cosmos vs us (2)

Reply Sun 28 Aug, 2022 03:00 pm
Archeology vs Multi – clues analysis, touchy and feely

In the cosmic thread, piggy analyzed the new “inward Hydrogen atom” model of neutron in the clue of structure. Piggy feels scientific research nowadays should learn from the spirit of archeology. Multi – clues analysis is always appreciated in archeology.

Hereby piggy analyzes the new “inward Hydrogen atom” model of neutron in another clue: mass.
According to some scientific materials, the mass of a rest neutron Mn ≈ 1.6749 ×10ˆ-27 kg, the mass of a rest electron Me ≈ 9.1×10ˆ-31 kg, the mass of a rest proton Mp ≈ 1.6726×10ˆ-27 kg.
We can see that the mass of a neutron is slightly more than the sum of an electron and a proton.

Due to the movement of the electron and the proton in the system, their masses will increase slightly. (effect of Relativity).

Coincidence again?

(And we can expect that a bit slight balance of mass would be the resource of the energy of neutrino in beta decay).

Have a lovely day, guys.

Liqiang Chen
Aug 29, 2022
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Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2022 12:56 am
One more of piggy’s thread has been forced stop by abuser.
“The formula, of my experience in the house where I live, is that any solution I find is the meaning of me being attacked; I am attacked by Denzel Washington's technology ghost, Michael Douglas's technology twat, and Anthony Hopkins's technology ghost etc.

Terry Howletrax, my friend and future lover, has just informed me that she blocks out God's game of is the conspiracy real or not, headlined by a bald-headed man whose name I don't know, by reimagining the trope of evil of being unable to use bluff.

Bluff: it's a deconstructive meaning. The practice, involves the person lowering their head while looking in the same direction; the humour, and the meaning of bluff, is the facial connection to the act of the lowering.

What's all this in relation to:
in general, I am being haunted, by God and God's boyfriend, who have presumably waited trillions of years to have a nexus psychology system use the game of is the conspiracy real or not, only, the problem of course, is that the game needs animal evolution (zebras, snakes, dogs, mice, elephants etc) and it needs the sex of manual labour (the sex of manual labour: it means that when people perform manual labour, they need to be the morality of requesting/requiring help).

Inevitability, is the central tenet science of God's game (the cosmos's game); of course, animal evolution and the morality of needing help when constructing skyscrapers and using ladders (of course, I dane to use ladders in the house where I live, because of my being copied by God and her boyfriend) aren't supposed to be using inevitability, which means that my own abyss of inevitability will be needed to deject God and James Twal from their psychosis.”

Piggy’s question here:
Any normal scientist around the cosmos considers such an T - 33 odd bubble has something to do with the ongoing research on neutron in the cosmic thread?
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, obviously it’s for obscure purpose...
Although piggy was defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF, but it doesn’t mean that what coffin box won out in international scientific community. Piggy really can’t find out in which year that guy won an “Oscar” Prize for physics or for astronomy.呵呵 But if you input Einstein’s name in the search engine, everywhere it would be: Albert Einstein won Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.

Piggy is really not very good at road pavement. Can you tell me what T – 33 fighter jet was trying to say here?
This tramp in cosmos is really not very good at reading English…Seems he was trying to tell you pig head owed the mothers of the First Order very much?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2022 01:52 pm
To be honest, whether you pig head really owed the mothers of the First Order very much?
Perhaps that’s the job of archeologists in 22sec century. But piggy really doesn’t think that the mothers of the First Order were beautiful enough to fascinate this pig…呵呵
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Agent Smith
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 02:48 am
I happened to hear some/a boar/s grunting last night! Sus scrofa - amazing animals they be! When is the Qatar soccer world cup?
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 02:25 pm
Piggy has no habit to talk with abnormal users.
Perhaps the First Order changed tactics again. 呵呵
Direct attack again.
Such kind of attacker never talks about something concerning the ongoing normal scientific research.
Piggy expects such kind of attack would happen again and again.

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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 09:57 pm
The mechanism of beta decay of neutron, touchy and feely

As piggy said ahead “… the neutron is an abnormal “high energy” structure. So, in free situation, such structure is unstable.”

Research in deeper level in the PRESENCE – PROPERTY era:

Energy levels might exist in such abnormal structure as the “inward Hydrogen atom” too. That means it can absorb photon, (of course, the photon should be high frequency). Because the electron is outside, the energy of the photon would be deposited in the spherical surface of the electron. Then, if the (internal) energy of the electron increased, according to the energy – space equation r ∝ 1/ E (for details, please see the physics thread), the radium of the electron would contract. That means the proton inside (the genie pig) would be easier to be “thrown outside” or say the electron (the wheel) would be easier to be “thrown away”.

Because the structure of neutron is not a rigid body, collision with other particles can make the electron be “thrown away” too, if the kinematic energy of collision is big enough.

(Such principles are also applicable to the neutron which is a part in the nucleus.)

No matter what reason, the mechanism of beta decay of neutron should be energy. The first fundamental natural relation and the wave characteristic of electric interaction and the electromagnetic interaction are associated. (relevant materials for reference were in the physics thread, the thread “matter vs anti - matter” and the thread “matter vs anti – matter (2)”. )

If decay of a neutron which is a part in the nucleus happens, that would mean the connection at that point broken. It might lead to decay of that nucleus.

Congratulations to the outstanding AWARENESS of Mr. ashesmi and Mr.oz93666 in respect of the subject of decay in PHF. They two won Pig Head Award 2021No. 5 position together.

Liqiang Chen
Nov, 2022
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 10:05 pm
Smart researchers might be AWARE piggy’s new model of neutron as well as the mechanism of beta decay of neutron demonstrates there is no a what “weak nuclear force / weak interaction” causing decay.
That means the effort in the unification of physics could be one more step forward.
High five!
Piggy has unified the traditional perception of those three independent fundamental natural forces: “strong nuclear force”, “weak nuclear force” and electromagnetic force with the simplest method.

Nature is originally simple. It’s man’s game made it complicated.
In the 21st century around the world, the most complicated game would be the First Order’s game. Piggy can “assure” anyone on the Earth. In their absolute cruel game piggy is ever a “loser”. 呵
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2022 12:37 pm
Secret lab vs secret lavatory, touchy and feely

Yes, as izzy sir said in T vs R (2), piggy’s threads are like “secret” lavatory: wasp, “lobotomised” donkey, T – 33 coffin cover, now a “secret agent”… all **** to sabotage normal scientific research again and again. Piggy has to step on their **** and marches ahead…
Next go on with normal scientific research

Actually, whether the mechanism of beta decay of neutron should be energy can be verified with experiment. Just shoot neutrons into a piece of radioactive material and see whether its half – lifespan shortened. What piggy meant was the energy can help change the nucleus.

For more profound research, scientists can have a try to project Gama ray onto a piece of radioactive material and see whether its half – lifespan shortened. It’s not a hard work to do according to advanced technology nowadays.

Professional physicists would know Co60 is the appropriate material to do those experiments mentioned above concerning beta decay.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2022 01:45 pm
Smart researchers should be AWARE beta decay of nucleus is the result of the structure of neutron damaged entirely by energy.

Smart researchers should also be AWARE there could be another kind of decay of nucleus, in which the structure of neutron in nucleus doesn’t be damaged, but the connection destroyed. Such kind of decay would not emit electron. Professional physicists would know what decay piggy refers to.

Smart researchers should also be AWARE the reaction of nucleus / change of nucleus would vary, depending on the energy and the structure of nucleus.

Liqiang Chen
Nov 23, 2022
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Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2022 02:50 am
Piggy said once upon a time in PHF, if somebody observes what black hole blast or what “Hawking radiation”, feel free to show it here. Otherwise, go to hell.
What piggy absolutely trusts in is always the First Law of Cosmos / First Logic of Cosmos created by the First Order. No matter how many social resource they input, no matter how complicated the game would be, piggy has to be a dead man. Soft landing: a security guard in Jiangmen city. 呵呵Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2022 11:21 am
You are using English software operating system to talk about fundamentals without being aware of the specific limitations of that app.

Moreover your use of English software operating system itself runs upon another operating system that works well in all human languages...

if I ask you a simple question like explain what is Energy and Matter, the honest scientific answer would be to say I don't know, but instead you are playing with concepts within your limited and specific frame of human experiencing.

Ignoramus as you are, you don't realise you don't have a first hand account of anything at all, that is why your Positivist optimistic hope in Science magical powers makes you look like a Pig wondering about the Moon...

You are bound to a biological frame of experiencing information, further you are bound to a mammal frame of experiencing, and further still you are bound to the human linguistic operating system framed in 2 millennia linguistic conceptual paradigm...you are bound in so many levels you don't understand...

As many other idiots before you you confuse engineering with understanding...you confuse a pragmatic use of knowledge within our very specific human needs with Truth...

Moreover you as many others before you are guilty of hyping an empty train.
When push comes to shove and someone tries to extract an inch of wisdom from you you are clueless of your own limitations...in fact you are clueless about the breaking point of words and concepts...sadly you have never test them.

On that regard as you have never tested nor questioned the foundations you are by definition a bad inquisitor, by definition a bad scientist!

I honestly feel sorry for you as you have clearly tried your best. No one can ask for more then trying your best shot. This is why I pity you instead of hating you...

You don't have a Cosmogony like a good literature writer has...
You could never raise a world with tridimensional deep characters in a story...
As a bot you wonder around without a proper cense of Humanity own corner in Reality...

...you have failed in the most basic wisdom test...you are AIMLESS!
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2022 11:25 am
But for all that he's quite likable.
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2022 11:29 am
He seems to be a nice person odd as it may sound!

In my case I was not so lucky...as I've been a logic contrarian by nature all my life, I tend to piss off people very often. Still I would do everything the same all over again. I accept my nature and its own boundaries.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2022 03:32 am
if somebody observes what black hole blast or what “Hawking radiation”, feel free to show it here. Otherwise, go to hell.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2022 04:44 am
“But for all that he's quite likable.”
sorry sir.
it's not about whether piggy is likable or not. Piggy has been defined as this one by the First Order.

it's about whether Hawking is likable or not.
Yes, donkey is “egotistical idiot”. What he can do is consuming resource of a2k endlessly while try to do nothing favourable to it.

Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2022 03:00 pm
If you have anything to counter on what I write feel free to rebut it in an understandable and logic manner, preferably in a sufferable English otherwise shut up ant!

Your superficial knowledge of some Maths and Physics has shown at the foundations already how limited you are as it doesn't translate to any meaningful knowledge...I am acquainted with your type since early school, on which I was formally the best by the way in several areas, again familiar with people like you in Academia taught me your type never questions anything creatively you just vomit whatever was taught to you and spin it in a word salad trying to sound smart.

You also under the impression you are knowledgeable but there are farmers more aware then you will ever be...and you are probably the biggest A2Ker with an apawling delusion of grandeur I've ever seen around. I have my fair share of self importance but man you are out of control.
The fact is I have many doubts on many topics and since ever I am always second guessing myself and self questioning my own conclusions, while people like you are full of certainty...you have all the trademarks of an genuine idiot let loose!

Moreover your mystical tirades about the "First order" on which you are the centre of the world and the big victim are insufferable...that all along with other nonsense you repeat ad nausea indicate you probably suffer from a severe mental illness, which while not being your fault drains on A2K users patience and overall A2K resources...you seriously sound like a bad narrow AI bot most of the time you attempt to communicate and talk.

Well pal let me burst your bubble, you are not special, not even half special...you are blunt normal which equates to dumb for all practical purposes.
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2022 08:18 pm
Excellent researchers have to step on donkey **** and march ahead…

Intelligent monkey would climb up onto the tree and pick the fruits as soon as possible when they are mature.
What a “lobotomised” donkey can do is to consume grass under the tree only.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2022 09:29 pm
Piggy really doesn’t think that a bit donkey **** can disturb normal scientific research and hold back the development of history. That just makes that guy himself a poor stumbling stone only.
Those researchers with positive mind go on with piggy.

If nobody observes what “Hawking radiation”, that means the uncertainty principle in traditional QM is a “flawed” physics.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2022 06:54 am
Monkey vs donkey vs wasp, touchy and feely

Intelligent monkey can climb up onto the tree and pick the fruits as soon as possible when they are mature. It’s monkey’s ability.

While what a donkey can do is to consume grass under the tree. It’s the limitation of ability.

Why monkey must follow donkey to eat grass under the tree? What a joke.

The so called what “opinion clash” is the “flawed thinking” of donkey only.
In reality of this society, that kind of “flawed thinking” of “opinion clash” is too youth, “lobotomised”, even idiot.
The First Order has social ability, they can afford donkey meat hot pot; while this stupid pig has no social ability at all, the pig eat what rabbit pet is not willing to eat…What “opinion clash” can the pig have in reality of this society?

Although wasp is a “stinging” insect, it can fly onto the tree and crunch fruit too. It knew the PRESENCE and PROPERTY (no matter what denotation it could be); it knew the analogy of what’s male rabbit and what’s female rabbit exactly (left or right, two states); it knew the “standard” mistake MODEL as truth; it knew “sound base”; it knew “all sciences are INTERCONNECTED”, the "mainstream" got lost, etc…
Piggy is fair.
Unfortunately, its DREAM was too big; its ambition was to overtake G* / become “hyper” Lord…It flied too high and beyond the Heaven. At last, “opinion clash” with Lord happened…It became “delusional squat” = “trash”.
History is always full of regrettable affairs…
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Jul, 2024 05:18 pm
What ails you? How long have you been suffering from it?
Just show up your ugly negative mind to scientists around the world. How can you “sure enough” a2k is “an INVISIBLE CORNER” on internet? “Claim a limitation and then sure enough is you”. Piggy forgot which guy said it. Why a2k galaxy can’t be the hub of new physical research, shining like sun ray in this dark cosmos? Just due to that kind of guy as you, a2k perhaps would lose this glory. Can you “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” a2k? You should be AWARE you are enjoying the charity and endlessly consume the resource of a2k galaxy while tries to do something unfavorable to it, **** MAXIMUM, turning a2k into a cosmic rubbish dump. Piggy suggests you should “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” human beings as a whole and AUTOPILOTly leave the Earth for the common wellfair. Piggy recommends the Mar for you. Perhaps you can be the cosmic “navel” there.
Piggy really doesn’t think that a2k has to “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” that kind of guy. When you see Donkey, you would understand why Lord would give up human beings.
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