Thu 8 Sep, 2005 10:20 am
I almost spit my morning orange juice all over my computer when I read this latest bit or outrageous bald-face lying propaganda. ---BBB
Bush Not A Practitioner Of Polarizing Politics, Says Mehlman
From the Republican National Committee web site.
The Washington Post reports on RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman responding to Democrats' accusations that President Bush is a polarizing leader. "'They've [Democrat leaders] got a one-way street of unity,' he said. 'It's 'Do what we want, or you're not a unifier.'"
Mehlman "said Bush has produced an unprecedented record of bipartisan accomplishment, citing the passage of the No Child Left Behind education act, prescription drug benefits for Medicare recipients, the USA Patriot Act and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security."
Mehlman "also said Democrats are now attempting to take advantage of the politics of Katrina and pointed specifically at Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), who yesterday introduced legislation calling for" FEMA "to be reconstituted as an independent, Cabinet-level agency, rather than a unit in the new Homeland Security Department. 'You tell me who's taking what should be a moment of national unity and trying to score politically,' he said."
Why does the truth bother you so much BBB?