Stray Cat wrote:...
So, I guess that would sorta be networking, wouldn't it?
My company is in the voice recognition software biz and we use transcription (we have a full-time person, the ex-pastry chef I mentioned, above). Her predecessor did MT for about three years for us and parlayed it into a QA job elsewhere. She was just the
known person, if you know what I mean.
RP got his last job through networking; his old company was leaving the area, we wanted to stay (of course), and a friend of his said, hey, my place might be hiring. Now RP does the same. It's a very incestuous industry, as is mine. People just know each other, and help one another out.
But one thing that definitely helps is establishing a beachhead, e. g. staying in one place or more or less in one place, so I've noticed. I've moved a few times and that made it tough to get reestablished.
My current job is through a head hunter, not through networking, but I now have my foot in the door and am working hard to sell myself not only as a subject matter expert (which would be a narrow niche) but also as something of a utility infielder. So I suggest a bunch of things, like let's put together this, here, let me organize that, and I think those are also going to be higher profile tasks.
Hey, it can't hurt.
Thanks to everyone for your responses.