got 'ome
Sat up there all day
playing them damn war games
'E weren't the same
I tell you, it did something strange
to 'is brain
I offered to take 'im out in the chair
'E could visit anyone
go anywhere
But 'e gave me that, 'don't push me' stare
An' in the end
I left 'im alone
'E drank like a boozer
when 'e got 'ome
sat up all night
in strange candlelight
Burning nicotine fingers
in an old flame
'E ain't the same
I tell you, they did something strange
to 'is brain
Endymion 2007
Endymion wrote:Hey, Naima - it's good to hear from you - i hope life's treating you ok. I miss reading your poems - i thought that you and mcee fya were going to get a wicked thread going together there for a minute and i was sorry to see it didn't continue (you've both got great, honest and emotive poetry and lyrics to offer - and i miss the inspiration and motivation of it - although I understand it can be draining! Have you ever thought of writing 'humorous' poetry? I could do with a laugh. I think, with your sense of humour and insight, you'd be really good at it).
Hope i get to read more poetry by you soon (I'll look out for it).
Thanks for posting
It's treating me well,
I'll try to post something soon...
Thank you, always
gotta keep off th e boards out there tonight.
but it's tempting
to just go to a thread
and write anything i feel
what comes into my head
you know
throw whatever I've got left
at a unreal wall
an d f*ck it all
You ever feel like this?
higher than pissed
and slightly insane?
Like there's an S-D-B
in your brain?
Do you ever dare to smile
like a crime
and caress the pain
at the same time?