Nice to see them create a space for the Only True God!

Mon 14 Mar, 2022 03:32 pm
The profanisaurus would be a good start.
Mon 21 Mar, 2022 02:48 pm
izzythepush wrote:

The profanisaurus would be a good start.

I respect Annointed. He is quite knowledgeable.
As he pointed out, Jesus was 100 percent man. However, there are many Bible verses that point out that Jesus was 100 percent God.
My main concern with Annointed is that he gave no indication that he had a personal relationship with God.
He even called prayer "testing God".
The Anointed
Tue 22 Mar, 2022 04:59 pm
There were two brothers, one believed that their father loved him more than the other, and asked his brother to stand with him before their father and demand which of the two sons he loved the most.

The more mature of the two brothers refused to put their father through that test and reclined the offer, he has no need to put his father’s love for him to the test.
Wed 23 Mar, 2022 10:57 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

There were two brothers, one believed that their father loved him more than the other, and asked his brother to stand with him before their father and demand which of the two sons he loved the most.

The more mature of the two brothers refused to put their father through that test and reclined the offer, he has no need to put his father’s love for him to the test.

We all know that God loves all people. He loves Frank, Izzy, Max, you, me, and all other people on this board
The question is the TRUTH. I am praying that God reveals the truth to you about God.
Jesus said "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father except by Me ".
The Anointed
Wed 23 Mar, 2022 03:26 pm
The question is the TRUTH. I am praying that God reveals the truth to you about God. Jesus said "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father except by Me ".

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob said to Moses in Deuteronomy 18: 18-19; I will raise them up a Prophet from among their own people, like unto thee, and will put ‘MY WORDS’ in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto ‘MY WORDS’ which he shall speak in ‘MY NAME’, I will surely Punish.

Jesus spoke not one word on his own authority, but only that which he was commanded to say by the Lord God our savior who filled the man Jesus with his spirit on the day that he was baptised.

He who said; "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father except by Me ". is the same one who said through his obedient servant; Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." and THIS IS THE TRUTH.

And we know who raised the earthly temple that had been filled with the spirit of our Lord, don't we Neal?

Acts 5: 30; The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you slew and hanged on a tree.

Acts 13: 30; But God raised him from the dead: and he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee, etc.

1st Corinthians 6: 14; And God has both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.

2nd Corinthians 1: 9; But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead.

2nd Corinthians 4: 14; knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.

Acts 17: 31; For He (The Lord God our saviour) has fixed a day in which he shall judge the whole world with justice by means of a MAN he has CHOSEN. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that MAN from death.

And who was the God of Abraham our ancestor, if not HE, 'THE ONLY BEGOTTEN OF GOD' (The Son of Man) who said through his servant Jesus; "I am the way, the truth, and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except by me."

It was he who said through his servant Jesus in John 8: 28; "When you lift up The Son of Man, you will know, I am 'WHO I AM'".

"THIS IS THE TRUTH" deny it if you can?
Thu 24 Mar, 2022 04:04 pm
@The Anointed,
Jesus resurrected Lazerus. Jesus forgave sins. All things created was through JESUS. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. Jesus is I AM
Thu 24 Mar, 2022 04:12 pm
Let us make man in OUR image. God is described as "Echod" which is plural. Several people in the NT recognized Jesus as God. The Holy Spirit is recognized as being God.
"In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit".
Thu 24 Mar, 2022 04:18 pm
He who has the Son has the Father. He who does not have the Son does not have the Father.
Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
I can continue, but I will refer you to scholars who spoke about the Arian heresy.
The Anointed
Thu 24 Mar, 2022 08:07 pm
He who has the Son has the Father. He who does not have the Son does not have the Father.

Then apparently you have neither the Father or the Son, who, when he was about to come into the world, said to God; "Hebrew 10: 5; “Sacrifices and burnt offerings you did not want, but a body you have prepared for me, etc.”

That body was the man Jesus, of who we read, before he was given divine glory by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, See Acts 3: 13; Hebrew 5: 7-10; states, “In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was 'A' son of God, (Not God’s Son, or THE son of God, but A son of God, check it out in the Appendix of Strong’s Concordance, or The King James, Amplified, or The Revised Standard translations. all Israelites are sons of God according to God’s word, see Psalms 82: 6; ‘You are gods,’ I said; ‘all of you are sons of the Most High.’) HE learned through suffering to be obedient, when he was made perfect (through his obedience, and could then be used as the host body through which our Lord God and savior, ‘The Son of Man’ could then revealed himself, through the life, the miracles and the words that would be seen and heard through his obedient servant and earthy image, who did, nor spoke one word on his own authority other than that which he was commanded by the Lord our savior.)

For the Lord had said to Moses in Deuteronomy 19:18-19; “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own brethren: and I will put ‘MY WORDS’ in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And whoever will not give heed to ‘MY WORDS’ which he shall speak in MY NAME, I will surely punish.”

The body who God had prepared for his heavenly anointed one, then became the source through whom salvation could be gained from our Lord God and savior, (The Son of Man, heir and successor to the throne of the MOST HIGH in creation) who rose Jesus from death and will raise all those, who are united to him also.

Just as each one of us, is held accountable for the sins and mistakes that we make while in the flesh, the 'SON OF MAN' is the only one who can pay the penalty for the sins and mistakes that were made while He, who is to crush the head of Satan, was developing within the great androgynous body of EVE/mankind.

Sleep well Neil.

Fri 25 Mar, 2022 03:29 pm
@The Anointed,
Thank you for wishing me good nights of sleep. I will continue to pray for you!!!
The Anointed
Fri 25 Mar, 2022 04:22 pm
Thank you for wishing me good nights of sleep. I will continue to pray for you!!!

Well, thank you, because I, the sinner that I am, need all the help I can get, but I very much doubt that my God will ever hear the prayers of a Baal worshiper, whose thoughts have become complete nonsense, and whose empty mind is filled with darkness.

One who says he is wise, but is in fact a fool. Instead of worshiping the immortal God, he kneels before, and worships images made to look like a mortal man. (See Romans 1: 21-22,)

Sleep well Neil.

0 Replies
The Anointed
Mon 28 Mar, 2022 02:57 pm
Jesus resurrected Lazarus.

Elijah resurrected a young boy also, but like Lazarus, he too has long since died and their bodies have returned to the elements from which they were created. Not that Elijah or Jesus brought anyone back to life, it was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is “I AM” who worked his miracles through his earthly prophets.

Jesus forgave sins.

Matthew 9: 5; Jesus said; “Is it easier to say ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say; ‘Get up and walk’?

Matthew 9:6-7; So, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, pick up your bed and go home!”
The man Got up and went home.

Matthew 9:8; New International Version
When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to ‘MAN’.

Matthew 9:8; New Living Translation
Fear swept through the crowd as they saw this happen. And they praised God for giving ‘HUMANS’ such authority.

Matthew 9:8; English Standard Version
When the crowds saw it, they were afraid, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to ‘MEN”.

It was 'I AM' the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who said to Moses in Deuteronomy 18: 18-19; "I will send them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put MY WORDS in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command, and whosoever will not heed MY WORDS, which he shall speak in MY NAME, I will punish, etc.”

Do you know who that prophet was Neil? Apparently not.
So then, let the Holy Scriptures inform you as to the truth.

Acts 3: 13-23; The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his Servant Jesus. But you handed him over to the authorities, and you rejected him in Pilate's presence, even after Pilate had decided to set him free. He was holy and good, but you rejected him, and instead you asked Pilate to do you the favour of turning loose a murderer.

You killed the one who leads to life, but God raised him from death (Which God do you think Peter is referring to here Neil, if not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to who Jesus was a faithful servant?) and we are witnesses to this. It was the power of his name that gave strength to this lame man.

What you see and know was done by faith in his name; it was faith in Jesus that has made him well, as you can all see.

“And now, my fellow-Israelites, I know that what you and your leaders did to Jesus was due to your ignorance. God announced long ago through all the prophets that his Messiah had to suffer; and he made it come true in this way. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that he will forgive your sins. If you do, times of spiritual strength will come from the Lord, and he will send Jesus, who is the Messiah he has already chosen for you. He must remain in heaven until the time comes for all things to be made new, as God announced through his holy prophets who lived long ago.

For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will send you a prophet, just as he sent me, and he will be one of your own people. You are to obey everything that he tells you to do. Anyone who does not obey that prophet shall be separated from God's people and destroyed.’

0 Replies
The Anointed
Tue 29 Mar, 2022 09:33 pm
Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

He certainly is. Just like Melchizedek, who was both King and High priest in the days of Abraham. It was the Lord God our savior, who filled the man Jesus with his spirit on the day he was baptised as the heavenly voice was heard to say. “You are my son ‘THIS DAY’ I have begotten thee,” who also said in another place; ‘You will be a priest forever, in the priestly order of Melchizedek. See Hebrews 5: 5-6.

He has been appointed by my God as my King and High priest.

I can continue, but I will refer you to scholars who spoke about the Arian heresy.

What! You wish to use the words of the heretics from the church of the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land after he had abandoned his flock, to explain to me the teachings of Arius, whose books and those of his sympathizers were ordered to be burnt, and a reign of terror proclaimed for all those who did not conform with the new official Christian line decided upon by Emperor Constantine.

And I will refer you to a book written by “IAN WILSON” named; ‘JESUS. THE EVIDENCE’, it may open your eyes, as to who are the real heretics.

From the book--- “Jesus The Evidence,” by Ian Wilson. P. 144. “The Middle Ages, for the Jews at least, began with the advent to power of Constantine the Great. He was the first Roman Emperor to issue laws which radically limited the rights of the Jews as citizens’ of the Roman Empire, a right conferred on them by Caracalla in 212. As Constantine’s church grew in power it influenced the emperors to limit further the civil and political rights of the Jews.

But if times were again difficult for the Jews, for the Christian Gnostics and other fringe groups they were impossible. The books of Arius and his sympathizers were ordered to be burnt, and a reign of terror proclaimed for all those who did not conform with the new official Christian line decided upon by Emperor Constantine.

:Understand now by this present statute, Novatians, Valentinians, Marcionites, Paulinians, you who are called Cataphrygians. . . . with what a tissue of lies and vanities, with what destructive and venomous errors, your doctrines are inextricably woven! We give you warning . . . .Let none of you presume, from this time forward, to meet in congregations. To prevent this, we command that you be deprived of all the houses in which you have been accustomed to meet . . . . and that these house’s, should be handed over immediately to the catholic/ i.e. universal church.

Within a generation, hardly leaving a trace of their existence for posterity, the great majority of these groups simply died away as successive Christian emperors reiterated the policies that Constantine had pursued.”

The universal church, was established by Emperor Constantine, from a rag-tag group of insult hurling religious bodies, who called themselves Christians. Eventually, sick to the stomach with their constant quarrelling and abuse toward each other, Constantine summoned all the leaders of those groups to the first ever "World Council of churches," where Constantine was to resolve the bitter source of contention between those differing bodies of beliefs. In 325 AD, some 300 years after the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ had been firmly established in Jerusalem, the non-Christian, and almost certainly theologically illiterate Constantine, established his universal church, which has nothing to do with the Jesus as taught by the apostles.

It was Emperor Constantine who decided to personally summon all the opposing and quarrelling Christian leaders to the first ever ‘World Council’.

The date was 325 AD, in the town of Nicaea, After Constantine the Judge, had made his decision on which belief the Christians should follow, he urged all council delegates to sign the revised formula as a statement of faith on which all Christians should in the future agree.

Having decreed that the Immortal God was to be worshiped in the image of the man Jesus=Baal worship, it wasn’t long before more heresies were to follow in the form of the cult of Mary, who, like Asherah the mother of Baal, was given the title, “God Bearing” the mother of God and later on, “The Queen of Heaven” and co-redeemer of mankind, Mary who was the mother of sons and daughters was also titled “EVER VIRGIN”.

Your preferred scholars preach the heresies that have imprisoned you Neil.

Sleep well my friend.
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 05:07 am
@The Anointed,
I wish I had more time to read the Gnostics.
Wed 30 Mar, 2022 05:10 am
Jesus and the ( lost) goddess by Timothy Freke is a good place to start.
0 Replies
Sat 23 Apr, 2022 04:51 am
The Gospel of Thomas is worth a look.
0 Replies

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