I have been lost but I've been found...and I am glad to hear most of the puppies have found good homes! Just make sure Ire doesn't get the cord! we had a friend who's do did that, he just wasn't the same after that...
I bought him some rawhide bones (grilled steak flavor- yummm!) and he has thoroughly focused. Gone through three of them in just over a day and a half!
I've gotta get a picture for you guys. Bear found a pacifier in the store that someones little one lost. He dropped it in his pocket and forgot about it.
When he got home he remembered it and put it on the coffee table.
Look around a few minutes later and there's Ire with the pacie in his mouth. OMG! Right out front, under his nose like he was really sucking on it.
He carries it around, puts it in the chair with him while he naps, takes it in his crate to sleep at night...
I hate when they are so cute you just can't get mad at 'em.
And, yes, all cords are out of reach. I've been very insistant about not leaving anything plugged in that he might chew on.