"Free" and "will" don't mix well together!...
(Don't let Compatiblists or the so called "Soft Determinists" tell you otherwise as they just want to maintain the current paradigm for lack of imagining a better alternative for the future organization of Society)
To the point, one HAS reasons to will what one wills, thus one is already constrained in the subjective process on how we, each of us, specifically thinks, there is nothing free about that!
Those reasons are granted by our genome, our culture, and our specific subjective phenomenological POV on how we each subjectively experience the world.
In common lingo "free will" just means your "wish" about a future state of affairs was granted by destiny...I have no qualms with the usefulness of that illusion.
But one can go a step further and question the very idea of "causation" as it is phenomenologically the result of how we experience time passing and the increase of entropy according to the 2 law of thermodynamics...one is prompted to believe that stuff causes stuff everywhere...not exactly!
What might be the case according to the block Universe hypothesis is perfect correlation of events in Spacetime, not actual causation, as they all co exist.
This would also explain away the weirdness of entanglement, or non local correlations of states of affairs between two particles or anything else for that matter that might be entangled! According to the concept of a unique Universal wave function everything should be entangled and local correlations simulate what we call "causation" when in fact what we have is a perfect correlation of events!