Mon 11 Apr, 2022 08:38 pm
Clan Minor Houses Reporting (Dune, House Feniring, Batman):
Pashtun, Kurdistan, Turkmenistan, Greater Eastern Mongolia, Hanchu Province North Korea, Federal Marshalls, Texan Bounty Guild, Alba Playwrights Society, Fenian Brotherhood, Bombardier Gunsmiths, Belreve Clan of Anglican Monastics, Damascus Syrian French Gateway, Azerbaijini Mercantile Trade Guilds, Danish Loremasters, Viking Swedish Weapons Dealers, Bugsy Wheel Roulette Men, Mufti Palestinian Grass Smugglers, Midwestern Spaniard and Negro Ballclub Accountants, Southern Napoleonic Plantation Spies (Mining, Rice, Lumber), New England Accountant Privateers, New York Magicians Guild (Wiccans), Dutch Country Amish, Swiss Zurich Literary Fraud Guild.
Can I fly, says Superman?
You could serve some mustard with that baloney. Just sayin'