It's about the sort of Christian you are.
This isn't just about Christians but all religious groups including Atheists.
There are those who try to reach out to others, who see that the most important thing is what unites us.
Then there are those who use their religion to accentuate the differences, divide everyone into sheep and goats, create an us and them. In it's most extreme form it is a cult.
The fall in the latter category, you assume your religion makes you superior to others and that by even studying such festivals will contaminate you somehow.
It's particularly offensive how you dismiss Kwanzaa as 'going against your beliefs,' while Hannukah is fine, you're just not Jewish.
What you're implying is that there is something about Kwanzaa you find offensive, but you won't even specify what that is.
It is all the more concerning considering your history of victim blaming towards those who have darker skin than you.