Thanks for the correction. Grayce was my first mother-in-law and she was not a beloved bitch, just Common Garden She Devil
Miss Squinney--
I don't know nothin' about birthin' no puppies, but I had a nice bath and thought about Birthin' in General.
Are the contractions regular? Since you've seen the puppies squirming, I assume Gracie (such a dear, sweet child who will lift the Curse from the Name) isn't overweight. You should be able to see a good serious contractions rippling from stem to stern and be able to time them.
Is she panting and panting and panting and then gasping for a good supply of air and then panting and panting and panting?
Is she unhappy or just badly confused?
Please tell her I'm thinking about her and I am very sorry for my Freudian Senior Moment. Mention that Concentration is All.
Squinney, Call the vet. Even professional breeders get help when they are not sure about something. If one of the pups were to die during labor and not get expelled, I don't think I would be able to determine by feeling her stomach. To be on the safe side, call the vet, get advice, and if you get puzzled with her symptoms, call the vet again. Bear is right, dogs have been giving birth since forever, but mammels have been dying during birth since forever.
3;45 am...first speagle arrives. Of course.
5:01... second speagle arrives.
First is temporarily named "Dot" and second is "Aerosmith" named after the shapes on their faces so we know which is which.
Gracie is doing a great job. She cut the cord and everything, so I'm feeling very relieved.
We got a funny picture of her looking at the first one. One of those "What the heck?" looks with the ears up and head tilted. Will post pics when she finishes. Should be two to three more to go.
Dot is a major crybaby. Came out crying and hasn't stopped. Aerosmith whimpered and found a nipple up by moms arm and latched on.
Speagle #3 born at 6:57.
This one is mainly black and white with a little patch of blue-tick on her back. Her cry sounds like a giggle! Calling her baby blue for now, but we still need real names.
All three appear to resemble beagle as far as markings, but more white than most beagles. Seem to have looooong legs like Brittany Spanial, but we were hoping for some wavey hair like Gus, too. All seem short haired for now.
not you gus, the other gus.
I hope all is continuing to go well and that the maternal grandparents are getting some sleep today.
# 4 born at 7:44 with a Y on her forehead so the poor thing gets called "Yoser" (as in Loser - you know, the song with the shape of an L on her forehead)
And finally #5 at 8:17 was our second boy. We already had "Dot" so this one is Ire, as in short for Ireland since no man is an island.
All weighed in at 8.8 - 9.2 oz, so there's no obvious runt.
Mom and pups are doing well. Cubs stuck it out with me and helped deliver and remove sacks from their faces. They are feeling quite happy with themselves.
I fainted several hours ago, and just now came to . . . any news?
Congratulation... when can we expect the pictures?
Hmmmm.. let's see 5 healthy puppies, delivered on natures organic timetable, Gracie performed all motherly functions perfectly, all pups healthy and nursing as I type, no complications and no vet necessary. Next time all you paranoids unbunch your panties and listen would ya?
<Bear becomes dancing bear, doing superior dance

Acquiunk wrote:Congratulation... when can we expect the pictures?
They all look alike and it's hard to tell yet if they are beagly or spaniely...but they are also mostly black and white. I wonder how long before we can tell if they will have short beagle coat or the longer spaniel. I'm hoping for a spaniel type to keep just for the sake of variety. I was hoping one or two might turn out sorrel and white like the father but no such luck. Real long legs for beagles.
Pictures soon.
gotta get my scanner hooked up, then I'll post pics.
Congrats! I can't wait to see some pix of the little squirmers.
Quote:And finally #5 at 8:17 was our second boy. We already had "Dot" so this one is Ire, as in short for Ireland since no man is an island.
Sounds like maybe you two were a little tired here.
You gonna just put the puppies on the scanner?
squinney once asked me if Ireland had beaches.
well, hat was the easy part. The hard part is raising them to respect you . You know that when theyre all grown and gone, they never call.
sounds like you both still need sleep.