Welcome from another corner of the still rainy Toronto (don't forget to pronounce it as tranna, or we'll know yer from outta town, eh)
Tranna, ok, i can pronounce it as tranna
Kevin, you can edit your own posts ... handy to know when you spot errors like the transposition of those bracketed "B"s in your earlier post. I went ahead and fixed it for ya, but if you aren't sure how to go about it yourself, just post a question about it over in
Forum Help
Hi to all. I am new here.
Welcome to sorcererSS. Intriguing name.
I guess this is my first post here, then.
nice emoticons, though.
New Member
Hi, I'm a new member.
I found the site through a google search on age-gap relationships.
Just wanted to say Hi!
Hi all. I'm glad to see a group of people down with fun intellectual discussion. I found the site through metacrawler.
Hi guys, newbie here. I actually got here trying to get rid of some spyware. I've been checking out your "Books" section, though, and I like it! This does look like a fine and friendly community, congratulations!
Welcome to the best forum on the 'net, durriken. See ya around the boards.
I am new here, so Hi
I am new here, so Hi. I hope to participate with many of the forums, and answer queries if I can. My name is David and I am in London in the Uk. My interests are computers, the internet, writing fiction, writing non-fiction, self-publishing, French cinema, American mobile homes, and canal boats.
cv boot
I'm in need of having my cv joint or boot replaced. I see that you all have a lot to say about the subject, but I would like to know with the estimated pricing that has been discussed...has anyone had this item replaced on a Lexus before. $1100 seems to be a bit much for an item that you all seem to believe would be under $300 to replace. Please help...I hate to over pay for anything.
Hello. I am new here. Was introduced to this site by a very nice person, who is very artistic. I am more of a musician. I play piano, guitar and drums. My musical tastes range from hard metal to classical. I look forward to seeing what others interests are. I enjoy art, especially of the Impressionist and I enjoy erotic art. (sensual, not to be taken the wrong way). I am also a Network Engineer, Windows SA, very skilled, so hope to be able to help those and find advice from other on things that I may question about upcoming technology. I hope to meet some nice people on here. So Hello!!
Kayla Michele