Hello to all. I belong to a few different boards, mainly as a lurker. I am yru2crabby and like to float around a lot and read when I can. I am a teacher and like to look for an abundance of info to pass on. Talk to you soon.
peace to all

Welcome. THat's an, er, interesting name.
Hello, crabby, you're welcome to lurk and welcome to post.
On politics, we tend to be a bit combative. On the other hand, some seeming enemies talk as bright people on other matters here.
may i sugguest checking out the orginal writing forum... there are is quite a bit of talent here on a2k...
Hi all. I just found this place tonight and I have stayed up too late reading all these great posts! What a fantastic group of intelligent people!
My name is Heather and I am currently living in North Carolina. I am married and have a beautiful three year old daughter. I am a stay at home mom and the administrator for a local mothers group in my hometown. Both jobs (neither of which I get any financial compensation for, of course!), keep me quite busy. I found this site looking for a place where I could talk about things I believe in without the stigma of being the "administrator" where I feel I must keep quiet for the sake of keeping peace. Not that I am a rebel or anything, but I am looking forward to being able to voice my opinion!
Thanks for putting together a great website!
welcome, change. We have, as you have figured out, various forums under one umbrella. Many of us bounce back and forth between them, so you can see people snarlingly indignant on some threads, rein it in and be pleasant on more general threads. We try..... for literate discourse, whatever the subject.
Hi everyone. Was wondering if I could get some help with a Excell Marcro project I am working on. I don't know the best way to creat a macro and our IT here can't help.
I have create a rather large marco on a rather large spreadsheet. The only way I know to create a macro is to record all of my keystrokes. I did that and then used copy/paste to edit.
If this is the correct place for me to go to ask my macro questions please let me know. If not, please let me know where I can go. I don't really want to waste your valuable time explaining my question.
Thanks !!!
found the right site by far Terrie... but maybe you should check out the computer forum... there are alot of wise people on here terrie... and welcome to a2k
Welcome to Terrie and all the other newcomers.
Terrie, someone found your question and has already moved it to the technology forum for you. You'll need to click on "your topics" at the top of the left side of the page to find out if you're getting any help. May take a bit til people have a chance to read the question.
Introduction and request/comment & question on a directo
I am GJenkins & glad to learn there's a helpful forum online.
I live in Freeport, IL. Had just had computer repaired. Tried to get mouse to work on my husband's computer & nothing picked up.
When I tried to ask Microsoft for how to install their electronic mouse when all attempts had failed, I automatically got the "PC Mighty Max" program and no answer. Wondering if it is legitimate & worth the money.
Still need direction as to how to add mouse without getting the 2nd computer fixed for another $116!!
Should not need the PC Mighty Max when this one just fixed, & there's no way I can get out on other.
Trying home businesses and need to get out quickly.
Could I benefit from your Business Forum? Little time for "chit-chat"
Hi! I'm new. I'm Viv. I'm from Norway.
And for the second time in a row (in only two posts), I almost managed to start a whole new thread instead of replying
Viv wrote:I almost managed to start a whole new thread instead of replying

Ahhh, don't worry 'bout it none; it ain't like you're gonna break anything. Welcome to A2K. Hope you enjoy it here.
Tehalia is another of my bridge friends that i have turned onto this site...please welcome her ...
Hi! I'm new. I'm IrisDawn. I live in a small town near Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.
welcome to a2k edjones
welcome Iris, Ed, Viv and Tehalia.
Slippery rock?
Is slippery rock a city or a tourist attraction?
I grew up near the world's biggest orange ( made of metal) but that's the best I can do (in terms of boasting relationships to tourist traps..
on second thought, since they only called it "the big orange" , it probably wasn't the world's biggest. But it's over ten metres tall, so that'll have to do.