Thu 28 Jul, 2005 07:20 pm
I'm not sure. I'd like to go for a jog, but it's been a long time. I might hurt myself.
So, I'm not sure if I should go for a jog, or just talk about going for a jog here on A2K until this strange little burst of motivation subsides.
With all exercise-related issues, the best idea is to lay down until the feeling sudsides.
Have a cigarette or something....
Damn, I quit smoking six months ago. Why, oh why did I have to go and do that! I don't even have the lollipops to keep me sitting here like a lazy lump of crap either!
Dammit, I might actually have to go out and jog!
maybe you'll run into JoeN if you go jogging
maybe you could meet women if you joined a running group
life is full of opportunities
My future is so up in the air, it seems kind of pointless to try to meet another woman.
But, I think I need to go outside.
Maybe I should go read my book outside somewhere. Or go jogging. I don't know.
ehBeth wrote:maybe you'll run into JoeN if you go jogging
maybe you could meet women if you joined a running group
life is full of opportunities
Yeah, maybe you'd be run down by a truck. Stay at home. Pour yourself a drink, everything looks better after you have a drink.....
Okay, I just put shorts on instead of sitting here in my underwear. Now I'm going to put a shirt on, and look for my sneakers.
Oh my god, I might be going jogging.
Or maybe not. It's too soon to tell.
Don't say I didn't warn him.....
You need a future to meet women?
Well, it seems kind of silly to start something up with some broad if you're only going to be moving...oh wait, are you talking about loose women? Sluts?
Oh, yeah, I guess in that case, it doesn't really matter.
Mr Stillwater wrote:Sheeeeeit!
Don't say I didn't warn him.....

I remember that idiot. Wrote a book on jogging even. He was a nut over jogging. Didn't his heart burst
while he was jogging?
Hehehe...that's funny ****.
Okay, enough talk. I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
I'm going jogging!
(Ha! I'll be shocked if I can make it more than five blocks)
Where ya movin' to?
The backwoods of Maine?
I'm not sure where I'm moving yet. We'll have to discuss this later though, because I have to go now before I change my mind.
I'm going jogging!
get out there and shake your groove-err- thing
Well, I made it alive. That was tough. I went about a mile and a half, but I had to stop a couple times and walk a little.
Hey, what do you expect? I haven't jogged in years! I think I did pretty good!
Naah, you're soft, Kicky. Loser.
Oh, yeah? Well, who the hell are you to say that to me? I know I could kick YOUR weaselly ass, punk!
Ha! Why don't you come over here and try it then? Puss!