BillRM wrote:
His parents needed to get him vaccinated in any school system in the US before he could attended for a whole serious of diseases.
Just to be clear most of the states in the US do allow for religious exemptions from any vaccine. Florida being one. There are even some states that allow exemption for philosophical reasons. To be honest I don't know the details of either and I am sure there are different parameters to meet either.
The reason I was thinking this - is I do remember some kids in my school when I was young that did not participate in certain things and were able to be excluded from some others for religious reasons. Kind of prompted my thinking that is likely that some kids were exempt from vaccinations as well so I took a peek.
I am not an anti - vaxer or whatever you would call them - I am cautious about what I allow in my body and did so for my kids but I do support most vaccines. Just thought it interesting (and probably adding a bit more fuel to fire).
I agree that Kyrie is an a$$ and I highly doubt he is doing this for those who cannot speak for themselves - and he has plenty of money so I do not worry he will be suffering.
And Kyrie went to private school - at least for high school so he did not have to necessarily be vaccinated (depending on the requirements for private vs public).