Wolf wrote:Conservatives believe liberals are insane, social whackos.
Good.....my point came through loud and clear.
Actually Wolf.......there are two more adjectives that must be included.......
Good case in point........the current scandalous behavior of Senators, Durbin and Schumer...et al, who will further polarize the electorate with their vapid, vacuous questioning of SPC nominee Edwards.
Durbin, you will remember, is the empty headed Senator who insulted our troops and then when it was explained to him what he had said, backed away bowing and scraping with profuse meaningless apologies. Then when you add Chappaquiddick Kennedy and Vietnam (Hero) Kerry to the mix you will then get some idea just how dangerous and irresponsible these fools are.
BTW, Bernie Goldberg could never be considered an extreme, fringe, right winger..........he is a former liberal journalist who was mugged by reality. Look him up on Google. He is now a highly respected author.