Momma Angel wrote:Yes Frank. I have heard you argue that before. And perhaps I used a poor choice of words. Let me put it this way, I do not feel you have an effective argument as you do not appear to understand the balance of the Old and New Testament. You continually (especially with this particular point) still to the letter of the word and seem to take nothing else into view.
If you want to take certain points so literally, why not take some postive things literally? You only seem to point out negatives. When assessing any given situation, person, etc., do you only look at just one side of it? Do you not take the whole picture and circumstances into consideration and then come to a conclusion?
MA...the most crucial part of the Christian with any its base.
The Old Testament...and its god...(the god Jesus worshipped) the base of the Christian religion...and it deserves to be looked at carefully.
No matter what Jesus taught...and I am perfectly willing to concede that much of what Jesus taught is edifying to a huge degree...
...unless the relgion can stand the test of the Old falls.
Personally, I think the best guess that can be made about that he was a man...a human being...who saw the need to CHANGE the thrust of the religion of the ancient Hebrews...and who did his best to recommend that drastic and substantial change.
Certainly, the people who adopted his philosophy saw a pressing need for immediate and substantial change...and did their best to institute it.
It is my guess that when Jesus claimed he was NOT here to change the law...or that he had no intentions to change the law...
...he was lying.
He was being expedient....much like many politicians of today lie thought their teeth in order to be elected...because without being elected, it does not much matter how far-reaching and necessary your programs and proposals are.
Jesus said what he had to say in order to stay alive...and to continue his work...which, as nearly as I can see...was to change the thrust of the Hebrew religion completely.
I am NOT arguing against the teachings of Jesus. I have, in fact, taken much of his lesson to heart...and integrated it into my personal philosophy.
I am arguing against the blind acceptance of the notion of gods...and the of the divinity of Jesus.
The best way to do to attack the base.
Sorry you do not like that...but that is my agenda...and I do not see it as illogical or duplicitous in any way. I think it is the proper way to proceed...and I wish Christians would adopt it.
As far as I am concerned...this notion of "a balance of the Old Testament and New Testament" is simply the Christian way of distancing itself from the barbarity and savagery of the Old Testament god. You folks are not "balancing" at are avoiding.