So people around the world are boycotting McDonalds as a protest against the war, including the McDonalds in Indonesia....from what I hear, at that Mickey D's, you can get Chinese noodle dishes, kebabs, and beer

Sounds like the corporation is treating their foreign interests better than us. What do we get? 'Lighter Choices', and that disgusting McRib every few months....and what was up with that pizza?
Well, as much as McDonalds is a very recognizable symbol of American imperialism, they are going down the toilet financially anyway. Why not wait it out and put your energies into more effective protests, I wonder? Heard in Germany, in some restaurants, Coca Cola has been removed from the bar menu in favour of the slightly sweeter, German-made 'Afri-Cola' I wonder how that name would go over here?
Some of these ads for 'Afri-Cola' are hilarious