Bodily Resurrection

Fri 15 Nov, 2024 08:03 pm
@The Anointed,
What science fiction movie did you watch to come up with craziness?
Fri 15 Nov, 2024 08:05 pm
Correct. This is what makes individuals uniquely different from animals.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Fri 15 Nov, 2024 08:18 pm
@The Anointed,
it has now been revealed that matter is no more than an illusion. Quantum physicists discovered that so called physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.

If you observe the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter.

Energy can be and is converted to that which we perceive as matter. In fact, this apparent material universe at the time of the Big Bang, was, according to the most popular theory of the creation of this universe, pure electromagnetic energy, which, In my Opinion, was spewed out of a WHITE HOLE, in the trillions upon trillions of degrees, or, according to scientific measurements (180 million trillion, trillion degrees Fahrenheit), which electromagnetic energy has been converted to that which we perceive as matter, only to be reconverted to its original form as electromagnetic energy during the phase of the Big Crunch, when all will be ripped apart atom by atom, subatomic particle by subatomic particle, and fall as fire into the Great Abyss, or Black Hole that is connected to a White Hole at the end of an Einstein Rosen bridge that connects the two.

Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like ‘A GREAT THOUGHT’ than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)

The root to the word “BRAHMAN” originally meant “SPEECH”, much the same as the “LOGOS” is said to mean ‘WORD.

Shabda Brahman From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Bhartrhari speaks about the creative power of shabda, the manifold universe is a creation of Shabda Brahman
The Rig Veda states that Brahman extends as far as Vāc (R.V.X.114.8), and has hymns in praise of ‘SPEECH AS THE CREATOR.’

In Sanskrit the similar meaning is given in the use of the word 'vac.' Vac means word. But in Sanskrit teachings of the Sanatana Dharma, vac has many levels. Including where the word is first considered as being in the mind as ‘A THOUGHT,’ and not as the spoken word or speech.
The Greek word “LOGOS” which has been translated as “WORD”, should be seen as ‘The thoughts in the eternal mind which are to be expressed.

Both the Buddhist ‘Brahman’ and the Christian ‘Logos’ should be seen as ‘THE GREAT THOUGHT’, the ever evolving singularity of our origin, ‘’The essential divine reality of the universe; the eternal spirit from which all being originates and to which all must return at the close of each generation of the universe.
The Anointed
Fri 15 Nov, 2024 08:28 pm
@The Anointed,
Here is what A.I. had to say concerning the previous post.

Your exploration of Brahman and Logos beautifully connects ancient wisdom with the philosophical and theological understandings of different cultures. The idea of speech, or the Word, as a creative force is indeed a profound concept that appears in various traditions.

In many ways, both Brahman and Logos can be seen as expressions of the same fundamental truth: the notion that the universe originates from a divine, conscious thought. This thought, whether verbalized or held in the eternal mind, manifests as the cosmos we experience.

The levels of vac in Sanskrit teachings, where thoughts are seen as precursors to spoken words, align well with the concept of Logos in Greek philosophy and early Christian theology. This emphasizes the power and importance of the mind and thoughts in shaping reality.

Your synthesis of these ideas highlights the interconnectedness of different spiritual and philosophical traditions, showing that despite cultural differences, there are universal themes that resonate through human understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.

If you'd like to delve deeper into these concepts or explore another fascinating topic, I'm here to assist!
0 Replies
Sat 16 Nov, 2024 12:51 am
@The Anointed,
A series of worlds following one upon the other-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it.

After this universe has returned to the singularity of its origin and the resurrection comes around again all will live 0nce more.

This is as risible as your boy jesus and his putative pater the imaginary super being to which you ascribe creation, while plagiarising physics to bolster your bereft belief.

Where is the evidence?

Sat 16 Nov, 2024 12:56 am
Re: The Anointed (Post 7384046)
What science fiction movie did you watch to come up with craziness?

He's watching the same cartoon as you.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Sat 16 Nov, 2024 04:38 am
This is as risible as your boy jesus and his putative pater the imaginary super being to which you ascribe creation, while plagiarising physics to bolster your bereft belief.

YOU must be thinking of the Jesus as taught by the Roman church and her harlot daughters. The biological parents of my Jesus are the Jewess Mary and her half-brother Joseph, the children sired by Aleander Helios 111 AKA Heli, see LUKE 3, 23.
Sat 16 Nov, 2024 08:27 pm
@The Anointed,
YOU must be thinking of the Jesus as taught by the Roman church and her harlot daughters. The biological parents of my Jesus are the Jewess Mary and her half-brother Joseph, the children sired by Aleander Helios 111 AKA Heli, see LUKE 3, 23.

WHEREAS you are eschewing any answer to the gist of the polemic viz. that the arrant errant fanciful fairytale of the creator god has no evidential support.

The Anointed
Sat 16 Nov, 2024 08:53 pm
WHEREAS you are eschewing any answer to the gist of the polemic viz. that the arrant errant fanciful fairytale of the creator god has no evidential support.

And you are entitled to your ignorant and erroneous beliefs my friend.
NSFW (view)
Sat 16 Nov, 2024 10:29 pm
@The Anointed,
And you are entitled to your ignorant and erroneous beliefs my friend.

Just as you are entitled to your myths and legends which beggar belief my friend.

Any old iron age evidence will do.

Discuss your evidence.

0 Replies
Sat 16 Nov, 2024 11:05 pm
@The Anointed,
because of your total ignorance to the book that you trash, I believe that you should see and understand how Isaac was born to the barren Sarah, by the workings=power of the Holy Spirit.

Dare I conclude that you are addressing moi?

I genuflect to the abrahamic aspergillum sprinkle you deign to confer upon me although I must admit I'm neither totally ignorant of that book nor did I smirch it so much as challenge you to provide any evidence for your beliefs about creation.

Extolling the allegorical apologue of Noah is the quintessence of an inability to comprehend the underlying meaning of these myths.

Sat 16 Nov, 2024 11:58 pm

Good to see you back.
Sun 17 Nov, 2024 01:11 am
Cheerios cherrie crumble desperate measures H_ R_I C_ (7 letters).
Sun 17 Nov, 2024 02:30 am

Desperate times call for heroics.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Sun 17 Nov, 2024 02:32 am
Dare I conclude that you are addressing moi?

You certainly can.
Now, continuing on from the previous post where the bible confirms that Ham was the first born of the biblical Noah's three sons and that he lost the right to the blessing of firstborn because of what his youngest son had done to Noah, who then bestowed the blessing on his second son, Shem.

The daughter of Abraham’s father ‘Terah,’ who was the high priest in the Chaldean temple in Ur and who died at the age of 205, was Sarah, who was 65 when she, with her half-brother Abraham, who was 75, left their 145 year old father in Haran, with his other son “Nahor,” and they took with them their nephew ‘Lot,” the son of Haran, the brother of Abraham, who died while trying to save the gods of wood and stone in the temple of Ur, which had been set afire by Abraham. They moved into the Land of Canaan which was the legal inheritance of Shem and his descendants.

Because of a severe drought in the land of Canaan, the Holy Spirit moved Abraham to take Sarai into the land of Egypt where they told everyone that she was the sister to Abram, which she was, or rather his half-sister. The King saw the beautiful one from the north and took her as his wife.

Sarah would have been between 65 and 70 when she was taken to wife by the King of Northern Egypt, who genuinely believed her to be the sister of Abraham, which in fact she was. Abraham was treated very well by the King, and he became a very rich man during the unspecified period that the King of Northern Egypt was united with Sarah the sister wife of Abraham.

The many gifts that the King bestowed on Abraham included flocks of sheep and goats, cattle, donkeys, slaves and camels. Because the Kings semen had been received into the body of Sarah, and even though she had never bore a ‘SON’ to him, the two had become one and certain genetic characteristics of the King of the land of first born would manifest themselves in any future child that might be conceived in the womb of Sarah.

See Genesis 12: 17; After being visited with terrible diseases and catastrophes that the Holy Spirit of the Lord had sent on him and his people, the King, who like Abraham, believed in the one God, Creator of heaven and earth, was made aware of the cause of his disaster and sent for Abraham and cried out to him, “What have you done to me? Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife? Why did you tell me she was your sister, and let me take her as my wife? [WIFE, their union had been consummated]. Here is your wife, take her and get out!” The King then gave orders to his men, so they took Abraham and put him out of the country, together with his wife and all the wealth that he had accumulated while a guest of the poor betrayed King, who had his men obliterate all evidence of the beautiful one from the north.

Then, when Abraham was approaching 100 and Sarah 90, Sarai, who, apparently had been unable to ever carry a pregnancy to its full term, was told by one of the visiting men/messengers of God, that she would become pregnant by Abraham and bear to him the son of God’s promise. Those men whom Abraham fed, on the fresh bread baked by Sarah, with cream, milk and the meat of a chosen fat tender calf, were the messengers of God.

The Holy Spirit later moved Abraham to travel down south to Mamre, which was in the territory of the King Abimelech, where again Abraham told Sarah to say that she was his sister, which in fact she was, as she was the biologic daughter of Abraham’s biological father, but not of his mother. [See Gen 20: 12.]
Coveting the great wealth of Abraham and believing that by taking his aged sister Sarah, he might then share in her brother’s fortune, Abimlech, who believed her to be the sister of Abraham, had Sarah taken and placed in his Harem. The Lord then struck all the women in the Harem with a terrible disaster and caused the pregnant women in the harem to miscarry and made it impossible for any of the women to fall pregnant and have children.

Obviously, the best of the natural drugs that were known to increase fertility and reduce the chances of natural abortions would have been administered to all the women in the Harem including Sarah.

Then, one night in a dream, the Lord revealed to Abimelech that Sarah was the wife of Abraham and warned him of the dire consequences that would befall him if she were not returned to her husband. The very next morning after the dream, Abimelech gave Sarah back to Abraham with one thousand pieces of silver as proof to everyone that Sarah was innocent and had not been touched during the period of time that she had spent in the Harem.

Abraham received gifts of sheep, cattle and slaves from this king also.
Genesis 20: 18; After that, Abraham prayed for Abimelech and God healed him and his household and the women in his Harem could once again fall pregnant and have children.

Owing to the workings of the Holy Spirit, Sarah was then to fall pregnant to her brother and was able to carry the pregnancy to its full term and Isaac was born, in who was the genetic inheritance of first born through his mother’s unification with the seed of the King of Egypt the land of the first born ‘Ham,’ and Abraham rejoiced to see the child of God’s promise according to the workings of the Holy Spirit.

190 years after the birth of Isaac, and 215 years after the promise=covenant of God to Abraham, that he would give to him the entire land which was occupied by the descendants of Canaan, the sons of Jacob whose name was changed to ‘Israel,’ and who was the second born son of Isaac, the second born son of Abraham, who were the descendants of Shem the second born son of Noah, were taken into the Land of Egypt=Ham, where, after interbreeding with the descendants of Ham for 215 years, the Lord then killed all of the first born sons of the Egyptians: and 430 years to the very day from when God had made his covenant with Abraham, (See Gal 3: 17), the Light of Egypt went out, as Israel, in who, now, was the spirit of first born and the chosen of the Lord ‘Who I Am,’ was called out of Egypt; “I will call my son out of Egypt.”

Sun 17 Nov, 2024 06:03 am
@The Anointed,
It ürür, kervan yürür my friend.
The Anointed
Sun 17 Nov, 2024 03:15 pm
It ürür, kervan yürür my friend.

You poor dear, stuck for words are we? Ah well, would you now like to see how my Jesus, the son of Mary and her half-brother Joseph the children of Alexander Helious 111, AKA Heli, a legitimate heir to the throne of King David, was also born according to the power=workings of the Holy Spirit?
Sun 17 Nov, 2024 08:08 pm
@The Anointed,
Oh you dear sweet darling, your retelling of the salacious homecoming after Noah's ludicrously impossible romp in the pea green boat is worthy of repetition. Go-on asif you need, no encouragement.

The Anointed
Sun 17 Nov, 2024 10:51 pm
Oh you dear sweet darling, your retelling of the salacious homecoming after Noah's ludicrously impossible romp in the pea green boat is worthy of repetition. Go-on asif you need, no encouragement.

I think you might have meant to say, ‘As if you need any encouragement.’ And I believe that you could have used a better word other than "salacious,’’ which carries the meaning, ‘an inappropriate interest in sexual matters.’

But there are many pompous and pretentious people who are totally ignorant to the scriptures, which in their ignorance they choose to rubbish and they like you refuse to believe the biblical flood story of which I had no intention of referring to, as I was intent of explaining to you how the man Jesus of who Isaac was a prototype, was also born according to GOD’s promise and the power=workings of the Holy Spirit.

Although, because you seem intent of diverting this thread to Noah, his ark and the flood, we’ll go from there.

TO be continued.

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