She crawled today! She's said mama,nana,papa,bye,bob the builder,dog and spongebob so far which is great!hopefully she'll be home for thanksgiving with her progess.
Katie:) What's the latest progress report on keely?
Well,shes kinda walking a lil bit by herself shes saying more words everyday,shes looking good
Good news. Glad to hear it.
So,We had a meeting yesterday about Keely and how she's doing,they estimate 2-3 weeks on her coming home,She's going to be wearing a leg brace on her right leg to help her and crap ,it wont be permanant but I'm hoping she'll be home for Thanksgiving and it's looking good so far.
Good news. Even if you're carrying a little bit of turkey to the rehab center, you'll really be able to celebrate Thanksgiving this year.
FINALLY!!Keely's coming home on the 22nd!!!
Best Friend.....

Doubly Excellent

Congratulations to you and Keely.
Home in time for Thanksgiving
Hey,Thought I'd update everyone,Keely is doing great,She's very happy to be home and able to be with her uncles all the time now.It's just been rough becuz of so many appts for the both of us,but we are both doing great!
Home and happy? Good to hear.
May this be a wonderful holiday season for you both.
I'm hoping but the family is short on money this x-mas,but we'll have to make the best of it.
Surely you noticed in the last few months that some things are much more important than money?
Oh of course,but my mom is freaking out about it.
Mothers do that sort of thing.
yah i suppose,I told her not even to get me anything for x-mas and she keeps telling me to make a list and asking me if I want a CD player and I told her no and she's like "dont you miss having one?" and i said i dont care and she jumps on me with "I should go see a therapist because I say I don't care a lot and that I'm depressed" I don't care about a damn CD player....geez
Your mother wants to buy something for you. She's got years of memories of you on Christmas morning (to say nothing of the rest of days of the year) tucked away in her head.
She wants to be a mother.
You don't want her to be a mother. You're a mother and you want her to treat you likea grown-up.
Search your brain and find three things that you want--or could use. Toys and clothes for Katie don't count.
Inventory your underwear drawer, your make-up case, your shoe rack.... Give your mother a list of three things you want/need: two new bras (size specified); new eyeshadow (color specified); shoes or boots or bunny slippers (something the two of you can shop for together). Then shop together.
Your mother is being greedy this season. She wants to celebrate because you're alive and her granddaughter is alive. She wants to show she loves you. Let her.
Yah,I listed like 4 things and gave it to her.
Katie tell her you want a later curfew hahaha jk I luv ya hehehehe hahaha lmao