Lash wrote:You have GOT to be kidding!
I've liked her in other stuff, but damn. She was like a medieval, catatonic Wednesday Adams ...and that was before she lost her mind.
Did you like her performance?
Hahaha! I think I did like her acting, I can imagine someone becoming like her when surrounded by such treachery.
But I think her style does require a bit of getting used to, I do see what you mean.
I loved the ghost scenes.

The actor who played Hamlet's father was very good also.
Also Mel's flamboyant fight scene in the end was rather good. I can still see Glen collapsing on the steps and the look on her face once she realized she had been poisoned... the exchange of glaces were very well done. I will own this movie someday.
I guess I just love Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet is like music in prose.
Franco Zeffirelli's film of Romeo and Juliet has probably not been equaled since.
Shakespeare is easily my favorite writer next to the good book of course.
I am also a big Herman Hesse fan.
Siddhartha especially and Demian and are "great" works.
I am certain you have probably read Siddhartha but if not it is a short read and a beautiful and highly enlightening piece of fiction based upon the life of Buddha..