I have bad knees! How DARE you!
Yeah, excuses, excuses...come on, worm, let's see whatcha got? I'll even give you the first shot. Come on, hit me, loser!
Why, you sonofa--
<jumps on Kicky>
let's see
gone an hour and a half
covered a mile and a half
i don't believe that's called jogging
you'll do better tomorrow
I got home a while ago, ehbeth. As soon as I got home, a GIRL called me! I was talking to her for awhile.
She might be going with me to a concert saturday. Possibly.
kickycan wrote:I'm not sure. I'd like to go for a jog, but it's been a long time. I might hurt myself.
You're just trying to be like Joe Nation.
That man has too much influence on you, kicky. Forget the running. Have a cigarette. Drink a beer. Watch some porn. Life is too short to jog.
Joe Jogs? That sounds funny when you say it out loud. Joe Jogs. Joe jogs. Joe jogs.
I think I'm experiencing what we joggers call "a runner's high".
kickycan wrote:I got home a while ago, ehbeth. As soon as I got home, a GIRL called me! I was talking to her for awhile.
She might be going with me to a concert saturday. Possibly.
but you're moving.
you have no future.
there's no point in talking to girls.
How DARE you use my own words against me.
Did you get one of those "endorphin" buzzes? Best kind of buzz to get. You're on the right track, Kicky (no pun intended). And making plans for your life too? Go, baby!!
Thanks Stray Cat. I'm thinking of making this jogging a regular thing.
Once every three or four months outta do it.
ehBeth wrote:maybe you'll run into JoeN if you go jogging
maybe you could meet women if you joined a running group
life is full of opportunities
Yeah. Un huh. Go to the bar and meet a lush. Go jogging and you meet a jogger. Ain't life a bitch?
Talk to meeeeee - I'm a girl - and it don't matter nohow if you move......you're still just a heap of pixels in the solar wind.....
kickycan wrote:Damn, I quit smoking six months ago.
You have already filled your self-improvement quota for the year, kicky.
Here, have a seat. Have a beer. Watch a little TV. Take it easy. You've earned it.
Eva wrote:kickycan wrote:Damn, I quit smoking six months ago.
You have already filled your self-improvement quota for the year, kicky.
Here, have a seat. Have a beer. Watch a little TV. Take it easy. You've earned it.
I think he should visit the Wine Cellar where he can
really relax!
I had THE most delightful bottle of ...errr....glass of wine last time I was there!
Aside from that? You done good, kickster.
if the noo yawk wimmin joggerz are anything like the bahstin wimmin joggerz, you will find that most of them make eye contact with you -- something that rarely happens during non-jogging scenarios.
not only do i get the eye contact, but also the occasional "hi!"
dangit, these wimmin joggerz are tryin' to flirt with me!
don't quit after one jog.
go again, and keep your eyes and ears peeled...
Okay, enough with the heavy breathing already. You're scaring the dogs.
I have always said that I am going to wake up before I go to work every morning and go for a quick jog around the block..... but it's not worth the effort to wake up @ 4:30 in the morning for that.... and since I can't afford a treadmill and I work in an office I have two choices.... One be lazy and gain weight.... or two wake up @ 4:30..... I choose the lazy path :-( ...... but I am on a diet sooo that counteracts the laziness in me so I don't loose or gain weight... I stay the same... UGH