Fri 23 Sep, 2005 06:34 am
Hi, I have an interview soon to work as a telemarketer. I heard that when you go for an interview at these places they put you on the phone and watch you and if you don't make a sale within a certain amount of time, you don't get the job. This scares me

. I get really nervous before job interviews because im a pretty shy person, but this would make me much more nervous. Has anyone here worked as a telemarketer or just been on an interview at one of these places? Can you give me some advice?
I lasted one day, but only because I didn't like it.
Basically, you either have the stomach for it or you don't, and you won't know until you try.
I WAS NOT put on the spot right away. I had an interview, and then I started the next day.
If you are shy, thats fine, but be direct and forthright in the interview. Speak firmly. They want to know how you communicate.
Good luck!
Koll, if you get the job and call me you will get the same response I give all telemarketers.
They will say "Good morning, Mr. Ratzenhofer."
At that point I lower my voice to a hoarse whisper and say, "Call me Snake."
They usually hang up. Only one has actually called me Mr. Snake.
I started laughing and had to hang up the phone.
That's one approach. I usually ask them if they have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior, and they immediately hang the **** up.
Not me, I start telling them about how I am having relations with a goat and ask if I can call back in about 45 seconds.. :-)
I wouldn't worry about the interview. I can only imagine that they have a difficult time getting people to work as a telemarketer. It has to be the worst job ever - unless of course you like to irritate people, get the phone slammed on you, have people swear at you or have them ask you to call them snake.
I did it once and actually lasted several weeks. The guys running the place were the biggest sleaze balls. They encouraged me once to tell the guy on the other line that I would come over his house to collect the money (this was for a charity- we received a small portion of the sales - and we had people going to the houses to collect the checks). It was really horrible - I had elderly people giving me money and apologizing that they couldn't give more because they were on a fixed budget. I felt like such a heel - I had to quit.
I cut off a telemarketer once by saying, "I like ice you like ice cream? Ice cream GOOOOD!"
I don't believe they'd put you on the phone to watch you make a sale. The ratio of no's vs. sales is probably 1 out of 100 calls with telemarketing. They'd be watching you forever.
Hey, if you want a job that will help break you out of your "shy" shell and learn some basic sales skills and improve oral communications, go for it. You'll build a thick skin if you can stick it out.
However, there's still a lot better entry level sales jobs you could shoot for...or even working customer service somewhere.
Yeah I got the job, thanks for asking and thanks for the great comments everyone, I think they helped. I start next week. Im not sure if I will like it or not, I'll just have to wait and see :wink: .
I did telemarketing for Time/Life Libraries once upon a time, long ago and in a galaxy far away. Since you got the job, Koll, anything I say is no longer applicable. But the important part of the interview, as I recall, was not going in and filling out the job application form. It was the phone call to arrange an interview. That's where they weed out the people whose phone manner and voices don't cut it.
As for doing the job, don't sweat the "no, thank you" or "no, f**k you" responses. As I think Slappy has already said, you'll get 100 hang-ups before you'll get someone to actually listen to your spiel. No big deal. Your job is to just dial the next number. I also found it's helpful to establish a good raport with the prospect early on. Not too chummy, but not stand-offish either. There's usually a standard script from which you can deviate, if at all, only very slightly. Don't worry about it. Just keep your voice friendly. If someone says to you, "Call me Snake" or something similar, just laugh politely. If you have any empathy for people at all, you'll know when it's time to say, "Well, thank you for your time," and hang up.
Koll, if you call me during dinner I will drive over to your house at 4 in the morning and personally kick the **** out of you while you peacefully sleep. ( :wink: , sort of....I hate telemarketers)
What the f*ck is it with telemarketing companies? If I WANTED to buy a subscription to the local paper I WOULD. If I WANTED something, I'd BUY it. Leave me the hell alone.
There's a do-not-call list, you know.
Although the height of irony is that they call those on the do-not-call list to run a customer satisfaction survey of the do-not-call list.
I am on the do not call list and I swear they stalk me
DrewDad wrote:There's a do-not-call list, you know.
I'm registered but still get calls. Not nearly as many of course, but some none the's like they seek me out....
Even if you are on the "Do Not Call List" you can still get telemarketer calls. Any business in which you have some sort of relationship can call you (ie I have a Sunday only subscription to the Boston Globe - I regularly get calls to have a weekly subscription). Charitable organizations are also exempt from the Do Not Call List - any charity can call you.