I just checked and they do have that in our paper too. That works. Thanks for your help :-)
I just want to do something for Dana, so he won't think no one gave a ****.
I'd like to go down there and give my ex's sisters the punch in the face they deserve.
Jeeeez! I spent the last 18 years fighting with this man and I can't even let his parting go un-noticed.
I'm glad that you and Dana can use that option, Montana.
Yeah, I was getting pretty frustrated.
Thank you so much :-D
Oh. I just found this thread.
On first thought, I'm really sad that they didn't have any kind of service to mark his passing. It is so important for many people. Especially for their families.
But on second thought....considering the relatives...maybe it's a good idea they skipped it. I'm glad you and Dana won't have to be around them at this time.
Yeah, I hear ya, Eva. That's exactly how I feel.
It is very sad, though! Who knew that I'd be the one wanting him to go with some dignity and respect.
Well, if his soul is watching me, at least he knows I care deeply.
I think that matters more than anything else, M.
Yeah, I know it does to me and my little man.
The Erie paper did Obituaries untill about 2 years ago. They now only post paid death notices.
The funeral homes in Erie may have an obituary on their web page.
Have you checked them.
I read the Erie Paper on line
send me a PM with his name and I will search on my subscription sites to see what I can find.
I am a genealogist.
Wow! Thanks. I ran across a lot of those paid sites and it got kind of frustrating.
I know that his wife (who he was seperated from) is strapped for $, so she may wait a bit to put in the obit. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for her finacially, since she is now a widow with 5 children still under 18 and at home.
I did check the Erie Times yesterday and today and still nothing. I'm thinking, though, that she might just have the obit put in one of the Massachusetts papers because he didn't know anyone in Pennsylvania. He grew up in Mass and all his friends are there.
I'm thinking she'll either go with the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, or The Waltham News tribune.
I thought the funeral home automatically posted a notice, but I don't know much about that.
An obituary is not so much to immortalize the deceased as it is to notify the community of the death and of the time and place of services.
Personally, if I were left with five children to raise, I'd be very, very thrifty about my husband's funeral. I believe that a simple cremation costs at least $800 these days--which is cheaper than paying to store the body--but not inexpensive. Very few impoverished widows have $800-$1000 just lying around, catching dust.
The man's rootlessness adds to the problem. The widow is in PA. You are in NS. The deceased had his roots in MA--but he had no close family, no one who would appoint him/herself Chief Mourner and take care of the traditional funeral observances.
Dana's father hasn't quite ended in a pauper's grave, but he isn't getting the send-off that a loved and admired man would have received, either.
So true. His widow told my son it was costing her $3,000.
The widow was actually in Arizona and had to head to Pennsylvania to get his ashes. Then she went back to Mass.
My ex's 2 sisters are both drug addicts, so they're useless.
My ex really left his estranged wife in quite a bind and I certainly don't envy her.
On the other hand, that woman gave me so very much grief over all these years, I don't pitty her either.
I tried telling her that what goes around, comes around and it's coming around full swing.
Montana's ex - he died.
Someone got him right between the eyes.
A stranger in town - no one knows.
They still put the tag right between his toes.
I hope this isn't too hard for you M. Seemed like the guy treated you pretty poorly over the years. I wish you well.
It's all here CJ
Welcome back :-) I hope you boys had a good time :-D
Thanks for the link. Take your son fishing, it's done wonders for the two of us. Enjoy your life one day at a time.
cjhsa wrote:Montana's ex - he died.
Someone got him right between the eyes.
A stranger in town - no one knows.
They still put the tag right between his toes.
I hope this isn't too hard for you M. Seemed like the guy treated you pretty poorly over the years. I wish you well.
I actually did take it pretty hard, which is explained in detail on the other thread, but I'll be ok. Yes, he treated a lot of people poorly in his life, but that's over.
Thanks for you good wishes :-)
cjhsa wrote:Thanks for the link. Take your son fishing, it's done wonders for the two of us. Enjoy your life one day at a time.
That's not a bad idea. Thanks ;-)
The time for hating is over. The time for healing has started.
Hold your dominion.
Yup, I believe you're right, Noddy :-)
Holding my dominion ;-)