Trev_Kys wrote:Hey Montana !!!!!! how are you going ???? I hope everyone is well ?????????? Have you had any luck with your computer ?????
Hey there Trev. I haven't been on my computer much today, but everything seems to be ok. I tried my yahoo messenger with a friend yesterday and it worked ok then.
Hello all!
I am new here, and am very excited. I used to be a member on a site similar to this one but they got rid of it. I have been looking for a site since then. And I think I found it.
Man I cannot figure out how this site works yet. I keep thinking that it isn't working right, then I come to find out that I just submitted 2-3 times. Well I am not using my own PC right now and I guess I am just not used to how this one works.
If you're on a phone modem you have to be patient.
Welcome Wolfwithin, multiplying furiously!!
Thank you all for the nice welcome... The sharing of knowledge is a wonderful thing for we are all strong in some areas and weak in others but collectively we are brilliant
jerzyjak wrote:Thank you all for the nice welcome... The sharing of knowledge is a wonderful thing for we are all strong in some areas and weak in others but collectively we are brilliant

That is a good thought! Welcome, Jerzyjak.
Another introduction...
The mail said to introduce myself here, so here it goes. I'm a 19 year old Norwegian male who intends to be active on the politics forum.
which mail?
welcome to a2k, too.
Thok, new members get an email asking them to introduce themselves here, it give us a chance to welcome them.
Welcome, einherjar and jerzyjak!
Shhhh! Osso, you're not supposed to reveal that the MAIL is for special people.
Welcome Norsk.
The activation off membership mail.
Quote:Welcome, einherjar and jerzyjak!
Quote:Shhhh! Osso, you're not supposed to reveal that the MAIL is for special people.
I never got a mail, nor did I introduce myself here

Or did I just not read it??