Death Diary - Endymion

Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 04:05 pm
Hi Naima -

I think 'One More Dream' is a strange poem. I'm not sure i like it exactly, but i feel something kind of beautiful in the way it resonates with me.

I do have re-occuring dreams that I'm working on trying to 'change'
I suppose I see this poem as a kind of spell against a certain dream.
(well, it worked for Picasso)!

You were right to mention faith and belief - sometimes what holds me back from confronting my 'demons' is simply a lack of belief - in myself.

As for faith... despite the evidence that goes against me - I think I do have faith in the human race - that somehow we will learn (I think that's what we're here to do).

keep writing the good poetry

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Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 10:50 pm
Hey Endy
Those are some really amazing thoughts. I'm quite the opposite now. I don't have any faith in the human race(lost it, i guess!) but in myself...Lets just say the more i believe the more i see things happening!
Do you mind me saying you're a very confusing person? :wink:
Good Tuesday(or is it monday!)
ps Do you mind me asking what you're sunsign is?(just curious Smile)
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2007 12:32 am

Another Dream

Slow steps brought you back
to that place in past's rooms where
all of everything that had left
its mark had come together and
gathered outside-
as if you were the door it
would enter.
Having escaped, you had never
ventured near in
daylight thought-only in
silent sleep
and dark dreams
until this day, when spring's
light came streaming and
consciously dreaming
you opened the door -
you -opened -the- door-
it did not open you.

Endy, I found it really interesting that you are trying to change your dreams. I've done that in the past- I used to suffer with night terrors- from the time I was a child, all the way into adulthood.
They say that people who are "sensitive" Laughing and imaginative and creative are very susceptible because the observations, thoughts, sights from the day imprint themselves on your subconscious and come back to visit you at night.
You can change your dreams- you have to control what you imprint on your subconscious by either reading or listening to something you find comforting or peaceful either right before or while you're going to sleep.
The sound of a stream always helps me- also think of a favorite song-and when/if you do have your frightening dream-sing, hum it- kind of like an antidote (mine in childhood was "Away in the Manger" -as an adult it's
"Willin" by Lowell George)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 06:36 pm

I sympathise with your loss of faith in the human race.
Some days I might even agree with you.

As for the 'confusing' part, you've done it again - pinpointed the word that sums up how I feel. Confused. Right now, about a lot of things -

When you say sun-sign, is that the same as star-sign? If so, I don't know my true star-sign, sorry. I was born later in the year, I believe. You can pick a sign.

I've been following the reports from Pakistan - hope you're not near any of the troubles. Stay save, Naima.

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Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 08:42 pm

Thank you for the poem and picture - they mean a great deal (the poem's very good btw)

Yeah, music is a life-saver. I listen to music practically day and night for distraction (I often fall asleep at four o'clock in the morning with the headphones clamped to my ears)!
If I dream and wake up, I make myself a cup of tea and play the guitar for half an hour or so … it always helps.

It has taken a while for me to respond, because something in your post got to me and I just spent an hour ranting and deleting various replies (none of them attacking you at all. I'm telling you this because I know it's my problem - not what you said) but the thing about me being 'sensitive'?
I was going to say I wasn't always like this - but maybe feeling a need to defend myself on it would only prove how 'sensitive' I really am.

- Actually, I feel mad as hell about it and I don't know why -

...... It's true, after all

I need to think about that

Thanks again for the poem and I'm sorry Rebecca - but I wanted to be honest about this
I get the feeling there are people out there that think i'm gay or soft or backwards or something, because of how i feel inside about things.
Christ, that makes me feel so f*cking lonely
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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 02:23 am
Hey Endy,
the loss of faith in the human race...kinda gets me laughing why i ever even HAD faith in it! (respecting your views all the same)

sunsign, starsign...i guess it's the same thing. Everyone has it, but you can't exactly 'pick' one. it is determined by your date of birth. For example, i'm an 'Aries'(3rd April) (DRUMROLL!!!). It has an impact on your character and that sort of stuff...or so astrology says!

About the trouble... C'mon Dude!!! it's everyday business! Laughing
Although i do live near the trouble(if by trouble you mean the judge's hearing thingy or the mosque problemo) it's not that much of a problem... The problem is those stupid idiots with the beards silently infiltrating the whole country, and still the world doesn't see it!!! oh well, it's always all planned!!!
anyways, Thanks so much for your concerns, means a lot!

Peace, dude, peace

ps Define your purpose(that's where the confusion normally lies!)
btw...everyone's lonely no matter how good they can pretend!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 11:42 am
Endy- I was talking about me when I said sensitive. I included the little laughter just to indicate how people always say, "Well, I know you're "sensitive"- as if it's something to be ashamed of or as if it's some kind of disease or something- and I have always been like that- for no discernable reason at all- that's why I made light of it. I've gotten to the point where I don't even try to defend or explain it anymore- it's just the way I am and people either deal with it or don't.
Actually, I think a lot of the problems in the world have their roots in the fact that more and more of us are suffering from desensitization to others around us.

I do want you to know that I do realize there is a huge difference between being sensitive innately as a part of a personality and being sensitized to certain stimuli that results in feelings or instinctive reactions through past experiences.
If you have night terrors, from what you've described, I'd hesitate to acribe them solely to the fact that you're imaginative or creative- as I do mine. I've never suffered a trauma that would result in post traumatic stress disorder and its accompanying array of symptoms. You've intimated that the same hasn't been true for you.

Endy, I have the utmost respect for you. I think it must be incredibly frustrating and difficult being a guy, if the fact that you express concern or dismay or relate your feelings about something lead to people making assumptions about who or what you are or must be. I just want you to know, I would never do that. I think it says a lot about how secure you are in your human-ness, let alone masculinity, that you are able to express yourself and your concern for the people of the world in the way you do. I don't know about anyone else, but I would never be interested in a male who didn't. Anyone who calls that soft or gay is an idiot- to be blunt- because it has nothing whatsoever to do with either one of those two characteristics.
I'd think that with your sense of empathy and compassion- you'd be an awesome partner and/or father- to anyone- if that's what you decided to do.

I hate it that something I said maybe made you feel lonely. Please know that wasn't my intention at all.
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mcee fya
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 12:16 pm
sensitivity is not a flaw, it should not make you mad,
it aids you to understand deeper meanings and write the inspirirational poetry we all love reading.
keep up the good work Endy
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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 08:03 am
Now, presumably in the full bloom of my entier life, I believe in action. "Deeds define a man". One day this view might be completely changed, yet..... keep on everybody!!

(I have faith in "human race", for this faith extends into so deep in time. The same profoundness could be sometimes touched, yet only superficially, as when a stauch evolutionist gasped before the almost inexplicable intricacy of the life system. That evolutionist will remain an evolutionist because however complex, he thinks it is still possible, even slightly possible, for an unthinkably unbelievably out-of-the-imagination-of-every-existing-human-ly long period of time. Hehe, having faith in something really big can be appeasing at certain times. )
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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 04:26 pm
lostnsearching wrote:

sunsign, starsign...i guess it's the same thing. Everyone has it, but you can't exactly 'pick' one.

Sorry Naima - I was being cynical or something

I saw this today
I think it's the best poem I've read by you

I'll post some more later
You take care

0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 04:32 pm
Rebecca - I never doubted you - I know very well that you only have good intentions. I am sensitive - that's true (and obvious). Normally I can admit it. As you (and mcee fya) point out - it's nothing to be ashamed of (nor being gay, if it comes to that).
I'm sorry I freaked about it. It just hit a sore spot. My problem.

Thank you Rebecca - for being who you are…. an astute and compassionate friend. Your creativity and sensitivity have been an inspiration to me.

I should have come back sooner - but it triggered off a whole load of stuff for me - and the best time to write it out is when I'm feeling agitated -

It's going to sound like excuses, but you know how sometimes it's not the single things themselves that get to you, but an accumulation of things - words and actions, events and realisations and other things - all coming together like a dark cloud forming above your head? Well it's been shaping up to be that kind of a week.

Rebecca -
I hope we can talk again soon

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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 04:36 pm
mcee fya - Thanks for your post,
it means a lot to hear from a UK rapper
And you're right in what you say.

How's Friday night in Bolton?

Peace, Endy
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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 04:39 pm
Hi J-B - how are you doing? Faith is a difficult one for me, but I have a 'gut feeling' that humanity can and shall renew itself spiritualy - let's hope, eh?

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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 04:42 pm
Endymion wrote:
lostnsearching wrote:

sunsign, starsign...i guess it's the same thing. Everyone has it, but you can't exactly 'pick' one.

Sorry Naima - I was being cynical or something

I saw this today
I think it's the best poem I've read by you

I'll post some more later
You take care


(lost it on the end of the last page)
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Reply Sat 28 Apr, 2007 01:36 am
saw it from where it so deeply came...
thank you Endy!!!
now you seem very up and enthusiastic... Laughing
should i add: 'all of a sudden'...
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Reply Sat 28 Apr, 2007 06:38 am
About The Death Diary

I don't shirk from considering the other fella's situation, but I started this Death Diary because I need a place to be able to write down how I truly feel - which isn't that easy, even anonymously - as I'm sure, judging by the threads that come and go, others have found.

Over the months and years that I've been here, the Death-Diary has come to feel like a Sanctuary to me. I come here when I feel the need to mourn or rant and if I need to get drunk and face some of my ****.

One part of me is self-destructive, this I know and I invite that part of me to speak here. In a way the Diary is my 'dark place' - where I go when I'm feeling so (dare I say it) sensitive, that I need to shut myself off from everything and try to express some of what I'm feeling in a poem or two.
I find it difficult if I'm questioned or challenged about what I write here (in my poetry).
It is what it is - often written down spontaneously - almost as if it's something that comes from somewhere other than my brain. Often it just pours out of me and I accept what it needs to say.

I find it hard to trust and I'm useless at small talk - so most posters hang around for a little while then move on. Some come back now and then, but I don't have any answers for anyone here.

I know I'm not alone in how I feel - but everyone has to find their own way of dealing with whatever pain they have -
For me, I need to be able to express my stuff without having to justify either what I say or why I say it. (A bit like a sculptor or artist) - people either like to look at it - or they don't -

The Revolution thread on the other hand, is just begging for some input…. some poetry would be good…
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 07:52 am
More Than Ever

I woke to the touch
of your cool hand
on my face
I looked for you in the dark
but I found no trace
Where are you now, woman I love?
Are you still aware?
Or are you gone forever?
I only know you're far away
and that I miss you every day
more than ever

I woke to the sound
of you singing
in the dark
I let minutes slip by,
measuring my heart
Where are you now, woman I love?
Are you still aware?
Or are you gone forever?
The course of time
shan't heal the bearer
For I need you now
More than ever

Endymion 2007

0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 10:10 am
Endymion wrote:
About The Death Diary

I don't shirk from considering the other fella's situation, but I started this Death Diary because I need a place to be able to write down how I truly feel - which isn't that easy, even anonymously - as I'm sure, judging by the threads that come and go, others have found.

Over the months and years that I've been here, the Death-Diary has come to feel like a Sanctuary to me. I come here when I feel the need to mourn or rant and if I need to get drunk and face some of my ****.

One part of me is self-destructive, this I know and I invite that part of me to speak here. In a way the Diary is my 'dark place' - where I go when I'm feeling so (dare I say it) sensitive, that I need to shut myself off from everything and try to express some of what I'm feeling in a poem or two.
I find it difficult if I'm questioned or challenged about what I write here (in my poetry).
It is what it is - often written down spontaneously - almost as if it's something that comes from somewhere other than my brain. Often it just pours out of me and I accept what it needs to say.

I find it hard to trust and I'm useless at small talk - so most posters hang around for a little while then move on. Some come back now and then, but I don't have any answers for anyone here.

I know I'm not alone in how I feel - but everyone has to find their own way of dealing with whatever pain they have -
For me, I need to be able to express my stuff without having to justify either what I say or why I say it. (A bit like a sculptor or artist) - people either like to look at it - or they don't -

The Revolution thread on the other hand, is just begging for some input…. some poetry would be good…

I've already (elsewhere) apologised to Naima (Lostnsearching) - for making her feel so uncertain, regarding this post.
(Which was insensitive, and reactionary)

I'm sorry Olga, Rebecca and anyone else who has supported me here in the past - and I'm not asking for you to say "that's okay" i don't want that.

I'm just very f*cking ashamed ogf myself
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 11:38 pm
Endymion wrote:

I've already (elsewhere) apologised to Naima (Lostnsearching) - for making her feel so uncertain, regarding this post.
(Which was insensitive, and reactionary)

dude, i had something totally different in mind when i said that thing about uncertainity("hope your not annoyed")
something Very different!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 02:03 am
Endymion wrote:
More Than Ever

I woke to the touch
of your cool hand
on my face
I looked for you in the dark
but I found no trace
Where are you now, woman I love?
Are you still aware?
Or are you gone forever?
I only know you're far away
and that I miss you every day
more than ever

I woke to the sound
of you singing
in the dark
I let minutes slip by,
measuring my heart
Where are you now, woman I love?
Are you still aware?
Or are you gone forever?
The course of time
shan't heal the bearer
For I need you now
More than ever

Endymion 2007

I was moved by the longing and the huge sense of loss in this poem, Endy.

You have absolutely no need to apologize for anything you've said in either of your two threads, Endy.
If you think about it you'll know that that's right.
Perhaps you are feeling paticularly vulnerable right now. Let it pass, if this is the case. At your own pace.
But feel absolutely free to express your real thoughts & your feelings on these internet pages. Any time. About anything.
That's what gives your words authenticity. They're real.

Hear me? Very Happy

You'd better!

Or else!Laughing
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