Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 08:12 am
Sturgis wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Same principle in operation with pussy bastards who send kids to war but never served themselves.

Except for the simple fact that this particular war is full of volunteers. All of the American Forces volunteered. They were not drafted. Many of the men and women serving now volunteered after the U.S. had already gone to Iraq, they knew what existed and yet they enlisted. So this is not about 'sending kids to war but never served themselves' it is about some ignorant people who think the prepared speech of a basketball player are the most glorious words ever spoken.

trying to pick a fight huh? poser.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 08:14 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Sturgis wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Same principle in operation with pussy bastards who send kids to war but never served themselves.

Except for the simple fact that this particular war is full of volunteers. All of the American Forces volunteered. They were not drafted. Many of the men and women serving now volunteered after the U.S. had already gone to Iraq, they knew what existed and yet they enlisted. So this is not about 'sending kids to war but never served themselves' it is about some ignorant people who think the prepared speech of a basketball player are the most glorious words ever spoken.

trying to pick a fight huh? poser.

Just placing simple facts in front of everyone, that's all.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 10:04 am
Sturgis wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Same principle in operation with pussy bastards who send kids to war but never served themselves.

Except for the simple fact that this particular war is full of volunteers. All of the American Forces volunteered. They were not drafted. Many of the men and women serving now volunteered after the U.S. had already gone to Iraq, they knew what existed and yet they enlisted. So this is not about 'sending kids to war but never served themselves' it is about some ignorant people who think the prepared speech of a basketball player are the most glorious words ever spoken.
Search "Back door draft" There is a reason why they re-enlist. If they don't they just put a stop loss on them. Then they lose there bonus and they still have to fight. I'm tired of correcting right wing lies, bulls**t and misinformation. Can't you guys just fight a clean fight or are you just ignorant. They trusted us when they voluteered. Look at the enlistment stats now.
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Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 10:10 am
Amigo, nobody is forcing them to do anything. These men and women chose to enlist in the first place therefore it is their individual responsibility to shoulder the weight of the life and death situation which they are in. These are not lies, they are simple truthful facts.
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Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 10:16 am
Chrissee wrote:
It is about leaders who never served sending people to war. There is a presumed contract that soldiers will be compelled into harm's way to defend our country not to be caught in the crossfire of a foreign country's civil war.

I am tired of this repeated effort from the left. It's the governments JOB to send the military to war. It's a CIVILIAN government that runs the military and military experience is NOT a requirement to hold down the job.

Now, if you would rather have a military government we can discuss that. I am against such government and I suspect you are too.
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Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 10:35 am
Sturgis wrote:
Amigo, nobody is forcing them to do anything. These men and women chose to enlist in the first place therefore it is their individual responsibility to shoulder the weight of the life and death situation which they are in. These are not lies, they are simple truthful facts.
And what of the responsability of their commander and chief What if you went to Iraq right now and said "anyone who wants to go home right now hop on the plane". What do you think would happen? Bush used are volunteer army for his own purposes and everyone knows it.Did you search back door draft?
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Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 10:46 am
The fact is that when somebody enlists, they sign papers which put upon them certain responsibilities. They cannot just get up and leave that violates their contract. I did not draw up the contract and neither did President Bush, nor did either of us take a 20 year old or a 23 year old or any other person and force them to sign up. These were choices made by individuals and it is about time people from the absurdist left started admitting that at the very least.

As to the Bush wishing to use the volunteers for his own purposes, I need to ask: Why is it that you feel it is not only okay, but necessary to send troops to flood ravaged areas in order to protect and help people, and keep in mind this too is risking the lives of the people doing the protecting; but you feel it is a crime to protect your freedom and your life from terrorists? If we disband the entire nations armed forces, there will be nobody to protect your pansy rear when the guns start to fire at you.
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Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 11:33 am
I've had guns fired at me and there were never any troops around to save me and I didn't need them anyway. I've seen people blown away, Riots, people getting jumped, robbed by knife point, Skulls smashed while the person was unconious. Ive had gun and sawed off shotguns held to my head and ribcage. There were never any cops or troops around. Iv'e chased purse snachers. I saw a teenager shot in the heart and chassed the guy that did then realized I had no gun and he did. I got back in time to see his last breath and his family screaming and crying.No cops no troops. Iv'e seen underage prostitution, welfare fraud, and drug addiction. Statistically I'm supposed to be dead, in jail, or on drugs. I beat the odds most kids will never face. The government never protected me from s**t. They lied to go in and get the oil and build a pipeline through Afganistan. I know gangster mantality and the Bush administration are a bunch of gangsters. I know alot of kids that join the military to get out of the ghetto and we still talk. They know what the war is about because they know whats important to the government. They grew up in ghetto. They pull the trigger for them so they can collect the money. The troops may have beleived they were voluteering for freedom but they know better now.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2005 01:00 pm
Amigo wrote:
I've had guns fired at me and there were never any troops around to save me and I didn't need them anyway. I've seen people blown away, Riots, people getting jumped, robbed by knife point, Skulls smashed while the person was unconious. Ive had gun and sawed off shotguns held to my head and ribcage. There were never any cops or troops around. Iv,e chased purse snachers. I saw a teenager shoot in the heart and chassed the guy that did then realized I had no gun and he did. I got back in time to see his last breath and his family screaming and crying.No cops no troops. Iv'e seen underage prostitution, welfare fraud, and drug addiction. Statistically I'm supposed to be dead, in jail, or on drugs. I beat the odds most kids will never face. The government never protected me fro s**t. They lied to go in and get the oil and build a pipeline thruogh Afganistan. I know gangster mantality and the bush administration are a bunch of gangsters. I know alot of kids that join the military to get out of the ghetto we still talk. They know what the war is about because they know whats important to the government they grew up in ghetto. They pull the trigger for them so they can collect the money. The troops may have beleived they were voluteering for freedom but they know better now.

Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 12:49 am
amigo, you know what you're talking about. being shot at in a ghetto is not different from being shot at in a war - same thing. Yes, the government is being run by gangsters, which is why over 5,500 soldiers are going AWOL. They were lied to and know they realize it. They were/are being kept in Iraq much longer than what they were initially told. These kids, most from disadvantaged neighborhoods, were approached in malls, shopping centres, anywhere that kids hang, by recruiters. I consider that despicable.

Sturgis- how can you possibly compare rescuing people from flood damaged areas in the US, to war ravaged Iraq? I hadn't heard that there were bombs and grenades in N.Orleans. Get real.

Bush and his cabal have put america in greater peril by their actions in Iraq. The only real terrorists exist in America. Fear is a big part of control of the populace, and you guys are afraid bigtime. Maybe America should begin to look at ways to solve problems with their Brains rather than bombs. Violence, I hear, only begets more violence.

You guys who are ok with signing up kids to fight a 'war' - I have to ask you- would you send YOUR kid? Really? To come home in a box, or come home maimed?

It should not be about 'right' or 'left' political parties - it's about right and wrong. And this war is wrong and was from the beginning. Give peace a chance......
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Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 01:11 am
What has not been mentioned so far in this thread is that the soldiers as well as Iraqi citizens are coming up with high levels of depleted uranium in their bodies. I won't quote all the websites about this because there are too many, by both LEFT and RIGHT political parties. What a horrible legacy America has left the Iraqis, as well as American soldiers who signed up. Cancer, birth deformities, etc.

Gotta ask you, America: Do you feel safer now?
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Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 07:28 am
Depleted Uranium. I forgot about that. I put everything on the back burner. I've been thinking about the real enemy; Ourselves. Apathy, complacency, lack of understanding, ignorance, judgement.

Nobody really cares enough to stop anything. We are to preoccupied with vanity and commercialism.

I've been looking into New War Technologies, HAARP, Experiments on the mind by the government, the weirdest of the weird. If nobody cares about depleted uranium or anything else why do I care. I'm afraid one side of human nature will lose to the other. The 1% of the population that are working to control the rest may be to far beyond any kind of movement.

It's like your on a ship with a bunch of people looking for land and a very small group of people know that land is to the East but the other 90% of the ship belive land is to the west. So the ship sales west and theres nothing you can do about it. The people are not bad people but there still going the wrong way. So you can spend the whole trip trying to convince them or you can enjoy the ride till it's over.

I just like to do my part so in the end I can be among those that tried. It takes about ten years before somthing like depleted uranium to go from conspiracy theory to commen knowledge and by that time they have about ten more f**kup things going on worse then depleted uranium. We are no match for ourselves. I think the average spieces last something like 10,000 years. Remember the cuban missle crisis. Whats going to happen this time around. Not only are we going to destroy ourselves but everything else to. The real war isn't against terrorist it's against ourselves.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 01:21 pm
Hey amigo, right on, again! It's like putting out thousands of brush fires when the forest is burning, eh? The depleted uranium is real, though. There are guys coming back from Iraq with problems. Too bad the US gov uses soldiers for guinea pigs. Nothing new there; mustard gas, agent orange, the list goes on.

Your comment about HAARP is interesting as I've been reading about it as well. Isn't that the strangest thing? If you've got some good websites I'd be interested in reading more. I believe this huge antenna is situated at an old army? base in Alaska. What does the gov hope to achieve with it? Scientists have been warning about messing with the magnetic field of the earth, to no avail, of course! Yeah, I agree, enjoy the ride as there isn't much us average peons can do. It's just good to be aware.
we need to evolve another few million years to get to the place where greed and avarice don't exist.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 01:53 pm
I didn't notice you were from Alaska. Look up the group "NO HAARP". I't a grass roots group against HAARP. Here is a freakier site on HAARP or with HAARP info. When researching things it's always good as you probably know to sift through conventional and unconventional sources to come to your own conclusion. This site is (www.coastalpost.com) is an unconventional site that may not be easy to find. Then you have the HAARP official site. But whatever position you take on HAARP it's heavy duty s**t.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 04:28 pm
Thanks, i'll check it out. More stuff to give me nightmares! Isn't HAARP santioned/funded by the US Air Force?

I'm not from Alaska. I'm from British Columbia, Canada. The true last frontier.....and an ex-pat from the ole US of A. We're glad we made the decision to relocate!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 04:40 pm
woiyo wrote:
We all have equal opportunity to improve ourselves.

Not in my lifetime observation.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 05:05 pm
woiyo wrote:
[Etan Thomas] Just another whine-bag looking for more handouts.

Etan Thomas is in the second year of a six year, 36 million dollar contract. He is hardly looking for handouts.

And as the Bush tax plan strongly favors someone in his economic position, it is clear Mr Thomas is willing to sacrifice his economic self interest to promote social justice.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 05:16 pm
We all DO have the opportunity to improve ourselves. Whether one takes advantage of those opportunities, is the question!

For some people it takes a lot more diligence and effort than others, depending on what socioeconomic situation they are coming from. I don't think I'd say all opportunities are equal for everyone, like the founding fathers idealized. That was a different era when that was drafted. Women and people of colour, Indians, had no rights, basically. It was a white man's world, and the Dec. of Ind. was written by wealthy dudes who didn't have to worry about how to fund an education. There are night schools and lots of ways for people to make something better out of their lives. It just takes what I said above-- and discipline! But, that is just my take on it..................
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 05:21 pm
Instigate wrote:


Halliburton and Bechtel got HOW much in government contracts since Bush took office?

Instigate wrote:
I am not a serf, not a tool of the Democrats.

Is it better that the Chief Executive be a tool of corporate interests?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 05:28 pm
Certainly not equal opportunity to improve ourselves.
0 Replies

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