We went hiking today around Concord, MA, and found these mushrooms clustered up under a beech tree. I wonder what they are. Been staring into all sorts of guides online, and am leaning towards a Honey mushroom, which there are many kinds of. It has a yellow cap (concave) with brownish center, ring (that falls off on older ones), tough stem with sort of threads around, spore print that is white, sort of sweet/almost soapy smell.... Like honey mushrooms, these were under a tree in big clusters. Honey mushrooms are parasitic that way, so that would fit. They are also edible.
...the problem is that they also kinda look like Jack O'Lantern (Omphalotus Olearius) mushroom.... which is poisonous.
I know my mushrooms in Slovakia. Here I only know 2-3 kinds. I want to learn.... anyone a mushroom expert here? What is my beaut below?