Region Philbis wrote:if the noo yawk wimmin joggerz are anything like the bahstin wimmin joggerz, you will find that most of them make eye contact with you -- something that rarely happens during non-jogging scenarios.
not only do i get the eye contact, but also the occasional "hi!"
dangit, these wimmin joggerz are tryin' to flirt with me!
don't quit after one jog.
go again, and keep your eyes and ears peeled...
I was gonna kinda hint about this but youze murricans are just so straight-forward.
Hey, jogging helped me quit smoking. I used to smoke a pack and a half a day.
It's a great habit to get into. Once you make it a habit, it's easy as pie, and makes you feel like you can kick anyone's ass, even though you can't. Make yourself a mixed CD or tape to run to.
Yeah, the first time I quit smoking I ended up joining a gym, and I was pretty into it for a couple years.
This time I quit smoking on Jan. 27th. Then, almost exactly six months later, I went jogging for the first time. I wonder what I'll be doing six months from now. Maybe I'll be getting laid.
Ha! You, getting laid!? What a joke THAT is! Loser!
Don't start with me again, you bastard...this time I'll rip you a new one...
Yeah? I'd like to see you try, shitheel!
<jumps on Kicky>
<struggling, scuffling>
Crazielady420 wrote:I have always said that I am going to wake up before I go to work every morning and go for a quick jog around the block..... but it's not worth the effort to wake up @ 4:30 in the morning for that.... and since I can't afford a treadmill and I work in an office I have two choices.... One be lazy and gain weight.... or two wake up @ 4:30..... I choose the lazy path :-( ...... but I am on a diet sooo that counteracts the laziness in me so I don't loose or gain weight... I stay the same... UGH
I always try to wake up before going to work too, but so far, the goal has proven elusive.
roger wrote:I always try to wake up before going to work too, but so far, the goal has proven elusive.
what's the point of starting work on a crummy note? better to wake up gently as the day progresses
I hope kicky wins.
I hate kicky.
Mr Stillwater wrote:With all exercise-related issues, the best idea is to lay down until the feeling subsides..
This is the SECOND post to this thread. When the pack of you actually realize that I am
passing on useful information - I am gonna live in a cave in the Himalayas...............