1. "Alienation" or To be alienated is the reason why
2. Brainwashing
You have people who do things ( like any military or police or agency ) that are clearly wrong, not logical, and self-destructive to the world around them.
I do not blame the gun, I blame the method of thinking,
This is why police and agents needs psychological evaluations ( no different then military being decommissioned ) and under cover agents needs to be placed within these agencies/police/military in order to weed out these problematic people, keep them away from such positions, and actually give them careers and jobs where they can flourish without being around violence.
This could be applied to anybody or any scenario involving unnecessary violence. George Floyd, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Freddy Grey, Stephon Clark, Botham Jean, Stephon Clark, Atatiana Jefferson, Breonna Taylor
The above more or less these officers need psychological examinations.
When we talk about any shootings of any sort it is usually because of lack of interaction, families, and loved-ones. That would slove most of these problems when it comes to loss of life.
Companionship is not about people being fat, skinny, or fit, nor is about income or ability to make income. It is the fact that young men needs the opposite sex to function far before young women realize it. That is my solution to all of these school shooting problems. Parents being ignorant, cheap, selfish, ignoring the priority of their little man in the house.
For instance in terms of solution. I do not care if somebodies wife is living in somebodies room or some wayward young girl is somebodies apartment, or basement. Point being is that if people was to have somebody in their lives and get along most of these shootings would not occur.
Yes I could see a domestic issue with women being taught to discriminate men, but again it is all about men and that being said all of these cases are no different then somebody having a late abortion.
Again 18yo, nice long hair, talking to a girl, and then gets into an argument with some nanny spinster-finster. I bet this elderly witch is the reason why he did it. Just like Sandy Hook. Well educated young man into IT and videogames under the power of a divorcee. Father said "If I could kill him I would" ( because that is the kind of selfishness, unrighteous scum we have in the world ).