Chicago was filmed as Gotham City in the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight"
Quote: When the Joker makes good on his threat to blow up a building, we see Chicago's vacant Brach's Candy factory being demolished, not like a conventional implosion, but more like it's being hit by waves of sequential destruction. (Special effects were added.)
Batman jettisons from a damaged Batmobile in a super-cool Bat-Pod, which he races through a newly remodeled train station under Millennium Park.
Chicago's IBM Building, 330 N. Wabash Ave., served as the Wayne Enterprises boardroom and offices for D.A. Harvey Dent, the mayor and the police commissioner.
The lobby of One Illinois Plaza at Michigan Avenue and Wacker Drive supplied the main living area of Bruce Wayne's new penthouse. Wayne's bedroom was built separately on the 39th floor of Hotel 71 on East Wacker Drive.
The Convention Hall at McCormick Place West became the vast warehouse of Wayne Enterprises' Applied Science Division.
Navy Pier is the location for a dramatic scene involving the panicked citizens of Gotham City and a diabolical trick by the Joker.
The old Chicago Post Office spanning Congress Parkway was used in several scenes, most notably the opening bank robbery sequence.
The under-construction Trump Tower, 401 N. Wabash Ave., became the battleground for a pivotal confrontation between Batman and the Joker, but only the outside. The actual fight scenes were shot in a converted airship hangar in Great Britain.
Source: Dann Gire, Daily Herald
But why would a nasty criminal like the Joker pick Chicago, where he can't have a handgun?
Today is the last day of July. The White Sox still lead the AL Central (because they managed to beat Minnesota last night).
The Cubs lead the NL Central by 4 games (over Milwaukee).
I wonder how things will hold up a month from today.
cjhsa wrote:But why would a nasty criminal like the Joker pick Chicago, where he can't have a handgun?
You'd **** your pants here without a gun, wouldn't you?
When I first saw "Batman Begins", the Wayne building was shown a few times, especially during the big fight scene that took place on the el between Batman and the Liam Neeson character (I think?) and it almost drove me crazy because it was so familiar yet it took me awhile to place it.
Chicago Board of Trade
My picture taken in May 2006 during our Chicago Gathering.
a couple of mine from that same a2k meet (I like the one with the green light)
In the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight", the Joker confronts Batman on LaSalle Street at Monroe:
Gotta admit that Chicago has some of the best architecture in the whole country; style and class.
That's one of the few things I really miss about ChiTown.
wandeljw wrote:In the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight", the Joker confronts Batman on LaSalle Street at Monroe:

Hey, the Tower of Boredom in which I'm presently rotting is on the block to the Joker's left!
It is fun watching the movie and seeing all the Chicago locations. Have you seen it yet, Gargamel?
I take the CTA Green Line to work everyday. We always pass the abandoned Brachs candy factory. During the summer of 2007, another rider pointed out all the changes at the factory for the filming of the movie. The movie company added a facade to make it look like "Gotham City Hospital". Soon the facade had explosion damage. The film crew also added a bunch of overturned cars at the explosion site.
Gargamel wrote:Hey, the Tower of Boredom in which I'm presently rotting is on the block to the Joker's left!
Hey, I know it's not funny but
Local Chicago television news crews filmed the implosion at the Brach's factory site carried out by the production crew of "The Dark Knight". I did not see the implosion live. I saw the location before and after. People on my train were talking about it.
Just watching the Cubs (live, I think, vs Pittsburgh) .... instead of my favourite football (soccer) team in a test match ...
Correct, Walter. They are playing Pittsburgh.
It is the fourth inning and Pittsburgh is leading 2 to 0.
Joefromchicago or Sublime may actually be at the Cubs ballpark right now.
Have you seen the new movie, "The Dark Knight", Walter? You would recognize many of the Chicago locations that were used for that film.
No, I'm not that much interested in that film, jw.
(And the match really live broadcasted - "comcast" via "NASN".)
My wife and I are going to see it on Monday.
I'm watching Begins tonight and going to see Dark Knight tomorrow.
Thank freaking God the weekend is almost here.
You're breaking my heart, Gargamel!
Have fun at the movies.