Butrflynet wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You can't get good bbq out here in Cali. It's a shame.
Have you ever tried Uncle Willie's there on 14th St in Oakland? It's just a little hole in the wall place near City Hall, 14th and Jefferson.
His bbq is to die for. We used to send out for plates from there nearly once a month on pay day when I worked downtown at the title company. It's been awhile, so I hope the quality is still as good as it used to be.
No, I haven't. But I will. I'm a picky bastard when it comes to BBQ tho.
For a BBQ place to be good, it needs 4 elements - Brisket, Ribs, Sassage, and Sauce. If any one of those fail then I generally don't consider it to be a quality place.
What you really can't find out here is a good chopped beef sandwich. Yum. There used to be a place on 24th street in Austin called Bongo's bbq, it had a drive-through beer store attached, that made the best chopped beef sandwiches.