Welcome to all the new members
Hi Hi
Hello guys, I joined recently; great forums you have here. I've read quite a few good topics so far, and even posted some of my poetry, which I'm always willing to share.
Hope to get a chance to debate, or just talk, with all of you.
Welcome. I already read one of your posts and I was impressed.
Hiya! I joined up recently having read a few posts - the forums here are very friendly! Hopefully I'll have something interesting to share in the near future!
Hi, I am coastiewife23. I found this website through a search engine.
Well hi there! I'm new around here - although i've read a fair few of the threads!! The forum seems 1 of the friendliest (and most informative) that i've read so far! Nice to meet you all!!
Hello and welcome to the new members, ark, coastie, and Bekaboo. Take some time to learn your way around here. There is some good information in the Announcements forum.
hi everyone
It's been a while since I've been here. Had slight technical difficulties (no internet) It's nice to see that the friendly environment is the same

I look forward to talking to everyone
very nice, warm greetings thankyou all
Good Morning all. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
Joe( always plenty to say) Nation
Just the general post page saying YEAY I SIGNED UP!
Re: Welcome to the New Members!
Hi, a friend told me about the site . She was trying to help me get rid of mysearch from my machine. I have been following the help being given to other folks regarding mysearch. I thought we had removed it but like someone said, it has returned like the bad penny. Hopefully i will be able to remove it completely with the help from your site.
Moderator wrote:Everyone here at Able2Know wants to welcome you!
Do you have questions about how to use the site, or how the site works? Try the Forum Help forum or ask a staff member (we're all identified with titles under our names, such as Moderator).
Want to post a topic? Go to the forum you want the topic to be in, click on "new topic" and start typing. Click submit when you're ready, and your topic will emerge for all A2Kers to read.
Able2Know, we like to think, is the finest and friendliest community on the Internet. Welcome - we hope you enjoy your stay! :-D
Able2Know: Ask questions, get answers.
hi i found this web site when i was searching the web for stuff on philosophy. I'm 15 and i have no special talents only passionately curious. i've always been a bit of a young philosopher but as an adolescent i am looking for answers more then ever. i don't know what else to say really except that you'll be hearing from me in the not-to-distant future.
hey i just wanted to thank every one for saying hi i am currently 17 and attending college and i hope i can get some help from this website
A word is dead when it is said, some say, I say it just begins to live that day.
Hello all, just a history fan
oh and I am not realy moody
moodyman wrote:
oh and I am not realy moody
Pheewww! That's good to know

Welcome and enjoy your stay!