Tue 26 Jul, 2005 10:04 am
I'm sure that as the Republican party continues to splinter and unravel with one scandal after another, the Dems will step up and start "re-introducing" themselves to the American people.
Unfortunately, it'll probably be the same old, tired crap. But if they noticeably take a much more moderate stance on many issues of the day, I think Republicans could be in serious trouble.
I think what the republicans do really well is stay on message and unite thier vote. A democracy shouldn't be that way (and I am not saying that the Dems are more democratic) but it seems to be what works.
I think Dookie has it right that we are seeing the Republican party fraction a bit and come off message. This is healthy for democracy - and I think that the Dems should not attempt to unify thier message. They should bring the different constituencies interests to bear and make the senate and house a place of varied interests.
Well, being FOR somthing then ACTUALLY DOING IT are 2 different things.
Politicians on both sides are guilty of the "SAY ANYTHING TO GET ELECTED" routine.
However, the Democrats are way behind the Republicans since the republicans SAY they stand for something.
I think todays voter is more aware and knowledgeable and will not fall for this trap that the Dems are laying.