Nice to see them create a space for the Only True God!

Sat 13 Nov, 2021 02:24 pm
John 17:3
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Sun 14 Nov, 2021 05:57 am
Good one! Hadn’t noticed that before.

I love the way 'and' is ignored by the 'church'.
Tue 22 Feb, 2022 05:58 pm
Christians don't ignore the role that Jesus has as the Second Member of the Trinity. He was a servant putting the will of God the Father above His own well-being. The Trinity has a special love relationship. Jesus taught us that to be "great" in the Kingdom of God, it is necessary to be a "servant".
Jesus was a servant to people even though He was their Creator.
The Anointed
Tue 22 Feb, 2022 06:42 pm
Hebrews 5: 7 In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was "A" son of God (Not God's son or The son of God, but "A" Son of God, as are all Israelites,) he learnt through his sufferings to be obedient. When he was made perfect (Through his obedience), he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him (Who spoke only the 'WORDS' of the Lord God our saviour), and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.

Jesus did not take upon himself the honour of being a high priest in the order of Melchizedek. Instead, after being brought to perfection, God said to him:
“You are my Son;
"TODAY" I have become your Father.”
He also said in another place,
“You will be a priest for ever,
in the priestly order of Melchizedek.” or in the line of succession to Melchizedek.

Psalms 82: 5-7; “How ignorant you are! How stupid!
You are completely corrupt,
and justice has disappeared from the world.
6 ‘You are gods,’ I said;
‘all of you are children of the Most High.’
7But you will die like mortals;
your life will end like that of any prince.”

John 10: 34-36; Jesus answered, “It is written in your own Law that God said, ‘You are gods.’ We know that what the scripture says is true for ever; and God called those people gods, the people to whom his message was given. As for me, the Father 'CHOSE" me and sent me into the world. How, then, can you say that I blaspheme because I said that I am the Son of God?

The Father 'CHOSE' Jesus from among the Israelites and sent him into the world to speak 'HIS WORDS' in 'HIS NAME'.
Wed 23 Feb, 2022 12:15 pm
@The Anointed,
I now know your beliefs. You are a LATER DAY SAINT (some people call "Mormon")!!!!!!
Wed 23 Feb, 2022 12:28 pm
I can see your description of the "first vision"in your posts.
But, why no mention of Moroni? Why no mention of your belief that Jesus is the "brother of Satan"?
Wed 23 Feb, 2022 12:31 pm
Apt moniker.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Wed 23 Feb, 2022 03:23 pm
why no mention of Moroni?

Why would I bother to make mention of Joseph Smiths imaginations?

Why no mention of your belief that Jesus is the "brother of Satan"?

You poor sick child, what spirit made you lie like that, and accuse me of calling my brother, King, and High Priest of being Satan's brother. You should fall on your knees now and beg his forgiveness, before, who know what may happen to a filthy mothed liar.
0 Replies
Wed 23 Feb, 2022 03:40 pm
D&C 93 is one example.
The Anointed
Wed 23 Feb, 2022 09:10 pm
D&C 93 is one example.

D&C 93 is one example???

Never mind, I just looked it up, more LDS rubbish.
Thu 24 Feb, 2022 03:49 pm
@The Anointed,
I agree that it is LDS garbage.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Thu 24 Feb, 2022 07:20 pm
"Why no mention of your belief that Jesus is the "brother of Satan"?

Why do you bear false witness against me and accuse me before all the members on this forum, of believing that Jesus is the brother of Satan.

Either support your false accusations, or apologise to all the members for lying to them, and for bearing false witness against your neighbor, or stand before your God and try to deny, having brought false accusations against your neighbor.

We know who it is who stands before God night and day bringing accusations against his brothers, and we know how to identify his children.
Fri 25 Feb, 2022 12:52 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

"Why no mention of your belief that Jesus is the "brother of Satan"?

Why do you bear false witness against me and accuse me before all the members on this forum, of believing that Jesus is the brother of Satan.

Either support your false accusations, or apologise to all the members for lying to them, and for bearing false witness against your neighbor, or stand before your God and try to

deny, having brought false accusations against your neighbor.

We know who it is who stands before God night and day bringing accusations against his brothers, and we know how to identify his children.

I apologize for coming to the conclusion that you are a member of the Church of Later Day Saints. I have confessed and repented of that sin.
You have beliefs that are the same as some of the beliefs of the LDS Church. I could find no other people who believe in the Book of Enoch. I could not find anyone else who has your belief about Alexander Helios. So I figured you were a member of the LDS Church
I apologize for offending you.
The Anointed
Fri 25 Feb, 2022 06:56 pm
I apologize for coming to the conclusion that you are a member of the Church of Later Day Saints. I have confessed and repented of that sin.

The fact that you have apologised reveals that you have a fear of God, and the fear of God, is the beginning of wisdom.

You have beliefs that are the same as some of the beliefs of the LDS Church. I could find no other people who believe in the Book of Enoch.

Then you have never read the epistle of Jude, a member of the family of Mary and Joseph ben Heli, who quotes verbatim from the book of Enoch verse 14-15; “It was Enoch, the direct descendant from Adam, who long ago prophesied this about them: “The Lord will come with many thousands of his holy angels to bring judgement on all, to condemn them all for the godless deeds they have performed and for all the terrible words that godless sinners have spoken against him!”

Genesis 5: 23-25; reveals that when Enoch who had walked with God, was 365 he was taken to God and was not found. ------ Do you believe your Holy Scriptures?

KJV, Hebrews 11:5; By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found because God had translated him. ------- Do you believe your Holy Scriptures?

How could the author of the New Testament Hebrews 11: 5; have known that Enoch was carried to the throne of the ‘MOST HIGH’ in the creation, and translated so that he should not experience death; and he was not found, because God had Translated him, unless he had read from, "The Book of the Secrets of Enoch."

The word “CHRIST” means “The Anointed One.” Enoch was the one anointed by the Most-High in the creation, ‘The Lord of Creatures,’ as his Heir and successor, (The Son of Man) who is Lord of spirits.

Christ is the English term for the Greek Χριστός (Khristós) meaning "the anointed one" It is a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Māšîaḥ), usually transliterated into English as Messiah or Mashiach. The Hebrew word translated "anointed" is the verb form of the noun "Messiah."

"The Book of the Secrets of Enoch" 22: 8; "And I fell prone and bowed down to the Lord, and the Lord with his lips said to me: "Have courage, Enoch, do not fear, arise and stand before ‘MY’ face into eternity."

And the archistratiege Michael lifted me up, and led me before the Lord’s face.
[Archistratege. Or, "the commander of the armies of the nations, named Michael."]

And the Most-High said to the glorious 'CREATURES' that surrounded him, tempting them: "Let Enoch stand before ‘MY’ face into eternity," and the glorious creatures bowed down to the Lord, and said: "Let Enoch go [Or be released] according to Thy word." Enoch, was the first to be released.

And the Lord said to Michael: "Go take Enoch from out his earthly garments, and anoint him with my sweet ointment, and put him into the garments of my glory."

And Michael did thus as the Lord told him. He anointed me, and dressed me, and the appearance of that ointment is more than the great light, and his ointment is like sweet dew, and its smell mild, shining like the sun’s rays, and I looked at myself, and was like one of his glorious ones.

To translate something is to change it from one form to another. Hebrews 11: 5; “By faith Enoch was translated so that he should not experience death, and he was not found because God had translated him.”

The writings of Enoch, from which Jesus and his apostles taught, were held in great reverence by the early church fathers, including Irenaeus, Origen and Tertullian, and were cherished by the early Christians, up until the fourth century, when, they were banned by dogmatic Roman authorities such as Hilary, Jerome and Augustine, and by the end of the fourth century they finally passed out of circulation. Finally, they were condemned as being heretical by that woman who sits on the seven hills of Rome, and by the middle of the fifth century, they passed out of circulation and were thought lost for millennia.

And from where did the disciples of Jesus receive the information, that those sons of God would be chained in darkness till the day of their consummation? Certainly not from their Roman Old Testament, which is almost word for word the same as the oldest Hebrew Bible that has survived to modern times, which was created by scribes called Masoretes in Tiberias, Israel around 930 C.E., there is absolutely no mention of their fate in the Hebrew scriptures, or the Christian OT.

But there is in the book of Enoch, Chapter 10: 11; “And the Lord said unto Michael: Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast -------- in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, etc.

Enoch was escorted to the ends of this generation of the universe, where he witnessed this generation of the universe, burn up and fall as massive columns of fire beyond all measure in height and depth into the ‘GREAT ABYSS’ Black Hole, which Enoch describes as the prison of all the stars and the host of heaven, beyond which there was nothing but a horrible waste.

It was from the words of righteous Enoch, and not from the Hebrew Bible or Christians OT, from where Peter received the information as revealed in 2 Peter 3: 10; that the day of the lord will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will disappear with a shrill noise, and the heavenly bodies will burn up and be destroyed, and the earth and everything in it will vanish.

We could go on and on, revealing that Jesus and his apostles from the northern Hellenistic region of Galilee, studied and taught from the words of righteous Enoch, but those who refuse to see, will remain forever blind to the truth.
The Anointed
Fri 25 Feb, 2022 07:34 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

It’s my belief that the original Books of Enoch, the latest "COPIES" of which were discovered among the Dead Sea scrolls, date back much earlier than the 5th century, and that the originals were taken from Egypt, the land of first born, by Moses.

Moses, who was the adopted grandson of Pharaoh and who would have been afforded the best education in the country, may have been initiated into the circle of the guardians of the sacred secrets.

Moses took the bread or the sacred teachings of Egypt [The land of First Born] and removed the yeast and gave to the children of Israel the regulations, rules and laws, that the Israelites were to keep for all time. --------- In one of the religious regulations established by Moses, Aaron would place his hand upon the head of a scapegoat, symbolically transferring the sins of Israel to the goat, which was then sent out into the wilderness to Azazel.

In the margins of the Good News Catholic Study Bible, Leviticus 16: concerning “Azazel” it is written by the Catholic authors of the Good News Bible; ‘AZAZEL:’ “The meaning of this Hebrew word is unknown: it may be the name of a desert demon.” ‘Azazel’ see Leviticus16: 8-10.

The Orthodox Christian religious organisations are ignorant as to who Azazel is, because they have rejected the words of Enoch, who is the chosen cornerstone, to who all the spirits of the righteous are gathered in the creation of the new temple of light, which is to replace God’s old tent, the body of mankind as the ruler of all creation, wherein the innermost sanctuary, behind the veil of the flesh dwells the evolving spirit of ‘The Son of Man:’ The stone that has been rejected by the builders of the universal church of Emperor Constantine has turned out to be the most important Stone of all.

But why did the builders of the Jewish church reject the writing of the righteous Enoch, when Moses used those words as the foundation on which he built his church.

Leviticus 16: 7-10; Then he shall take the two goats to the entrance of the Tent of the LORD's presence. There he shall draw lots, using two stones, one marked “for the LORD” and the other “for Azazel”. Aaron shall sacrifice the goat chosen by lot for the LORD and offer it as a sin offering. The goat chosen for Azazel shall be presented alive to the LORD and sent off into the desert to Azazel, in order to take away the sins of the people.

16: 20-22; When Aaron has finished performing the ritual to purify the Most Holy Place, the rest of the Tent of the LORD's presence, and the altar, he shall present to the LORD the live goat chosen for Azazel. He shall put both his hands on the goat's head and confess over it all the evils, sins, and rebellions of the people of Israel, and so transfer them to the goat's head.

Then the goat is to be driven off into the desert by someone appointed to do it. The goat will carry all their sins away with him into some uninhabited land.

From where do you suppose that Moses received the information that all sin was to be ascribed to Azazel? And from where did the disciples of Jesus receive the information, that those sons of God would be chained in darkness till the day of their consummation? Certainly not from their Roman Old Testament, which is almost word for word the same as the oldest Hebrew Bible that has survived to modern times, which was created by scribes called Masoretes in Tiberias, Israel around 930 C.E.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Sat 26 Feb, 2022 06:43 pm
My third response to post #7,205,609.

I could not find anyone else who has your belief about Alexander Helios. So I figured you were a member of the LDS Church

To me, your way of thinking is quite bizarre.
You know that I believe Alexander Helios III, is also called Heli, and that he was the father to both a son named Joseph and a daughter named Mary, but by different mothers, and that Mary was to later fall pregnant to her half brother Joseph the son of Heli, and bear her first child, who she named Jesus.

You also know that the church of the Latter Day Saints believe the Roman lie as you do, and that is, that Jesus was supposed to have been an eternal heavenly being who pre-existed the creation of the Cosmos and that he existed billions upon billions of years before the mother of your supposed eternal son of God was even born on earth.

How in heavens name can you associate my belief with that of the LDS?

So, according to your belief, the eternal son of God was not born of Mary, in fact he pre-existed his supposed mother by billions of years, but Mary did give birth to a human body, which human body was filled with the eternal spiritual Son of God.

Pretty much the same as my belief, but I believe that the human being named Jesus, who was born of the human parents, Mary and her half brother Joseph, was not filled with the Spirit of God’s only begotten son until he was around 30 years old, as he was being baptised by his mother’s cousin, 'John the Baptist', when the spirit of our Lord God and saviour (The Son of Man and only begotten Son of God) descended upon him in the form of a dove as the heavenly voice was heard to say; “You are my son, ‘THIS DAY’ I have begotten thee.”

Just as Enoch was chosen as the heir and successor to the throne of ‘The Lord of Creatures’ the MOST HIGH to have developed within the creation, Jesus was chosen as the heir and successor to his throne.

From the Book of Enoch, 104: 10-13, and 105: 1-2; And now I know this mystery, that sinners will alter and pervert the words of righteousness in many ways, and will speak wicked words, and lie, and practice great deceits, and write books concerning their words. But when they write down truthfully all my words in their languages, and do not change or minish ought from my words but write them all down truthfully -----all that I first testified concerning them. Then, I know another mystery, that books will be given to the righteous and the wise to become a cause of joy and uprightness and much wisdom. And to them shall the books be given, and they shall believe in them and rejoice over them, and then shall all the righteous who have learnt therefrom all the paths of uprightness be recompensed.'

[Chapter 105]
1 In those days the Lord bade (them) to summon and testify to the children of earth concerning their wisdom: Show (it) unto them; for ye are their guides, and a recompense over the whole earth. 2 For 'I and My Son' will be united with them for ever in the paths of uprightness in their lives; and ye shall have peace: rejoice, ye children of uprightness. Amen.

[Chapter 108-11-13]
And now I will summon the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of light, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh were not recompensed with such honour as their faithfulness deserved. And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved My holy name, and I will seat each on the throne of his honour. And they shall be resplendent for times without number etc.

Concerning the one that He, who had inherited the throne of the MOST HIGH in the creation, chose as his heir and successor [His son] Enoch says in 51: 3; “And the elect one shall in those days sit on 'MY THRONE', etc.”

As to the elect one of righteousness who is to sit in His throne, Enoch says in 49: 3; “And in him dwells the spirit of wisdom and the spirit which gives insight, and the spirit of understanding and of might, and the spirit of all those who have fallen asleep in righteousness.”

The righteous will find rest in Christ.
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 06:44 pm
@The Anointed,
I have done some study of the 5 books of Enoch. I imagine that you believe that Jews also lied about it since it is not a part of accepted Jewish canon.
Scholars through the ages have various beliefs about the books of Enoch. I have no idea about who is right. I do know that the holy Bible does not contain it.
Why would God allow Enoch to not be part of the canon if it should be there?
Once again I apologize for asking if you were a Latter Day Saint. You are quite knowledgeable
The Anointed
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 08:15 pm
Scholars through the ages have various beliefs about the books of Enoch. I have no idea about who is right. I do know that the holy Bible does not contain it.

Genesis 5: 22-24; 22And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

The only man from the world that had been destroyed by water, to have been taken to God, while still alive.

Hebrews 11: 5; By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

How could the author of the book of Hebrews have known that Enoch was translated from a corruptible body of Matter into an incorruptible body of glorious light, unless he had read from "The Book of the Secrets of Enoch" 22: 8; "And I fell prone and bowed down to the Lord, and the Lord with his lips said to me: "Have courage, Enoch, do not fear, arise and stand before ‘MY’ face into eternity."

And the archistratiege Michael lifted me up, and led me before the Lord’s face.

[Archistratege. Or, "the commander of the armies of the nations, named Michael."]

And the Most-High said to the glorious creatures that surrounded him, tempting them: "Let Enoch stand before ‘MY’ face into eternity," and the glorious creatures bowed down to the Lord, and said: "Let Enoch go [Or be released] according to Thy word." Enoch, was the first to be released.
And the Lord said to Michael: "Go take Enoch from out his earthly garments, and anoint him with my sweet ointment, and put him into the garments of my glory."

And Michael did thus as the Lord told him. He anointed me, and dressed me, and the appearance of that ointment is more than the great light, and his ointment is like sweet dew, and its smell mild, shining like the sun’s rays, and I looked at myself, and was like one of his glorious ones.

To translate something is to change it from one form to another. Hebrews 11: 5; “By faith Enoch was translated so that he should not experience death, and he was not found because God had translated him.”

Enoch was the one from the earlier age of Man that was destroyed by water, who was chosen to serve God before the body of Adam into all eternity.

“And Jude, a brethren of Jesus from the house of Mary and the carpenter, quotes Enoch’s words verbatim in verse 14, which reads; And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Below is from the book of Enoch section 1: verse 9.

9 And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones
To execute judgement upon all,
And to destroy all the ungodly:

And to convict all flesh
Of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed,
And of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.

I do know that the holy Bible does not contain it.
Why would God allow Enoch to not be part of the canon if it should be there?

Perhaps the following post will explain why the head of the Roman church of Emperor Constantine, who claims to be the shepherd of God's people, who was raised up in the land after the Lord had abandoned Israel his chosen flock.

To be continued.
The Anointed
Sat 5 Mar, 2022 08:35 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

Is it prophesied anywhere in the scriptures, that the Lord would raise up the Roman Church, the head of which church, would claim to be the Shepherd chosen by the Lord to guide his people?

Yes! There is a prophecy of the Lord concerning the raising up of that Shepherd.

In Matthew 27: 9-10; we read; “Then what was spoken by (Jeremiah) the prophet was fulfilled: "They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price set on him by the people of Israel, and they used them to buy the potter's field, as the LORD commanded me."

The words here quoted are not in any copy of Jeremiah extant. But they bear a strong resemblance to the words of Zechariah 11:12-17. And it seems, from a remark of Augustine, that the original copies of Matthew 27: 9-11; in his time named no prophet, but that Matthew 27: 9-19, originally said; “That which was spoken by ‘THE PROPHET’ was fulfilled: "They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price set on him by the people of Israel, and they used them to buy the potter's field, as the LORD commanded me." Indeed, it is believed that the name (Jeremiah) was erroneously inserted by some much later officious transcriber.

“That which was spoken by ‘THE PROPHET’ was fulfilled: "They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price set on him by the people of Israel, and they used them to buy the potter's field, as the LORD commanded me." THE PROPHET being Zechariah 11: 12 to 17.

Zechariah 11:12-17 New King James Version (NKJV) Then I said to them, “If it is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not, refrain.” So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver.

And the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter”—that princely price they set on me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the LORD for the potter. Then I cut in two my other staff, Bonds, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

And the LORD said to me, “Next, take for yourself the implements of a foolish shepherd. For indeed I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand. But he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hooves in pieces.

“Woe to the worthless shepherd,
Who leaves the flock!
A sword shall be against his arm
And against his right eye;
His arm shall completely wither,
And his right eye shall be totally blinded.”

Oh you shepherd of the darkness, who claim God sent you out
And even though we know that’s true, that fact I wouldn’t flout
For God commanded Zechariah, “Throw my wages ‘cross the floor,
Those thirty bits of silver, for I’ll guide this flock no more
A worthless shepherd now I’ll raise to guide this stubborn flock
And he will be a useless one, of him I’ll take no stock
For he’ll not feed my little ones, nor search for them that’s lost
But he eats the meat of the fattest sheep. And their hooves? He tears them off
That worthless shepherd, he is doomed for abandoning my flock
His power, will I destroy by war, his arm will wither dry, then drop
And his right eye will I turn Blind, that’s why he’s never seen
The passage where I speak of him, Zechariah eleven—twelve to seventeen.

There is but one church, which claims to be the Universal church, the head of which church claims to be the shepherd of Gods people, who was raised up after the Lord, who revealed himself through his obedient earthly host body, ‘The Man Jesus’ was paid the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver, which was cast to the potter in the house of the Lord.

This is the church that has been lying about Christ for well over a thousand years.

To be continued.
The Anointed
Sun 6 Mar, 2022 03:16 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

The apostles did not teach the false doctrine of the so-called non-biblical VIRGIN conception and birth, of Jesus by his mother Mary.

In the days of the Apostle Paul, the people were already beginning to fall away from the truth, and following another gospel that was not taught by the word of God or the apostles.

In his 2nd letter to the Corinthians 11: 4; Paul says, “You gladly tolerate anyone who comes to you and preaches a different Jesus, not the one we preached; and you accept a spirit (The Lie) and a gospel completely different from the spirit (Of Truth) and the gospel you received from us.”

So, what was that other gospel that was leading the people away from the truth and away from the Jesus as preached by the Apostles, to another false Jesus?

That gospel was the word of the anti-christ, that refused to acknowledge that Jesus had come as a human being, and instead, they believed that he was a spirit, whose humanlike body was able to pass through Mary’s Hymen without breaking it, and who, like some Hologram, would appear and disappear at will. Even in the later days of John, the false teaching that Jesus was not of the seed of Adam from which every human being who has, or ever will walk this earth, has descended, and had not come as a human being, but as a spiritual being, was already beginning to rear its ugly head, and concerning that evolving falsehood, John had this to say.

1st letter of John 4:1-3; “My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the spirit, (My words are spirit) but test them to find out if the spirit [teachings] they have come from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere. This is how you will be able to know if it is Gods spirit/word: anyone who acknowledges that Jesus came as a human being has the spirit who comes from God. But anyone who denies this about Jesus does not have the spirit from God. The spirit that he has is from the enemy of the anointed one, the Anti-christ etc.”

2nd letter of John verses 7-10; “Many deceivers have gone out all over the world, people who do not acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being. Such a person is a deceiver and an enemy of Christ.”

Where would one expect to find the teaching that Jesus was not a true human being, “Born of the seed of Adam” which has been spread ALL OVER THE WORLD.

In Alexandria, by the second century, ‘Docetism,’ the concept that Jesus had existed as a spirit rather than a human being, had all but theoretically been stamped out. But still, there persisted the belief that their Jesus, although seen as a sort of human being, did not have our normal bodily needs, such as eating, drinking and excretion, and Clement the bishop of Alexandria, wrote: “It would be ridiculous to imagine that the redeemer, in order to exist, had the usual needs of man. He only took food and ate it in order that we should not teach about him in a Docetic fashion.” Satan must have had some trouble trying to tempt this false Jesus of theirs into turning stones into bread even though Luke 4: 2; says that Jesus was hungry.

Their Jesus was not the Jesus as taught by the apostles, but that other Jesus, taught by the Anti-Christ, who unlike we mere HUMAN BEINGS, did not need to eat, drink, or go to the toilet, as was taught by one of the great teachers that the authorities of Emperor Constantine’s universal church, used as one of their authorities when trying to defend their false doctrines.

Saint Clement of Alexandria, who was a saint in the Martyrology of the Roman universal church, in support of the great lie, speaks of the time that some imaginary midwife, who was supposed to be at the birth of Jesus, (Non-biblical) told some woman by the name Salome, that the mother was still a virgin after the birth and that her hymen was still intact, and that this supposed Salome, stuck her finger into the mother’s vagina to check, and her hand immediately withered up, but the baby Jesus reached out and touched her hand and healed it. (All lying Roman rubbish)

Clement was accepted as a saint in the universal church, which was established by Emperor Constantine, from a rag-tag group of insult hurling religious bodies, who called themselves christians. Eventually, sick to the stomach with their constant quarreling and abuse toward each other, Constantine summoned all the leaders of those groups to the first ever "World Council of churches," where, in 325 AD, some 300 years after the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ had been firmly established in Jerusalem, the non-christian, and almost certainly theologically illiterate Constantine, established his universal church, which has nothing to do with the Jesus as taught by the apostles.

Down to the 17th century Clement was venerated as a saint. His name was to be found in the Martyrologies, and his feast fell on December 4. But when the Roman Martyrology was revised by Clement VIII (Pope from 1592 to 1605), his name was dropped from the calendar on the advice of his confessor, Cardinal Baronius. Pope Benedict XIV in 1748 maintained his predecessor's decision on the grounds that Clements life was little-known; that he had never obtained public cultus in the Church; and that some of his doctrines were, if not erroneous, at least highly suspect.

"ERRONEOUS--HIGHLY SUSPECT," they certainly got that right, but by then the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth had become firmly established.

Today those poor children have been so deceived and their heads are so mixed up and set as hard as concrete, one would need a sledge Hammer to crack them open and let the light of truth shine in.

There is no such animal that is 100% zebra and a 100% lion, nor is the there a being who is 100% human and 100% god, but there was a man who was 100% human, who was given divine glory by God and is now incontestably divine, and sits in our Fathers heavenly throne, from where he invites all who, like him and are able to win the victory to sit beside him in his throne (See Revelation 3: 21;).

See also Acts 3:13; "the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors has given divine glory to his servant Jesus, etc.

To be continued,

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