Wed 23 Feb, 2022 06:05 pm
I could be
beamed to another country instead of going through the increasingly tortuous travelling nightmare
I could speak all the languages of the world so communication wouldn't be a problem
I could sing in key
I could go back in time to any period in history to get a sense of that time
I could have the knowledge and understanding I have today at a much younger age
What would/do you wish?
I wish I had not been on the spectrum
I wish I had been born into a functional family
I wish I had known I had a brother until just recently. We lost a lot of time together but that will change soon. I just wish he lived closer so we could see each other more often.

I can't tell how happy I am for you, jc
I wish I had a different father.
Second chances...
Me (at age 30) to my Dad: I wish I had a second chance, y’know, to live my life all over again. I’d make a lot of changes.
Dad: If you could do that, you wouldn’t be who you are now.
Me: Yeah, I know, but I’d still like a second chance to do it all over.
Dad: What makes you think this isn’t your second chance? Don’t screw it up...
Me: Well, at least I could have had the knowledge and understanding I have today as a kid instead.
Dad: What kind of a diety do you think would have such power as to grant your wish for a second chance, with a clean slate and everything new?
Me: Someone pretty powerful, like maybe God...
Dad: And here you are, with your second chance – or third – or who knows how many previous chances you’ve already had – and a clean slate, and you’re going to dictate conditions to a force or God as powerful as that...?
Shaddup and drink yer beer.
I wish I hadn't changed my screen name on Abuzz from hmorehead to Bobsal u.1551775.
It's really complicated my experience here.
@bobsal u1553115,
How so, bobsal/hmorehead?
Wolverine's healing power and effective immortality.