Well at least it is not a diversion.
Quote:Because i understand the connection.
Understanding involves an ability to articulate that understanding (how it works, how it's consistent, how it's financed, how it's implemented, etc). You've not displayed an inkling of understanding in this way. It's easy to make a claim, and chant empty slogans, which is all you've done so far - it's a lot more difficult to be able to employ logic that actually shows understanding.
Quote:You asked why and i gave you a possible explanation for why they want less democracy and more control over people.
Actually, you gave a motive, which is not the same as an explanation of how your OP claim would occur:
.... Motive + Nothing = Nothing
... Motive + Action = outcome.
Ie you need action, a sequence of events, to get an outcome. This is the part you can't articulate (specifically as relates to your OP)- which illustrates your glaringly obvious lack of understanding.
That said - your given motive (that they are doing it as part of a move towards the totalitrianism of EUfor 'rewards card') is also dubious to idiotic at best, with previously listed issues. There are much, much better ways to achieve totalitarianism.
And we both roughly agree that there are groups of people, in power, who want to undermine democracy.