Mon 31 Jan, 2022 05:39 pm
I made friends with a girl a while ago, for the first few months her texts would always end with an x, and i would always end mine with an x
This girl knows i hardly ever give anyone else an x
Then every now and again she started giving me xx and very rarely xxx, i of course reciprocated with same number of x
Now we routinely end our texts with xx and if annoyed no x at all, sometimes she only gives me one x for no reason, so i reply with no x :p
Sometimes it even feels a bit like a game
Today i was passing her some paper, with my hand hidden under... she wrapped her hand over mine by accident.. i left my hand there, enjoying the touch, she also left her hand there.. i reluctantly pulled my hand away after a couple seconds.
From her texting habits, what would you interpret her use of x to indicate?
Scarydonut wrote:
From her texting habits, what would you interpret her use of x to indicate?
That you are both juveniles and this is puppy love. It could be her mood that day or she got more x's from some other guy.
Try talking. It usually resolves everything.
Mame wrote:
It could be her mood that day or she got more x's from some other guy.
Probably one of her exes.
I'll get my coat.
My thought is that you’re both 16 years of age or younger. Puppy love is sweet.