Nice to see them create a space for the Only True God!

The Anointed
Sun 6 Mar, 2022 05:55 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.


Yes! Right up until the act by which she conceived her first born son, Jesus, who was sired by her half brother, Joseph ben Heli.

Isaiah 7: 14; Jewish Translation: “Therefore the Lord, of his own, shall give you a sign; behold the 'YOUNG WOMAN' is with child, and she shall bear a son and she shall call his name Immanuel.”

Isaiah 7: 14; Erroneous KJV Translation; “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold 'THE VIRGIN' shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel.”

“The Greek word parthenos (παρθένος) is ambiguous but the Hebrew term “Almah”[Unmarried Female] is absolute, and is erroneously translated from Isaiah 7: 14, to Greek in Matthew 1:23; as “virgin,” whereas according to Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, the Hebrew term “Almah,” carries the meaning, (Concealment---unmarried female.)”

The word “Virgin” in reference to the mother of Jesus was not introduced until the Latin Bible ‘The Vulgate’ was translated to English, when the Latin word ‘VIRGO’ was translated to Virgin. For just like the early Greek language, the Latin did not have a specific term for ‘VIRGIN’, their word “Virgo” refers to any young woman of marriageable age, whether or not she had previous sexual relations with a man.

In translating the Hebrew words of the prophet Isaiah, that an “Almah” an “unmarried female” would be with child and bear a son,” into Greek, which unlike the Hebrew language, does not have a specific term for ‘virgin,’ the authors of the Septuagint and The Gospel of Matthew, which was originally written in Hebrew, correctly used the Greek word ‘Parthenos,’ which carries a basic meaning of ‘girl,’ or unmarried youth, and denotes ‘virgin’ only by implication.

To translate something from the Hebrew to the Greek, or from any language to another, one must not lose the essence of the original, and the original was, that “An unmarried woman would be with child.”

Go to “A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature,” by David Jeffery. There you will find written, “Many scholars consider the new Revised Standard Version of the King James translation, which is probably the most widely used version of the English bible today, and considered by most modern scholars to be to be the most accurate translation of the Old Testament. It follows the modern consensus in translating ‘Almah’ as ‘Young Woman’ in Isaiah 7: 14.

In 1973, an ecumenical edition of RSV was approved by both Protestant and Catholic hierarchies, called the common bible. A New English Translation of the Bible, published in 1970 and approved by the council of churches in England, Scotland, Wales, the Irish council of churches, the London Society of Friends, and the Methodist and Presbyterian churches of England, all translate Isaiah 7: 14; “A young Woman is with child, and she will bear a son.”

Also The Good News Bible, Catholic Study Edition, with imprimatur by Archbishop John Whealon reads, Isaiah 7: 14; “A young woman who is pregnant will have a son, etc.”

As these religious bodies all now accept that Isaiah was not referring to a virgin in that famous passage, they must now accept that the authors of the Septuagint and The Gospel of Matthew, who were forced to use the Greek term “Parthenos” in reference to Isaiah’s prophecy, were in no way implying that the pregnant Mary, was still a virgin.

Matthew 1: 22-23; should now read; ‘Now all this happened to make come true what the Lord had said through the prophet [Isaiah],’ “An unmarried woman/Almah who is pregnant will bear a son and he will be called immanuel: (“which means God is with us.”)

The point of the prophecy is not in the fact that an unmarried woman would bear a son, but that a child conceived out of wedlock (A Bastard) would be seen as the vessel in which the Lord would reveal himself to us, (“God is with us.”)

In 1st Chronicles 17: 13; Concerning Solomon, who was born of the adulterous union of David and Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah, God says of Solomon, “I shall be his Father and he shall be my Son” and God blesses him with the rulership of one of the most glorious periods in Jewish history.

God does not judge as man does.

In the genealogy of Joseph ben Jacob, who married the already pregnant Mary, and who did not consummate that union until after she had given birth to her first born son, Jesus the son of Joseph ben Heli, which genealogy is recorded in Matthew, five righteous women are mentioned.

First there is Tamar, who played the prostitute and seduced Judah, her father-in law into having sex with her, by which union she conceived and later bore his twin sons, Perez and Zerah.

Then there is Rahab the madam of a whore house in Jericho, who saved the Israelite spies, and later married Salmon, and bore his son ‘Boaz.’

The third is Ruth, who with sexual cunning deceived Boaz into marrying her, to whom she bore ‘Obed.’

The fourth is Bathsheba, who committed adultery with King David, who had her husband ‘Uriah’ killed, and she was the mother of Solomon, of whom the Lord said; “He shall be my son and I shall be his Father and it is he who shall build my temple for me.” [See 2nd Samuel 7: 14. and 1st Chronicles 17: 13.] Solomon was then blessed with the ruler ship of the most glorious period of Israel's history.

And last of all is Mary the handmaid of the Lord, who united with her half brother Alexander Helios to conceive and bear Jesus, the promised Messiah.

The acts of all these women were hidden in the shadows beneath the wings of the Lord of Spirits
The Anointed
Sun 6 Mar, 2022 10:44 pm
@The Anointed,
Edit previous post where it is said; "And last of all is Mary the handmaid of the Lord, who united with her half brother Alexander Helios to conceive and bear Jesus, the promised Messiah."

That should have read; "And last of all is Mary the handmaid of the Lord, who united with her half brother Joseph the son of Alexander Helios III to conceive and bear Jesus, the promised Messiah."

Alexander Helios III, the Father of Mary, was murdered in 13 BC, by order of Herod the Great, in the pogroms which saw the demise of many of the heirs to David’s throne.

It is said that after the death of her father, Alexander Helios=Heli, “who was a father of renowned,” the seven-year-old Mary [who is believed by some to be the grand-daughter of Mark Antony, and by others, to have been the grand daughter of Queen Alexandra II,] was removed from her mother and taken north into the land of Galilee where she was raised under the protection of the Jewish zealots whose aim it was, to throw off the yoke of Roman rule and establish a descendant of King David, back on the throne of Israel. While her mother Hanna, remained in Jerusalem, never leaving the temple; day and night she worshiped God, fasting and praying.

When Mary, while still in Nazareth under the protection of the Zealots, whose aim it was to free Israel of the Yoke of Roman rule, she was told by a messenger of God that her old aged aunty Elizabeth was six months pregnant, and that she herself was soon to become pregnant, she then revealed that she couldn't become pregnant because she was at that time, still a virgin, (Mary was not an ignorant girl, she knew how babies were born, and she knew that no virgin could become pregnant) and the messenger assured her that she would become pregnant and bear a son who would be a genetic descendant of King David and would inherit that throne.

Mary then said to the Messenger; "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; Let it be done to me according to your word." (Mary knew what was expected of her, the Mother of the promised king.)

The thirteen years old Mary, then traveled down to visit her aunty in the land of Judah, undoubtedly with a Zealot chaperone, and the moment that she walked through the door of her aunties, Elizabeth cried out "You are the most blessed of all women, and blessed is the child you will bear! Why should this great thing happen to me, that my Lord's (KING'S) mother comes to visit me? For as soon as I heard your greeting, the baby within me jumped with gladness. How happy you are to believe that the Lord's message to you will come true!"

How did Elizabeth know what was said to Mary while she was still in Nazareth? I believe that Elizabeth was a member of the conspiracy and that Joseph the son of Alexander Helios III was already there among the family and friends of Elizabeth, who had come to rejoice with her, at this great event.

Three months later when Mary returned to Nazareth, she was found to be pregnant, with David's descendant.

Prince Alexander Helios III, the Grandfather of Jesus, was the son or adopted son of the future Maccabee Queen Alexandra II, who at this time was known by her Jewish name, Esther of Jerusalem. Heli, the shortened nickname for Helios (“The Sun”), was a descendant, possibly through adoption, of Mattathias, the Nasi and Prince of Israel.

His 1st wife, Esther of Jerusalem, (A close friend of Cleopatra) became the mother of Heli ben Matthat or Prince Alexander Helios III. He became the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Esther of Jerusalem can be identified as the future Maccabee Queen known by her Greek name as Queen Alexandra II, who was the great grandmother of Yeshua (Jesus).

Though the evidence is only circumstantial, it is suggested by David Hughes and other genealogist that the wife of Matthat ben Levi, called Esther of Jerusalem, was actually the Jewish name of the last Maccabee Queen, whose later Greek regnal name was Queen Alexandra II. Before Alexandra became a Maccabee Queen with her 2nd marriage to Maccabee King Alexander II, her cousin, and later her 3rd marriage to Maccabee King Antigonus, also her cousin, she was married to a Nasi and Prince of Israel, called Mattathias.

Was this Mattathias also the person as Matthat ben Levi, the father of Heli, the grandfather of Mary, and the great grandfather of Yehoshua (Jesus)? The evidence suggests the affirmative.

Mon 7 Mar, 2022 08:28 am
@The Anointed,
You have studied Biblical history far more than I. I find your explanations of it very interesting, and they fit my more limited current understanding of it as well.

Thanks for the lessons!
0 Replies
Mon 7 Mar, 2022 12:21 pm
@The Anointed,
The apostles had to deal with several heresies includingGnosticism. You have shown that Gnosticism is false. However, the Bible also declares that Jesus was 100 percent God.
I know the Bible. I trust that God made sure that the canon is made up of the books that He wanted.
The books of Enoch expands what is in Genesis. I can't find any evidence that Alexander Helios is Heli. Historians say that Alexander simply "disappeared".
TheMadOne started the post that "churches have lied...". He has failed to back up his claim. However, you have made the claim worthy of research.

There is one major weakness in your argument. Why don't you welcome prayer for other people. My prayer for you is that you KNOW God. People can have fellowship with God. Christianity is more than just research. It is a personal relationship with God.

Mon 7 Mar, 2022 02:51 pm
There was a book called Chariots of the gods which is associated with the book of Enoch by some people. Do you believe that the book is accurate?
0 Replies
The Anointed
Tue 8 Mar, 2022 04:50 am
The apostles had to deal with several heresies including Gnosticism. You have shown that Gnosticism is false.

Have I?

However, the Bible also declares that Jesus was 100 percent God.

The bible declares that Jesus was 100% human, a genetic descendant King David and born of the seed of Adam.

It also declares that he was the first fruits to be harvested from the body of mankind

Jesus, was resurrected on the first day after the weekly Sabbath that followed the Passover, which is the festival of “First Fruits,” HE was the first fruits to be harvested from the body of mankind. He was the first of many brothers and sisters, who are to be conformed to the glorious image of God’s only begotten Son, who is the Spirit, that according to our concept of one direction linear time, is still currently developing within the androgynous body of mankind, and who pays the penalty for the sins of the body in which he develops, as we all must do.

John 1: 12/13; “But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name [I Am Who I Am].”

And they, like our brother Jesus, who was the first born of the sons of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are born sons of God, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but by the Spirit of the Lord, which descended upon the man Jesus in the form of a dove, as the heavenly voice was heard to say: “You are my son, 'TODAY' I have begotten thee.” [My chosen Heir and Successor.]

Jesus, is the first to win the victory and to receive a share of the glorious immortal body of light, which is that of our heavenly saviour, which body of light was torn asunder and poured out as fire on the heads of all those who believed his words as spoken through his servant "Jesus" for our salvation.

In his new glorious body of brilliant and blinding light, He, on the road to Damascus, answered Saul's question, "Who are you Lord?" with these words, "I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you persecute,"

And Jesus our brother, was given divine glory and is now incontestably divine (See Acts 3: 13.) and who now sits in the throne of our Father, and all the chosen ones who have born the image of the first Adam, shall also bear the IMAGE of the glorified Jesus, "The Second Adam," (in the eternal process of change/evolution, for mankind does not close the chapter in the book of evolution) a new creation of bodies of Glorious and blinding Light which is the new Temple of our Lord that is to replace God’s old tabernacle =temporary tent (Mankind) as the ruler on this earth of all creation.

First, "MAN" (man (אנושׁ : 'enosh') in English, mortal human beings) was created a little lower than the angels, then he is crowned with glory and all creation is placed beneath his feet. All creation is placed beneath the feet of MAN (man (אנושׁ : 'enosh) in English, mortal human beings) WHO IS CROWNED WITH GLORY, we have not yet seen this happen. But we have seen Jesus, the first born from the dead, who has won the victory and was given divine glory by our heavenly Father and saviour, and is now incontestably divine and sits in the heavenly throne of Godhead: and who, in Revelation 3: 21; invites those, who win the victory also, to sit with him in our Father’s throne of Godhead within the creation. And all creation Visible and invisible, which, according to Paul, includes even the angels, will bow at their feet.

To be continued Time permitting and God willing.
Tue 8 Mar, 2022 06:26 pm
@The Anointed,
So, are you saying that Jesus is now God?
The Anointed
Tue 8 Mar, 2022 07:49 pm
So, are you saying that Jesus is now God?

Nope! I am saying that Jesus is 'A' Son of God. He was not a God who became a man, but a man who became 'A' God.

Unlike the God of the Roman church of Emperor Constantine, who has never been able to grant everlasting life to a descendant of Adam (A Human Being) my God (THE MOST HIGH IN CREATION) has.

But then, My God was once a human being who was taken to heaven while still alive and anointed as the son, heir and successor of the throne of the Most High to have developed within the creation at that point in time.

Luke 3: 38; Seth was the son of Adam who was the firstborn son of God, Enoch was the seventh born son of God from Adam the first, Jesus was the seventy seventh Son of God from Adam the first. See Luke 3: 23-38.

This makes Jesus the eleventh of Gods seventh born sons. Ten completes the cycle 10+1 begins the new cycle, Jesus is the Second Adam, the beginning of the new cycle.

1 Corinthians 15: 47-49; The first Adam, made of earth, came from the earth; the second Adam came from heaven. Those who belong to the earth are like the one who was made of earth; those who are of heaven are like the one who came from heaven. Just as we wear the likeness of the man made of earth, so we will wear the likeness of the Man from heaven.

So, who was the man who came from heaven? Jesus said in RSV, John 3: 13; No one has ascended to heaven but he who descended from heaven, "The Son of Man".

So He who descended from heaven, from whose spirit Jesus was reborn, was He who had inherited the throne of his Father Adam (Mankind).

Enoch was the man from the previous age that was destroyed by water, he was taken up to heaven and anointed as the heir to the throne of the MOST HIGH in the creation, the Most High in the creation, being Adam the Lord of all creatures, Genesis 1: 27-28; So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”

Adam (MANKIND) Lord of fish, birds and every living thing that moves upon the earth.

Enoch was anointed to serve God before the body of Adam (MANKIND) into all eternity.

The word “CHRIST” means “The Anointed One.” Enoch was the one anointed by the Most-High in the creation, ‘The Lord of Creatures,’ as his Heir and successor, (The Son of Man) .

Christ is the English term for the Greek Χριστός (Khristós) meaning "the anointed one" It is a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Māšîaḥ), usually transliterated into English as Messiah or Mashiach. The Hebrew word translated "anointed" is the verb form of the noun "Messiah."

"The Book of the Secrets of Enoch" 22: 8; "And I fell prone and bowed down to the Lord, and the Lord with his lips said to me: "Have courage, Enoch, do not fear, arise and stand before ‘MY’ face into eternity."

And the archistratiege Michael lifted me up, and led me before the Lord’s face.

And the Most-High said to "THE GLORIOUS CREATURES" that surrounded him, tempting them: "Let Enoch stand before ‘MY’ face into eternity," and the glorious creatures bowed down to the Lord, and said: "Let Enoch go [Or be released] according to Thy word." Enoch, was the first to be released.

And the Lord said to Michael: "Go take Enoch from out his earthly garments, and anoint him with my sweet ointment, and put him into the garments of my glory."

And Michael did thus as the Lord told him. He anointed me, and dressed me, and the appearance of that ointment is more than the great light, and his ointment is like sweet dew, and its smell mild, shining like the sun’s rays, and I looked at myself, and was like one of his glorious ones. (GLORIOUS CREATURES)

Sandalphon is an archangel in Jewish and Christian writings. Sandalphon figures prominently in the mystical literary traditions of Rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity, notably in the Midrash, Talmud, and Kabbalah.

Only two men have been taken to heaven without dying, Enoch who was in the valley of man (The spiritual dimension that co-exists within our three dimensional world) for three days or rather three thousand years before being revealed on earth in the man Jesus, and Elijah who has also been in the valley of man for almost three days and is to appear immediately before the great and terrible day of God's wrath.

Some of the earliest sources on Sandalphon refer to him as the prophet Elijah transfigured and elevated to angelic status. Other sources (mainly from the midrashic period) describe him as the "twin brother" of Metatron, whose human origin as Enoch was similar to the human origin of Sandalphon.

Sandalphron and Metatron are post human angels, Metatron is the name that was given to Enoch after he had been translated from a body of corruptible matter into a glorious body of incorruptible light, and Sandalphron, who is erroneously thought by some to be Metatron"s twin, is in fact Elijah"s angelic name after he was carried up to stand before Enoch and was also transfigured.

Metatron is also mentioned in the Pseudepigrapha, most prominently in the Hebrew Book of Enoch (also called Third Enoch), in which his grand title, "The lesser YHVH" (The Son of God) resurfaces. It is also said that Metatron. The anointed one=CHRIST, was the angel who guided Israel through the wilderness.

The great flood, in which the body of Adam (Pre-flood mankind) was submerged in water and the new man Enoch (The post-flood body of mankind arose) was, according to 1st Peter 3: 21; a symbol of Baptism. Where the old physical man Adam, is submerged in the baptismal waters of the earth and the new spiritual man Enoch/Jesus arises.

Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives are all direct genetic descendants of Enoch, the only man redeemed from the previous world as spoken of by 2nd Peter 3: 5; as they are all descendants of Enoch’s six sons, Methusulah, Rigam, Riman, Urchan, Cherminion, and Giadad.

When you Genuinely desire to be baptised into the Father, son, and Holy Spirit, you enter those waters as a son of Adam and arise as a son of The Anointed one.

To be continued, time permitting and God willing.
Wed 9 Mar, 2022 11:55 am
@The Anointed,
According to John 3:13 nobody has gone to heaven. Also, only Jesus has descended from heaven. That rules out Enoch, Elijah, or anybody else before Jesus' death and resurrection.
The Anointed
Wed 9 Mar, 2022 03:15 pm
According to John 3:13 nobody has gone to heaven. Also, only Jesus has descended from heaven. That rules out Enoch, Elijah, or anybody else before Jesus' death and resurrection.

It was before the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus that the 'MAN' who had ascended up to heaven, had come down as the spiritual 'SON OF MAN'.

JOHN 3:13 KJV "And no 'MAN' hath ascended up to heaven, but (EXCEPT) he that came down from heaven, [even] the Son of man which is in heaven."

Your Holy Scriptures tell you that the man Enoch had ascended up to heaven and was translated from a physical being to a spiritual being by the MOST HIGH, in order that he should never have to experience death.

Now you may not believe the words of the righteous Enoch, but Jesus and the apostles taught from his words. Peter, who spoke of the heavens and earth burning up and disappearing certainly believed Enoch who spoke of witnessing the heavens and earth burning up and falling as massive columns of fire beyond all measure in height and depth into the Great Abyss (Black Hole) beyond which there was nothing, which 'Great Abyss' the escorting angel described as the prison of all the stars and the host of heaven.

The Big Crunch, when this universe is returned to the singularity from which it originated.

Jesus may have ascended to the throne of our heavenly Father, but he had not descended from heaven my friend.

But you must believe what you choose to believe and follow the Holy Scriptures, or the teachings of the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land after he had abandoned his chosen flock.

Wed 9 Mar, 2022 04:32 pm
@The Anointed,
Genesis 5 says that Enoch was "no more". It doesn't say that Enoch went to heaven
Jesus said that nobody had gone to heaven. That includes Enoch.
You share with the Latter Day Saints the belief that a human can become "a god". That is heresy.
There is no basis for your belief that Alexander Helios had any connection to Heli. Instead, the Bible says that Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was 100 percent God and 100 percent human. You have done a good job showing the humanity of Jesus. However, you ignore the Biblical verses that prove that Jesus is God, the 2nd person of the Trinity.
I do wish I could use the internet like you do. I am a very slow typist and have no idea how you are able to type in Greek and Hebrew.
Jesus went through tremendous effert to teach His followers to be humble. It is absolutely amazing what He went through.
The Anointed
Wed 9 Mar, 2022 10:35 pm
Genesis 5 says that Enoch was "no more". It doesn't say that Enoch went to heaven

KJV Genesis 5: 22-24; says; And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were 365 years. And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; ‘FOR GOD TOOK HIM’.

RSV Hebrew 11: 5; By faith Enoch was ‘TAKEN UP’ so he should not see death, etc.

Enoch never died, but the ‘MAN’ Enoch was no more, for he had been translated.

KJV Hebrew 11: 5; By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death.

Jesus said that nobody had gone to heaven. That includes Enoch

There you go again, twisting and distorting the words of the Lord. Jesus said that no man had ascended into heaven, Except, (EXCEPT WHO?) Except He who had come down, and the one who came down in the form of a dove on the day that Jesus was Baptised, was Enoch who revealed himself to the world and the awesome sacrifice that he makes for the race of mankind, through his servant Jesus.

Only three men are recorded in scriptures as having ascended into Heaven and they are Enoch, from the previous world that was destroyed by water, who was ‘TAKEN UP’ and anointed as the heir and successor to the throne of the Most-High, then Elijah and Moses, from this world that is destined to be destroyed by fire.

Why was it do you suppose, that of those three heavenly HOLY ones, only Elijah and Moses appeared to Jesus on the mountain and spoke of the death he must suffer? Or were the entire three there on the mountain?

As Peter said in 2 Peter 3: 5-7; They purposely ignore the fact that long ago God gave a command, and the heavens and earth were created. The earth was formed out of water and by water, and it was also by water, the water of the flood, that the old world was destroyed. But the heavens and the earth that now exist are being preserved by the same command of God, in order to be destroyed by fire. They are being kept for the day when godless people will be judged and destroyed.

Enoch was Chosen by God before this world that is destined to be destroyed by fire, even existed. 1 Peter 1: 20-21; He had been chosen by God before the creation of the world (THIS WORLD) and was revealed in these last days for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from death and gave him glory; and so, your faith and hope are fixed on God.

Enoch. The CHRIST, the Anointed One, who was reborn on earth after spending three thousand years or three days in the valley of the earth, was the one of who it is said in Hebrews 10: 5-7; For this reason, when Christ was about to come into the world, he said to God: “You do not want sacrifices and offerings, but you have prepared a body for me. (That body that the Most High had prepared for his anointed heir and successor, was the man Jesus) You are not pleased with animals burnt whole on the altar or with sacrifices to take away sins.

Then I said, ‘Here I am, to do your will, O God, just as it is written of me in the book of the Law.’

You share with the Latter Day Saints the belief that a human can become "a god". That is heresy.

Now you are going to have to apologise for running off at the mouth again, dribbling you verbal dysentery down your chin and falsely accusing me of being a heretic.

Instead, the Bible says that Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit.

As were the women who are all mentioned in the genealogy of Joseph ben Jacob the first husband of Mary. First there is Tamar, who played the prostitute and seduced Judah, her father-in law into having sex with her, by which union she conceived and later bore his twin sons, Perez and Zerah.

Then there is Rahab the madam of a whore house in Jericho, who saved the Israelite spies and who later married Salmon, and bore his son ‘Boaz.’ The third is Ruth, who with sexual cunning deceived Boaz into marrying her, to whom she bore ‘Obed.’

The fourth is Bathsheba, who committed adultery with King David, who had her husband ‘Uriah’ killed, and she was the mother of Solomon, of whom the Lord said; “He shall be my son and I shall be his Father and it is he who shall build my temple for me.” [See 2nd Samuel 7: 14. and 1st Chronicles 17: 13.] Solomon was then blessed with the rulership of the most glorious period of Israel’s history.

And last of all is Mary who united with her half brother, Joseph the son of Alexander Helios to conceive and bear Jesus, the promised Messiah.

The actions of these women were overshadowed by the Lord, who has declared these women to have acted in righteousness.

There is no basis for your belief that Alexander Helios had any connection to Heli.

Galatians 4: 29; The birth of Jesus, the reality of God's promise to Abraham, was 'foreshadowed' by the birth of Isaac.

Galatians 4: 29; At that time, the child born according to the flesh, [Ishmael], despised and persecuted him, [Isaac] who was born according to 'God’s promise' and 'the workings of the Holy Spirit.'

Isaac, who is the prototype of Jesus, was born of a brother/sister relationship and born of God’s promise according to the power/workings of the Holy Spirit, and Isaac was the biological son of Abraham and his half-sister Sarah, who were both sired by Terah from different mothers: just as Jesus, who was born of God’s promise according to the power of the Holy Spirit, was the biological son of Joseph and his half-sister Mary, who were both sired by Alexander Helios III from different mothers.

Isaac, was offered up as a sacrifice by his father on the same mountain that Jesus, who had been chosen as the heir to our Fathers throne, was offered up. But both lived on, as God had prepared a replacement sacrifice for them.

The replacement for Isaac, was a sheep, the replacement for Jesus, was the one year old unblemished lamb of God, [Enoch] who, at the age of 365, the number of days in a calendar year, was taken to the throne of the Most High in the creation and anointed as his successor, to serve God before the body of Adam/mankind into all eternity.

Just as Isaac the promised seed of Abraham was born through the union of Abraham and his half-sister Sarah according to the workings of the Holy Spirit, so too, the man Jesus, the reality of God’s promise to Abraham, was born according to the workings of the Holy Spirit and born of the union of Mary and her half-brother Joseph, who were both sired by Heli=Alexander Helios III.

Jesus was 100 percent God and 100 percent human.

Jesus was either 100% human or 100% god, or 50/50, as are the half breeds that were born to the sons of God and the daughters of man, who were disobedient in the days when Noah was building the Ark, those to who Jesus, while dead in the flesh but alive in spirit (See 1 Peter 3: 18-20.) descended and preached the Good news also, in order that in their spiritual existence they might live as God lives. These are they, who came out of their graves on the day that Jesus was resurrected and went into the city and revealed themselves to many.

Crucifixion was a rite in the mysteries of many countries and especially those of Egypt, See ‘The Secret Doctrines,’ vol. 11, p. 558. The initiated adept, who had successfully passed all the trials, was tied to a cross deep inside a Temple Crypt or cave, he was then drugged and plunged into a deep sleep, in which state, in the darkness of the bowels of the earth, he remained for three days and three nights, during which time his spirit=mind, is said to have descended into Hades to communicate with the Gods.

Anyway, I will await your apology for falsely accusing me of being a heretic, and I leave you to wallow in the teaching of the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land.
Thu 10 Mar, 2022 05:29 pm
@The Anointed,
I apologized for thinking you may be a Later Day Saint. However, I confirm that you are a heretic.
The key mistake is your "Arianism" belief.
I will no longer deal with your statements about Alexander Helios and the Book of Enoch.
I will concentrate on your belief that Jesus is not God, the 2nd Person of the Trinity.
Please read John 1:3 again.
The Anointed
Thu 10 Mar, 2022 06:10 pm
I confirm that you are a heretic. .

I will ask my God, "WHO I AM' who dwells behind the veil of the flesh within the innermost sanctuary of this body, which is his earthly tabernacle as he awaits the creation of his glorious temple of light, to forgive you for falsely accusing one of his sons of being a heretic, but Jesus asked God to forgive those who cried out for his blood, yelling; “Let his blood be on our heads and the heads of our children.”

A few years later the streets of the burning Jerusalem were running with the blood of women and unborn babies that were ripped from their bodies by the sword wielding Romans who butchered all in their paths.

I forgive you because I know you are a child of biblical ignorance, who has been deceived by the teaching of that woman who sits on the seven hills of Rome, the mother of harlots, her denominational daughters who were spawned from her false teachings before breaking away from her body in order to establish family groups of their own. She who is called “Babylon the Great” of who it is written in Revelations 18: 4-8.

Come out of her my children
Do not share in her sin
You must not share her punishment
Her judgement day has come.
Her sins are piled to heaven
And God recalls her evil way
She says I am no widow’
And I’ll never see the grave
Because of that in just one day
Disease will strike her down
Plagues and famine she’ll receive
Till finally she’ll be burned.
You must pay her back two-fold
For all that she has done
Fill her cup as she filled yours
But make it twice as strong
For all the glory she has claimed
And all her luxury, must be repaid
This very day, with pain and misery.

To be continued.
The Anointed
Thu 10 Mar, 2022 07:55 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

I will no longer deal with your statements about Alexander Helios.

Ezekiel 3: 18; When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

What you choose to believe or disbelieve is up to you, but not wishing to be held accountable for your blood, I will continue.

Because Herod the Great was of Idumaean/Hittite/Macedonian descent, and hated by the Jews, he attempted to appease them by marrying a Jewess by the name Mariamne, a descendant of the Maccabees family of Jewish patriots, whom he actually loved. Mariamne, who had insisted that her brother [Alexander Helios III] be appointed high priest, was the daughter of Salome=Alexandra, an heir from the old ruling Hasmonaean line.

The Jewess Salome = Alexandra, of the old ruling Hasmonaean line, which was defeated by Pompey, attempted to have Herod ousted in favour of her grandsons, Alexander and Aristobulus, the sons of her daughter Mariamne, finally ‘Herod the Great,’ had Mariamne, her brother[Alexander Helios III] and her two sons, [Alexander and Aristobulus] plus her mother and grandfather all killed, although one of Mariamne’s grandsons, ‘Herod Agrippa 1’ the son of Aristobulus, survived to rule in Palestine from about the late 41 AD to 44 AD.

It appears that Prince Alexander Helios III had the same aspirations and hopes for “Israel” as the high priest within the temple at Jerusalem, who was Yehoshua/Jesus III, the grand=father of Mary and high priest in Jerusalem from 36 to 23 BC, which aspiration was to establish a descendant of King David on the throne of Israel.

This was in the era in which parents chose the husband of their daughters, and Heli was chosen by the High Priest Yeshua III, as the one to sire the future King through his elderly daughter Hanna/Anna.

Now this high priest Yehoshua/Jesus III was the grandson of Boethus, the Alexandrian Zadokian priest that King Herod in 37 BCE asked to return to Jerusalem in order to restore the Zadokian dynastic reign again over the office of the high priest.

But Herod’s motives for so doing were in fact more sinister, for he eventually plotted to eliminate the Maccabees from holding either royal or priestly offices in Jerusalem and eliminate their presence entirely from Judea.

Was Prince Heli, or his father, Mattathias ben Levi, approached by the high priest Yehoshua/Jesus III to marry one of his three daughters, Hannah or Anna?

Though the evidence is only circumstantial, it is suggested by David Hughes and other genealogist that the wife of Matthat ben Levi, called Esther of Jerusalem, was actually the Jewish name of the last Maccabee Queen, whose later Greek regnal name was Queen Alexandra II. Before Alexandra became a Maccabee Queen with her 2nd marriage to Maccabee King Alexander II, her cousin, and later her 3rd marriage to Maccabee King Antigonus, also her cousin, she was married to a Nasi and Prince of Israel, called Mattathias.

Was this Mattathias also the person as Matthat ben Levi, the father of Alexander Helios III/Heli, the grandfather of Mary, and the great grandfather of Yehoshua (Jesus)? The evidence suggests the affirmative.

The name of the children of this union between Mattathias, the Nasi and Prince of Israel and Princess Alexandra II, prior to 49 BCE was Prince Alexander III Helios (the Biblical Heli) and his sister, Princess Alexandra III. This young Davidian and Maccabee princess later became the wife of Ptolemy Bar Mennius, a Babylonian Exilarch whose descendants are traced to Europe today.

Was this Davidian Nasi Prince Mattat ben Levi, the same Nasi as Prince Mattathias, who married the Maccabee Princess, and future Maccabee Queen, as the daughter of the Maccabee Priest-King Hyrcanus II and through this union had a son called Prince Alexander III “Helios”?

Prince Alexander Helios III, the Grandfather of Jesus, was the son of the future Maccabee Queen Alexandra II, who at this time was known by her Jewish name, Esther of Jerusalem. Heli, the shortened nickname for Helios (“The Sun”), was a descendant, of Mattathias, the Nasi and Prince of Israel
His 1st wife, Esther of Jerusalem, became the mother of Heli ben Mattat or

Prince Alexander Helios III. He became the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Esther of Jerusalem can be identified as the future Maccabee Queen known by her Greek name as Queen Alexandra II, who was the great grandmother of Yeshua (Jesus).

To be continued.
The Anointed
Thu 10 Mar, 2022 08:52 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

In Luke 3: 22; Those who would have you believe that Jesus was a god who became a man, changed the original verse, to; “Thou art my beloved son in who I am well pleased.”

While in Luke 3: 22; (In place of “Thou art my beloved son in who I am well pleased.”) The following authorities of the second, third, and fourth centuries read, “This day I have begotten thee,” vouched for by Codex D, and the most ancient copies of the old latin (a, b. c. ff.I), by Justin Martyr (AD 140), Clemens Alex, (AD. 190), Methodius (AD. 290), among the Greeks. And among the Latins, Lactaitius (AD 300), Hilary (AD) Juvencus (AD. 330), Faustus (AD. 400) and Augustine. All these oldest manuscripts were changed completely. They now read, “This is my son in whom I am well pleased.” Whereas the original variant was, “Thou art my Son. "THIS DAY" I have begotten thee.”

Hebrew 5: 5; has; “You are my son, ‘TODAY’ I have become your Father.”

Luke 3:23; (KJV) And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli. The (AS WAS SUPPOSED) in brackets, was a later interpolation by those who would have you believe the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth.

In the different translations of the KJV into Arabic, Afrikaan, Zulu, etc and even some of the more modern English translations, such as the Good News Catholic Study Edition Bible, the words (As was supposed) have been retained, but the brackets are removed, thus by, making those words appear to be the declaration of Luke, while the serious biblical student know that they were not written by Luke, but were a later interpolation and a corruption of the Holy Scriptures, by those Christians, who refuse to accept that Jesus was not a God who became a man, but a man, born of human parents, who was later CHOSEN by the Lord our saviour ‘The Son of Man,’ as his heir and successor, and who was given divine glory, as revealed in Acts 3: 13; where it is said that the God of our ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has given divine glory to his servant Jesus etc.

It amazes me how any intelligent person can be deceived into believing the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth of the man Jesus.
But there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Revelation 2: 17; “To those who win the victory I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give each of them a white stone on which is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.
Verses 26-28; To those who win the victory, who continue to the end to do what I want, I will give the same authority that I received from my Father: I will give them authority over the nations, to rule them with an iron rod and to break them to pieces like clay pots. I will also give them the morning star.

It amazes me how any intelligent person can be deceived into believing the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth of the man Jesus.

But there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 10:51 am
@The Anointed,
I have been praying for you and will continue to pray for you. However, it is getting a bit personal. Therefore, I will leave it to God to persuade you.
I do appreciate your commitment to your beliefs. It was a pleasure to have a discussion with a man of such passion.
I love you with the love of Jesus.
God bless you!!!
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 12:56 pm
NealNealNeal wrote:

However, it is getting a bit personal.

You don't know the half of it, anointed has admitted getting sexually aroused by my avatar, Roger Mellie. You can't get more personal than that.
The Anointed
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 10:08 pm
I have been praying for you and will continue to pray for you.

My God refused to answer the prayers of those false god worshippers in the days of Elijah, so what makes you think that He would answer the prayers to your false god, ‘THE ANTI-CHRIST” who refuses to acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being, see Bible Societies Chain Reference bible: GNB, 1 John 4: 2.?

I will leave it to God to persuade you.

Are you talking about the God who said to Moses in Deuteronomy 18: 18-19; “"I will send them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put MY WORDS in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command, and whosoever will not heed MY WORDS, which he shall speak in MY NAME, I will surely punish, etc.”

That prophet, who, according to Peter in Acts 3: 22, was the man Jesus; saying; "For Moses said, The Lord your God will send you a prophet just as he sent me, and he will be 'ONE OF YOUR OWN PEOPLE.' You are to obey everything that he tells you to do. Anyone who does not obey 'THAT PROPHET' shall be separated from God's people and destroyed.

When the Lord said, destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. What was the name of that earthly temple from which he spoke to us, and through which He worked his many miracles? That earthly temple of He, our Lord God and saviour, who He raised up after it had been destroyed, and we know it was the Lord God our saviour, who raised that earthly temple, which he had filled with His spirit, because He tells us so in his holy Words.

Acts 5: 30; The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you slew and hanged on a tree.

Acts 13: 30; But God raised him from the dead: and he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee, etc.

1st Corinthians 6: 14; And God has both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.

2nd Corinthians 1: 9; But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead.

2nd Corinthians 4: 14; knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.

Acts 17: 31; For He (The Lord God our saviour) has fixed a day in which he shall judge the whole world with justice by means of a MAN he has CHOSEN. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that MAN from death.

It was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our Fathers [WHO I AM] who said through the mouth his obedient servant Jesus, who spoke in ‘HIS NAME;’ “Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up.”

But you would rather believe the lying words of the bride of the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land after he had abandoned his chosen flock, wouldn’t you?

I suppose you even believe the lying words of the poor sick atheist, Izzy the perverted pusher of pornography.

God bless you!!!

Bible Society’s Chain Reference Bible, GNB. The Second letter of John, verses 7-11; “Many deceivers have gone out over the world, people who do not acknowledge that Jesus Christ came as a 'HUNAN BEING'. Such a person is a deceiver and an enemy of Christ. Be on your guard then, so that you will not lose what we have worked for, but will receive your reward in full.

Anyone who does not stay with the teaching of Christ, but goes beyond it does not have God. Whoever 'DOES' stay with the teaching has both the Father and the Son. So then, if someone comes to you who does not bring this teaching (That Jesus came as a 'HUMAN BEING', not half man and half god) do not welcome him into your homes: do not even say, “peace be with you”. For anyone who wishes him peace becomes his partner in the evil things he does.”

And I have no desire to become a partner with someone, who worships the immortal God in the image of a human being, and preaches that their God has never raised a descendant of Adam from death to everlasting life.

So, Goodbye child.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Mar, 2022 03:19 pm
izzythepush wrote:

NealNealNeal wrote:

However, it is getting a bit personal.

You don't know the half of it, anointed has admitted getting sexually aroused by my avatar, Roger Mellie. You can't get more personal than that.

Well, you pointed out my faith that God directed the Council's to establish the correct books in the Biblical Canon. Anointed is saying that other books should have

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