Mr. Noddy chose to allow dear little Iffykins to object to manicures and once again her toe nails are talons.
I figure that he should cope with his creation--and he will, he will, he will...someday in a blue moon when he has nothing beter to do with his time and gets a Round Tu-it.
Meanwhile, I'm making her a darling Halloween costume. Not every pit bull can dress up as Vampira.
Didn't I tell you at the beginning of this thread that Bear was thrilled?
Now I have proof. Only took 6 weeks for them to be invited into his chair.
Aw, gee, that's a special picture...
<who's the guy with the haircut in the Bear's chair?>
that is an awwwwwwwwwwww pic
I was at Petsmart picking up a few supplies today. Almost came home with a 10 mos old female Beagle.
Sanity was restored just in time.
<and what chandelier was Squinney swinging from when she took that pic? I know she's not THAT tall>

Rory and Buddy take their last nap together.

Bye, Buddy!

Rory waits by the gate for Buddy to return.

Rory gets comforted by Mom.

Cub and Ire chill.
I know. I know. Bear lost 40 pounds and cut his hair - whole new look, although the weight loss wasn't on purpose.
<Hey, I don't give away any of my chandelier hanging tips and tricks to anyone. WHEEEEE!>
Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors.
Also Very High Heels.
How'd you know about the mirrors????
A little wine....I'm psychic.
hmm, they are getting cuter by the moment...maybe if i show mr. d he will break...
Oh, too sweet. Snuggly puppies, mmmm...
Yes I came in this morning at 2:30, slipped off my shoes and stepped directly into a puddle of piss.... so cuddly.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:Yes I came in this morning at 2:30, slipped off my shoes and stepped directly into a puddle of piss.... so cuddly. least it wasn't poo...
look into my eyes... you are getting sleepy.... you want this puppy... you would drive across country for it.... you must have her......
Well, all of the puppies have been adopted out to very good homes except Ire.
And, if he doesn't leave the friggin' christmas tree alone...
And my shoes...
And Bears underwear...
And daughters bookbag...
and socks...
And chair legs...
And couch cushions...
What the heck happened to cute and cuddly???
who needs trees and shoes and bookbags and underwear and and
you've got love, baby!
She's right, ya know, Squinney.
I warned you about love with toenails.
Tell Ire he should concentrate just a little harder. He should focus his exploration/distruction.
Hold your dominion.