Meta physics, touchy and feely
Say it in brief, meta physics is the exploration of how physical theories work. It researches physical rules / principles in a deeper level.
1. What’s the unified depositing method of internal energy for such elementary particles as electron, positron, proton and anti proton?
2. Why such elementary particles as electron, positron, proton and anti proton has a uniform rule of movement, namely, the range of their moving velocity is 0 < v < c?
3. The black hole image just showed a round black spot (event horizon). What sits at the “core”?
4. Why a glass seems has no wave – particle duality?
As well as one of the hard problems in “Analysis of the Speed of Probability Wave”:
5. What does the inconformity between “v” and “u” in case of 0 < v < c mean exactly in physics? It represents the wave state separating from the particle state? How lame it all sound. It’s too abstract and not understandable. It just means the concept of wavicle (wave – particle duality) in QM can’t establish in this situation. Why?
If a guy can explain at least the above five points in one way, that means he is exploring physical rules /principles in a “deeper level”. It could be meta physics.呵呵
Can what str# theory explain it? Or “one rabbit in two holes”? Or what tops “quark” theory? Or Einstein’s theory?
No…Only you + spherical electromagnetic wave model.
Even a wasp knows all sciences are INTERCONNECTED.
The most fundamental / meta affair is how to identify male rabbit vs female rabbit and how to classify the animals in the zoo…need to take movement and time or interaction into consideration? Absurd.
htam9876@ Neila9876:
Without their “one rabbit in two holes” game, piggy still can explain the double slits experiment of electron with the conception of “electric wave”. It would be more understandable.
Without the so called what “strong nuclear force” or “weak nuclear force”, piggy still can explain why nucleus can form and why decay can happen with the new “inward Hydrogen atom MODEL of neutron”. This cosmos would look simpler…
Without their “spin”, piggy still can arrange an explicit position for all sub – atomic particles (e.g. electron, positron, proton, anti proton, photon, neutrino, dark matter, neutron, meson, hyperon, “u” particle, “t” particle, etc) discovered in experiment and astronomical observation by scientists in the past 100 years in the pig’s physics model of sub – atomic particles. It’s very simple. Even school boys can understand it easily.
And I think the pig is already standing in front of the mechanism of generation of neutrino. Again, it’s in pretty conformity with experiment.
Although those so called what “authentic” “standard” “mainstream” guys “spin” there all day all night for already 100 years, they can’t do that.
As piggy expected once upon a time, the biggest application of the PRESENCE – PROPERTY system would be in the research of sub – atomic particles.
Actually in this territory, the situation in the “mainstream” is entirely “blinders touching the elephant”. Their method of classification of particle is messy. Even a wasp knew the “mainstream” is lost.
Without their “spin”, piggy still can explain why those atoms separated into two symmetric parts in Stern-Gerlach experiment with bilateral conception of current. The physical meaning is very explicit.
The flawed QM has directed physics into illusion. They want math > physics, or say they use math to fool physics…“one rabbit in two holes”, the so called what “quantum foam” as well as the so called what “zero point energy” are typical examples. The fact is they are useless at all in practice. The fictitious “quark” has directed physics into a complicated game of speculation. Thereafter, experiment eyes model. Cancer it is in modern physics research. The Sch#’s cat is a typical example of idealism > materialism, or say human’s consciousness to fool nature. Another such example is the “standard” statement of the behavior of electron would be different with observation. The situation is already “heavy accumulated and hard to go back”. Now one more what str# theory…
The pigs really have no idea how to save those human brains constrained by the “standard” and poisoned by fringe theories, which are already not able to evolve.
What this tramp in cosmos absolutely “believe in” is always the First Law of Cosmos created by the First Order. You pig head can have a try again to “travel back in time” to contact Mr. Feng冯生, who was a former classmate in the Class 914 of No. 1 Middle School of Xinhui 新会一中九一四班 for good liquor, this tramp in cosmos “sure enough” he will say again he can arrange you pig head to do a security guard in Jiangmen city.
The most complicated game in the 21st century around the world would be the game of the First Order.
Science has passed the cross roads. It’s just human can’t solve the problems they are facing…
In Einstein’s era, people were full of spirit of exploration and innovation.
But nowadays, what piggy saw in the “authentic” community is stubborn and “obsolete”, and too many negative minds in this galaxy.
If physics is destined to marching to extinction, you pig head just let it be. “a dead man tries to save a dead thing” is too sad. What you can do is to research in my own way and understand nature better. Then, your pig head feels more comfortable, that’s all right. Go fishing, drink beer by the river side, and have a nicest life as possible at the last episode.
That kind of negative minds would only make themselves lag behind the era and hold back the development of their own thought.
May Lord bless them. Amen.

Neila9876 & htam9876:
In this century, physics either dwell into the meta level to make clear some fundamental physical / natural rules first, thereafter touchy and feely ahead step by step on the sound base, or keep on dancing on the “tower floating in the air”, playing math game and speculation
Science has passed the crossroads. After the cross roads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice.
But pay attention please, these two roads are incompatible. They are two different routes and directions.
Have a lovely day guys.