We reluctantly allow Aussies. Very reluctantly.
Really they are only here because they breed like rabbits and we can't be rid of them!
Kust kiddin' there's an Australia forum and all Aussies are welcome with the exception of one infamous bunny.
Welcome to A2K!
Hey Pokemoness; I repeat my welcome to A2K to you!
It's for anyone who wants to use it; many people are from North America, but the site covers everything and everywhere, really.
Financial Statement
Can anyone please tell me where to go to get a free copy of financial statement form?
Thank you
hehe, hi
wow, this is kind of cool, a very large community. I hope peeps here like to talk about TV. I love tv shows.
You;ll find people to talk about just about anything.
hi Everybody, This is aqatan..just joined and want to know whats special about this forum
aqatan -- your being here is one of the things that's special about this forum. Welcome!
Seems to have been a jump in new members who are also active just recently. Always good news.
I guess well duh!
I really am not Internet savy. I feel this must be where I should say something of myself. I'm fifty fours of age and feel cheated by a Government that requried me to kill many for the profit of a few.
I'm upset by the lack of historical perspective within in the current culture that I am doomded to reside within.
I intend to remain in the poltical forum. Have I screwed up or am I welcome?
You're welcome here, just as everyone else!
We all look forward to new and interesting views!
Welcome, Disenfranchised. As Eastree has already said, this site welcomes all opinions as long as they are presented in a generally courteous manner. We mix it up without being insulting to other members. Feel free to express yourself.
Just wanted to say hello...looks like you have a great forum here!
Hi Mari. Welcome aboard. I think you will enjoy all of the friendly, bright and witty people here.
Thanks pieman...I've been doing just that!
Hello all! This is my first time on this site, and I would just like to say a quick hello and introduce myself - I am living in Very Cold NY - currently in college - and working at a very boring job that gives me all this time to explore the internet & play spades on pogo!
Vegetable Shortening vs Vegetable Suet
Greetings and Salutations unto the denizens of Able to Know.
My name (as you may have guessed from my ever so slick handle) is Toby Stevenson.
I'm currently living in a residence for overseas graduate students in London, England called Goodenough college. My wife and myself are both Canadians and our homebase is Toronto. We are in London for one year due to a scholarship my lovely spouse received to study advocacy in the British legal system; she's a lawyer back in the land of the Mapleleaf.
I'm starting a job teaching english as a foreign language on Oxford street on Monday, this is quite a departure from my previous line of work in Canada, working as a programmer for a large bank.
I stumbled across this site while searching on Google for the difference between vegetable shortening and vegetable suet, and as soon as I finish this post I'll be heading on over to the food and drink forum to see if one of the knowledgable folks over there can supply the answer for me.
Toby Stevenson
You might want to haunt the English forum as well.
This site was initially supposed to be an ESL site and there are quite a few ESL teachers around.
Craven de Kere wrote:We reluctantly allow Aussies. Very reluctantly.
Really they are only here because they breed like rabbits and we can't be rid of them!
Kust kiddin' there's an Australia forum and all Aussies are welcome with the exception of one infamous bunny.
Welcome to A2K!
I HAVE feelings, you know.....don't think I don't....