Some of you will most likely say "get over it, live your life, appreciate what you have etc" And yes i get that. It's just that sometimes life takes you in this magical direction you were not expecting. Not even dreamed of. Long story short. Something happened recently. Working away, few weeks somewhere in the world. Exact location not relevant at this stage of the story. Together with my work colleague decided to go for a weekend to certain Irish city. Just to relax, reset, chill out a bit, have some fun, something else than just work. First night there, enjoying live music, cold drinks, amazing atmosphere and perfect weather. There she was, having some good time with friends. I've noticed her as soon as i walked into this pub. Could not stop looking, hoping that she will spot me as well. Few minutes later she did, the most beautiful smile i have ever seen. She was not far, like two tables away, it's like she looked through my eyes into my soul. I mean that moment was just unbelievable, Time, world around me, music, people everything just disappeared. Like, wow. Every time i close my eyes i can see that smile and her eyes. Me being me, mixture of craziness, fully grown adult child, proper gentleman and many many more ingredients, decided to go and introduce my self. We talked, laughed, exchanged numbers, took few photos together, you know how this works

Nothing happened between us that night, as mentioned before i am a proper gentleman

All i wanted is to spend time with her, look into her eyes, see her smiling, you know. Texted her later that night, bit of a slow start but we agreed to go out together to see one of the local attractions. Excitement reached maximum levels, send her all the details and location, as both of us are not local and staying in different parts of the city it was just easier that way. Had no reply for hours, send few more messages to confirm, No reply. Yet full of hope i went to the agreed place hoping she will be there. She wasn't. A bit disappointing really but was trying to reason with my self that it might be for the best. Later that day i saw her in the same pub we've met, she smiled in the same way as last time and within minutes she was gone. For some strange reason my brain just froze, complete meltdown. Only when she was gone it came to me "why haven't I stopped her, even if it's just to say hi, maybe ask what happened with our "date". Well i did not. Why? Not a clue. Days have past, had not response or any message. I can't stop thinking about her, keep looking at her pictures, Stuck in a hotel room for another 2 weeks, trying to keep my mind occupied with work and all but it is driving me crazy. I know it was pretty much nothing, Maybe she just had some fun and went back home, back to her life. I don't know. No idea how to deal with this situation. Should I keep trying to reach her? Or should i just let go and forget. Won't be easy :)And i don't want ther to think i'm like a crazy person or something. Right? I'm not 20 any more, but i'm not 45 yet so i do have some good and bad experiences, but something like this never happened. I mean, it's midnight and i'm writing this post. :)Any advise?Comment? Anything?