Small triumphs are essential in hard times.
you think it will come back?
It's like B.O. Even Seinfeld couldn't get rid of that....
oh well, at least I have all the tools I need to clean it up again.. : sigh :
I have used ozone that has completely eliminated the smell of cat urine. The are a number of ozone manufactures that product ozone generators using corona discharge.
THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL OXIDANT and should be used wisely. For more information, do a search for ozone - ozonator - ozone air purifier.
Ozonators can handle acute, static and chronic air/surface quality problems but all are handled slightlyt differently. The cat urine you a re speaking of is considered a static odor...once treated, it is gone.
Since cat urtne is usually absorbed into surfaces (carpet, wood, furniture) treatment takes a little longer than simple air treatment.
Let me know if you want more iinformation.
If you are still haveing problems with the pee. Try a product called trizyme. It is made by Amway it works great. If you are not able to find it my second choice would be Oxyclean. Try to get the trizyme first. It says it is for you clothes but it does wonders on cat pee.
How would you use it on carpet? How much and at what dilution, and how many times?