Yes, Intrepid, that is what I am talking about. Starting over from scratch. This is all to help me (and hopefully, others) pin some things down.
I started this out with only three rules because I realize that others will want to make changes in the rules as our UPN scenario grows. So, actually, we don't even have any Hitlers yet in the UPN.
And if you are insane, then so am I. I too believe everyone has the right to their beliefs, to be respected, if for nothing else than that they are a person, and to not be ridiculed.
But, I also realize there will be those that will try to break, bend, twist, and distort the laws and justify their actions in doing it. Herein comes the problems of the society. From there, is where we start finding solutions.
So, Frank, you don't have to respect the person's beliefs, ideas, or actions. But, just simply respect the human being as a human being period. If you feel they are breaking the law, as I have asked you before, would you then break the law also? Would you break Law Number 2 or would you just turn them into the authorities and let them handle it?
I promise Frank, once we really get this thing going, you are going to be very instrumental in this discussion. So, I hope I answered your question at least a little bit. Just for the early stages of the UPN here, pretend we don't have any Hitlers, etc. It's like the United States in the fifties didn't have rampage killings and such (if they did they didn't have them to the extent they do today - just trying to head you off on that one!
